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Well that's just downright terrifying....200m (650ft) tsunami goes wibble-wobble in Greenland Fjord for 9 days last year.

I heard about this. It was land locked and steep sided. So the energy in the waves had nowhere to go

I heard it was over a week, before the waters were calm

The volume of land mass or ice must have been huge to generate such an amount of displacement energy

You’ll be glad you didn’t go fishing there, that day 😂
You would think someone would fly a helicopter or plane to get some kick ass footage of this...

I think they said that by the time anyone noticed and because it was so isolated. No one got there in time 😬😂

There were some stills of a ‘dust cloud’ they think is when the land spill happened


Gold Member
So it was a landslide that generated a wave?

"Look at these massive steep fjords, carved out by ice! Oh wait, one of these steep sided, very deep cliff faces collapsed? MUST BE CLIMATE CHANGE!!!"

How do they think these fjords were made in the first place? Repeated freezing and thawing cycles perhaps?

Anyway, the area didn't really look like it had been swept by a 200 meter wave, more like a muuuuch smaller wave that reached 200m up the coastline in the places they measured.

If you actually read what they say, the waves that bounced around were a (still impressive) 7 meters high but the "200 meter" number is just how high the water got opposite the collapse.

Typical lazy journalism with a clickbait title if you ask me.

Still, woulda been a HELL of a surf, maybe Tom Cruise can do it for M:I 9, though Bond did it first :p



Gold Member
Inches, feet, statues of liberties, football fields. Its how we measure things in America.
Well, I'll take 2 Sydney sweenys and a half a ana de armas in exchange for an alexandra daario and 2/5ths of a Jenny mcCarthy.

Any 'muricsn should be able to figure this out :p
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