In the year 2041...
Will you belong to one of the handful of tech megacorporations that control the wealth and power of the West, linked up with a Neuralink cyberbrain and various body prostheses to improve your productivity up to the baseline requirements for your stock options?
Or will you be living your best life in the slums of Columbus, Ohio, with your escapist VR rig and the trickle of President Yang's Freedom Dividend to pay for your food cubes, hoping that the girl with the purple-haired avatar in The Oasis really does look like Olivia Cooke IRL as she promises?
There may also be free space for new acolytes at Kanye West's underground lair in Wyoming, but Sunday Service will involve worshipping Yeezus, Tuesdays are palanquin duty, and Kanye may mistake you for Kim -- or Ray J -- or both -- during his manic episodes.