No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
If you could pick any developer to make a game for an existing franchise, no matter how impossible or unlikely, what would it be?
We’ve seen some weird ones in the past that turned out incredible, like Retro + Donkey Kong Country, or Sega + F-Zero, or Capcom + Zelda. We’ve also had some that turned out, well, pretty bad, like Team Ninja + Metroid, Platinum + Star Fox (though that game sometimes gets an unfair shake), and presumably Bloober + Silent Hill.
But what would be your dream dev + game combo?
My impossible combo would probably be something like Bungie + TimeSplitters.
We’ve seen some weird ones in the past that turned out incredible, like Retro + Donkey Kong Country, or Sega + F-Zero, or Capcom + Zelda. We’ve also had some that turned out, well, pretty bad, like Team Ninja + Metroid, Platinum + Star Fox (though that game sometimes gets an unfair shake), and presumably Bloober + Silent Hill.
But what would be your dream dev + game combo?
My impossible combo would probably be something like Bungie + TimeSplitters.