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Westboro Baptist (Fred Phelps) Comments on Tsunami

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my gosh if they weren't so serious, I would think that they're fake


I've heard he's only got like 60+ actual church members and most of em are family and close friends. he doesn't melt away because he's so over the top.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
That little sign with the two Swedes getting ready to butt-fuck is too funny...you just know the guy who drew it was turned on by his drawing. Stupid closet-cases...


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
You know, this is exactly what I thought when I heard about the tsunami too.

Those homo-fascists.
"In his sermon pastor Green criticized the registered partnership for violating the story of the creation. He further stated that aids was caused by homosexual acts. And that homosexuals are a cancer tumour of today’s society."

"In the verdict the district court argues that pastor Green has violated the law of agitation against an ethnic group by expressing obvious disrespect of individuals because of their sexual orientation. And that it is obvious that the aim of his sermon was to disdain homosexuals as a group."

"The district court also states that the right of gays to be protected against offences is more important, than the right of pastor Green to make his offensive statements in the name of religion."



2000 swedes ?

Shit...that's a lot. Then I'm surprised Finnish people doesn't have done similar jokes about it...
ourumov said:
2000 swedes ?

Shit...that's a lot. Then I'm surprised Finnish people doesn't have done similar jokes about it...
what? Not thats insulting. We dont hate swedes. We just like to kick their asses in sports, hockey especially. About 260 finns are missing too, most probably dead. I guess most of the tourists were from Scandinavia, Thailand is a very popular place to spend holidays here...


My father worked for a Finnish Corporation that produced paper...Tampella was called I believe (it's said that the first thing a Finnish would do if he was on a desert island would be to cut all the trees to make paper)...
In 10 years of work he had to go several times to Finland and he always says that nearly all the jokes they did there implied a swed...Some of them were not very pleasant but well when you are invited to a foreign country it's better to do like them XD. When asked about Finland they first thing my father remembers is their hate for sweds.
Shit...Why did he buy a SAAB ? 1 year later he was out.

Sure not all finnish people are this way plus they probably aren't joking about this...I did a stupid generalization sorry.


So terrible it almost loses meaning and becomes funny. Sure he's a crackpot moron and sometimes it's nice to laugh at his idiotic antics but still feel bad for the Swedish families who might have to read his drivel.

The line "With respect to each of these earthquake-dead perverts..." was just extra mind-blowing for me for some reason though. ;)
yeah sure we joke a lot about swedes and I guess they joke about us finns too. And I have heard people in Norway joke about us both. :lol

I admit jokes are sometimes quite harsh.... but its all good fun. I dont think anyone here really hates swedes. We are neighbours and have a great relationship.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I want to be,
Pony trekking or camping,
Or just watching TV,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
It's the country for me.

You're so near to Russia,
So far from Japan,
Quite a long way from Cairo,
Lots of miles from Vietnam.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I want to be,
Eating breakfast or dinner,
Or snack lunch in the hall,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
Finland has it all.

You're so sadly neglected,
And often ignored,
A poor second to Belgium,
When going abroad.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I quite want to be,
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
Finland has it all.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I quite want to be,
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall,
Finland, Finland, Finland,
Finland has it all.

Finland has it all...
wtf :lol

btw, there are no lofty mountains in Finland, only small "arctic hills". Is that a proper word,heh? But we have Santa Claus! That has to count something... He doesnt live in North Pole but here in FINLAND.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I can't believe this isn't a joke..I really really thought it was.

edit - why does the media pay this guy attention? The whole godhatesfags.com thing is a little infamous, so I guess that's where it all started? Actually - does the media pay him much attention at all, or is it just an internet thing? I'm not in America so it's hard for me to tell.


Project Midway said:
wtf :lol

btw, there are no lofty mountains in Finland, only small "arctic hills". Is that a proper word,heh? But we have Santa Claus! That has to count something... He doesnt live in North Pole but here in FINLAND.

No, he's in the North Pole. You Finns and Danes all think you know where Santa lives. He is not in Greenland or in the flat plains of Finland.


SpoonyBard said:
Yeah, that's not nearly enough.

Why would anyone who calls himself a liberal say something like that? Free speech should include the right to say things that are offensive and bigoted.


Minotauro said:
That little sign with the two Swedes getting ready to butt-fuck is too funny...you just know the guy who drew it was turned on by his drawing. Stupid closet-cases...
Actually, the little demon head watching the stick figures is what cracks me up. I'm trying to imagine what kind of sound it would make to go along with that face.

Yeah, this "pastor" is a sick fuck. Other than beating the crap out of him in a parking lot, though, what can you do about this kind of nut?


How the hell did he come to that conclusion from that passage?

Also, it seems that he's jealous of the gays because they don't have to do the things he has to put up with. "I can't enjoy life; no one else should either!"

Jim Bowie

This pastor!!!!!!! of!!!!!!! the new church of hate!!!!!!!!!! abso!!!!!!!!lutely!!!! loves exclaimation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, thanks for preaching love and tolerance like Jesus, ass.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Those guys came to my town to picket our churches, when they got here they realized there was a company that made vaccum cleaners whose parent company was in sweeden, so they picketed them as well. Overall it was really lame, cause they split up between several churches so there was only like 5 or so people at each, and then they only stayed outside each one for a short time before moving on to another church, barely enough to get anyone's attention. You'd think that being so organized they would make more of a scene. It was bogus though, especially since they did it durring times of worship.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Maybe the Tsunami isn't God's wrath against the Swedes at all - perhaps the Almighty One was really targeting good old Ake and just missed his Euro visit by a few months!

Meanwhile, in Heaven, in the throne room...



yoshifumi said:
these people may be morons, but homo-fascist is a pretty funny term

They "may be morons"? They are morons. Even worse, they're moral-fascists, dictatorial zealots who're no less fanatical than the Islamo-fascists we're waging war against.
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