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Went to SuperMarket... saw lots of people waiting for that Halo game.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
True story.

Went to the store to pickup some hot chocolate. Unfortunately, the Safeway near my home was out of my preferred brand, Ghirardelli Double Chocalate, so I had to drive another 10 minutes to a Giant Food on the other side of town. Next to this Supermarket there is a small GameStop store. I was surprised and confused to see between 40 and 50 people loitering around the closed GameSpot entrance. Was there some kind of fight?

I parked and went inside the Giant. While using the CoinStar inside it dawned on me that the halo game was launching tomorrow. A midnight release?! Why bother? They didn't even let us Nintendo people pick up the Nintendo GameCube at midnight when it released. And that was on a Saturday! I know because I drove around looking. Had to wait in line with the parents the next day. Why should GameStop accommodate those people, for a single game, when they or any of the other stores wouldn't stay open for our system launch. "Its not fair. Life's just not fair." I said to myself while paying for the hot chocolate. The check-out-counter women nodded in agreement.

Now I was pissed. Righteously pissed off.

Pulling out of the parking lot, you have no idea how hard it was not to hit the gas and pull the steering wheel hard to the right. My little brother, Smapty, who'd been waiting in the car, yelled "Do it. Do it! Do it! Do it! Doooo Iiiiit!!" But I am a gentleman. Plus, I had the insight to realize that not all those people are aware they are supporting the Xbox. Some likely parents and brothers who are just gift buying for their xbot family members. People who wouldn't know the difference between an CubeBoX or an X-station. I calmly kept on driving past the crowd waiting in the cold. Smapty flipped them the bird.

Been through that ordeal, and have had chance to think it over a cup of hot chocolate, and I feel better about myself. I have passed a test. Needless to say Smapty does not see it my way.



rollin' in the gutter
Pure Gahiggidy Excellence.

Proving Exhibit A:


And adding to the countless # of Halo 2 threads :D


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Is this a GameSpot exlcusive deal? Surprised so many x-peeps would be waiting at a relatively obscure location. This wasn't at a major strip mall or anything like that.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
6,500 x 50 == 325,000

Eh, I guess that's not so much.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, I remember reading this, and wanted to say something... profound... but the words just failed me.

Could be the funniest thing Gah posted here though. I could already picture him as an old, wise man, who just accepted the truth, and learned to live with his demise.

Maybe, one day, every one of us will be in his shoes, and on that day, I hope we'll have as much strenght as to not crash the car into the people on the sidewalk.

Musashi Wins!

Gahgiddy is fanboy distilled...fanboy become transcendant. You cannot argue. Like all good things...he also doesn't overextend himself. He's a hardcore Ndrone that doesn't make you throw up in your mouth.
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