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What are you playing this month (All Floridians get free Hurricane Packs)?


It's that time again, and you must check in so that we can know if you actually play games instead of reading about them. You may even surprise yourself.

--Mega Man Zero (GBA)
Cyber-elves are a helluva drug. Especially when you try to make it through the whole game without using any of them. Sure, they get fed, but they're getting a free ride this time. The only thing that was giving me trouble with S-Rank was Phantom. But now that's been rectified and he's nowhere near as fast as Zero. A flawless game shall be in my grasp yet

--Far Cry (PC)
Pretty solid game, took up suggestions to play on Realistic and they are giving me some bunk. Just got some new RAM in so I'm only at the third stage, but I like it a lot so far. Not playing multiplayer until I beat singleplayer as I want to discover the weapons as I progress.

--Mega Man Anniversary Collection (PS2)
More Mega, More Man, More Gooder. Brought me back to days when we'd crowd in a friend's room and watch the game get beat. Everybody had a boss they were expert at beating withoug special weapons. I still got it with Needle Man, Top Man and all the bosses on Mega Man 5(6?), but Shadow Man I seem to have lost it in terms of ownage. I will get it back though. He shall not slide me asunder anymore.

--Viewtiful Joe (GC)
Too much waiting for the enemy to attack is the only slight I have against this otherwise great game. Once the beatings start though, my morale improves exponentially. Beating things to pieces has never looked so awesome. I got Fire Leo's number dialed. Bring on Part 2.

--Hurricane Gaiden (XBOX)
Maybe Itagaki's hurricane promotional has gotten a bit out of hand? Like a relentless barrage of western typhoons, Ninja Gaiden 1.1 is eating away at what I used to think were l33t savvy skillz0r. I've beaten it a couple of times, and though I'm not doing the contest I still want to get Master Ninja on all the levels, so once more into the breach. Damn cat demons...

So what game(s) are you rippin' and dippin'?


Hurricane Pack 2 will come out at the end of September. I need to hurry up and beat HP 1 to get ready for 2.

Musashi Wins!

XIII sometimes this game is almost really good.

Rainbow Six: Black ArrowTerrorist hunt rules.

Dynasty Warriors: Empires / Crimson Tears It's a beat 'em up MONDAY coming!

Tales of Symphonia...must..fight...increasing...boredom. Sports a fun combat system that remains novel for 12 hours. Story is in keeping with the genre, ie. appropriate for mongoloids.


Well, the last few games I have beaten were Resident Evil, Jet Set Radio Future, and Kotor. All three were spectacular. I am probably going to start Resident Evil zero soon, but beyond that I don't know.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Call of Duty - Just beat it today actually. Overrated.

Mega Man Zero - This game is kicking my ass, but it's fun

Front Mission 4 - Awesome game. Giants robots + turn based strategy = fucking sold. (plus it's only $25 if you use GGC at Best Buy)

Far Cry - Another awesome game (and it's only $20 at Fry's!)


I wish I could play the HP offline. I'm not good enough for a ranking to matter, and I don't like having to be on XBL to play it. :(


I don't know about the entire month, but over the last week or so...

Silent Hill 3 - I beat SH1 and SH2 when they were released, but I got sidetracked and never finished SH3. With the fourth in the series being released next week, I started a new game this weekend so I can be up to date on the entire series.

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - Yep.

Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires - I really do love this series. There are times when I get burned out on DW, but the urge always comes back sooner or later.
Gradius V - Perhaps the hardest game I have played this generation. Reminds of a time when games took actual skill to finish. Kudos to Treasure!

Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution - It really is the best fighting game available


Tag of Excellence
Hurricane Pack for me for free yay! And another Hurricane Pack will be released in Florida at the end of next week, double yay!


Jack Flack always escapes!
Silent Hill 3 (PC). I'm cheap, when I was able to get it for $7 I finally coughed up the cash. Just finished it today, it wasn't that bad, though the dialogue was aweful. IMO #3 has my personal favorite alternate reality levels.
Still playing the fire sale games I bought last week-Malice and BattleStar Galatica. Hold the cheap shots though,theyre actually pretty good. Alot more than I thought they would be. Malice really has surprised me thus far. The platforming is pretty fun and the puzzles are actually layed out pretty well.
Went back to play Vagrant Story again, which I never finished the first time around. It's going a lot more smoothly this time and I'm having a lot of fun. I think I'm about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way done. After I finish that, probably nothing, until some new titles come out later this month: Katamari Damacy, Shin MegaTen III , and maybe Shadow Hearts 2 .
Star Ocean 3 (as soon as Square sends me my copy) and possibly Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 if I have time. Of course, I still need to finish Astro Boy GBA and Front Mission 3. Maybe Pikmin also.
World of Warcraft
um, that's about it

Also tried out MMX:Command Mission and LotR:The Third Age yesterday. First impressions: pretty blah games overall.


Pro Evo Soccer 4 - PS2
NHL 2005 - PS2
Chronicles of Riddick - Xbox
Fire Emblem - GBA

... should get around to playing Fifa 2005 as well. And hopefully I will get to try Football Manager 2005 on wednesday.
Not a lot really.

I beat Sudeki. Fortunately it was short and over quickly. I'm giving Riddick a rest after getting screwed over by the save system at the same section too many times. I'll probably go back to it, unless it gets squeezed out by the flood of new releases soon to be unleashed. Other than that, a bit of Champions of Norrath.

Just twiddling my thumbs until Burnout3. So close now.


Pikmin 2 should last me a couple more days... probably will stretch into next week since I'm getting busy in school now.

When I'm done I should probably start Parasite Eve.. or finish Vagrant Story or something.


Steroid Distributor
I just started Kotor again. I got a new xbox and the gamesave is too big for my memory card. I wasn't that far into really.. It never really grabbed me before. I'm more interested in playing it right though.
I'm also playing some Madden when fellow gafers are online, which is few and far between.
I just finished Freedom Fighters last week
And I started playing XIII a bit as well. As said earlier, it's almost good sometimes.

I'm really just trying to make some space for Silent Hill 4 and Fable .


Star Ocean-repeating what I said in that topic, the AI fucking SUCKS and I don't like the fact that I'm stuck on Dragon Quest world for half the game, but it's one of the better RPGs I've played this year. Super melee combos are fun

Vice City-can't stop playing, even after a whole year

King of Fighters 00/01-since I can't find the appropriate Mame download to play 2003 again this will do for now. <3 Athena

Front Mission 4-fun, takes a while to finish fights though
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