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What is the best beer?

Hello everyone. I am here with a question. I would like to try some different beers but don't know where to start. Currently my favorite is Dos Equis Ambar or Yuengling Black and Tan. I need something TASTY to try. I had a "banana bread" beer that I got at the store which was incredible, but it was so expensive.




If you have a true wine by you, go there and make a custom 6 pack. They have tons of craft beers. But yeah it will cost you depending on what you get. Honestly it's better to drink the stuff you truly like less often than stopping at good enough. And always pick up and try new beers. Never know what will be your new favorite


These days when I get beer, I usually get local craft brews and go by label and what kind of beer (Lager, Ale, IPA, Porter, etc.)

This Triple hopped India Pale Ale has been my favourite for a while.


Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
It changes as time goes by, but for the past few years this:

Has been my favourite. I assume you're in the US, that link ought to help you find out if it's available near you.

Also Blue Moon, with a slice of orange.
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Gold Member
I don't drink anymore but back in the mid 2000s I really liked tequila beer. Couldn't tell you if any current brands are good though.
The absolute best is Bomb! Be warned it is heavy and expensive, but worth it.

But since it is September go with a nice Märzen. St. Arnold’s Oktoberfest is my favorite, but founders and Sam Adam’s are both good.
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Years ago I had this and it genuinely blew my mind:
No idea if it's still just as good or if everyone else has caught up by now. I can't get it anywhere near Wisconsin, so I have no idea. I had a friend bring it back from CA for me.


If it had to be something I can get any day, it's Dead Guy Ale:



I didn't like beer until I drank Belgian/Eastern France pale ales. Most aren't cheap because importation and what not so that's a bit of a bummer. Otherwise I usually just go with something from Mexico when I don't want to pay a lot. Belgians are the Gods of brewing ale. Really good stuff.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Moretti is pretty decent

I know everyone has an opinion, but Moretti and Peroni's vice like grip on Italian restaurants have spoilt many a pizza date for me, I hate them both but hate more how often they're stocked side by side as the only choice by restaurants.
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Gold Member
not trying to be one of those "people" but Kane Head High is my go-to, never fail, great beer, but it's not available everywhere I am sure.

For stuff you can get everywhere... I dunno, I think Sam Adams makes a great beer, and I do like their Winter Lager seasonal (not the Cold Snap).


I like sours and ale, also drink Guinness drought as everyday or space dust or something bitter like Indian pale ale


I really like this but haven't been able to find it the last few years I'm my area

The last few weeks I've been enjoying Sierra Nevada's Octoberfest. Also New Belgium's Fat Tire has been good. I think they changed the recipe recently but have no clue what's different. Both are easy to find at the grocery store. But they best thing you have will be something local. Feels like you can throw a rock in your back yard and hit 3 different micro brews these days and now likely than not they will have something with drinking.


One of my favorites, Lagunitas Maximus Colossal IPA.

If I want something lighter I go for Pistonhead Kustom Lager (Swedish brand).
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Gold Member
1664 Blanc is the most pleasurable beer I've drunk. It has tones of orange and is just excellent.



If I'm in a sauna I think prefer Karhu. Simply a good beer when you don't want any of that fancy stuff.



Gold Member
Usually drink Stella or Amstel at restaurants .but for special weekends at home with friends , playing videogames , watching UFC or NFL game , this is my favorite :

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Gold Member
Are you going to name any or are you just being a weeb?
I’m not that poster, but I can vouch for Kirin Ichiban. One of the rare beers that have me still almost unfazed after two cans, and it’s really good.

Kozel dark is great, too (quite literally the GOAT):



Gold Member
OP, your best bet for discovering new beers is to ask around at beer friendly venues (the growler fills, taprooms with 40+ taps, liquor stores with a Depp beer inventory) about when they will have tasting sessions and "beerfests" with lots of different craft brewers. Then you can really dive into different styles without having to drop a ton of $$$.

Otherwise at least go to places that do flights, plenty of microbreweries and beer restaurants will have these.


Over the decades my favorites have included:

Miller Genuine Daft (American piss)
Modelo Especial (my go-to ever since trying it at a Dodger game three years ago)


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I’m not that poster, but I can vouch for Kirin Ichiban. One of the rare beers that have me still almost unfazed after two cans, and it’s really good.

Yeah, I know Japan has decent beer - you can get Asahi and Kirin pretty widely on tap in the UK.

Yebisu is pretty decent from what I remember when I went to Tokyo in 2009, and I recently picked up a few different cans from a company called Hitachino from a local deli (for a stupid price) which were really nice.

That said, still just getting weeb vibes from the guy I quoted.
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I think everyone does it’s about 8% isn’t it?
It's less than that but still high-ish. When I was drinking high alcohol beers (which I don't do anymore unless I'm out and about), it was one of the beers I stopped buying because I would consistently get hangovers whenever I had a few. There are other 7%+ beers I can drink without any hangover. When you get drunk every night consistently for years and years, these are the kinds of things you notice.
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