I know theres been a lot of wrestling threads in OT lately, but bear with me here. I think this thread is relevant given the historic event that was last nights Monday Night Raw.
I thought it was the best segment in the history of television wrestling is how respected wrestling journalist and living, breathing wrestling encyclopedia Dave Meltzer described last nights Daniel Bryan Retirement Speech. Meltzer has literally seen it all, so for him of all people to describe the segment in that way, it must have been really special. And it was. For anyone who missed it, you can watch the full segment here.
However, as emotional and memorable as last night's speech was, I personally would have to disagree with the Meltz. While I would rank it as the #1 retirement speech in wrestling history (above such legendary company such as Ric Flair, Edge, and Shawn Michaels losing his smile), and probably somewhere in the top 5 moments in TV wrestling history, for the GREATEST moment, wed have to go back to January 4th, 1999.
Allow me to briefly paint a picture here. In 1999, wrestling ruled the fucking world. Between WWF and WCW, wrestling programming would regularly bring in 10 million viewers every Monday, which is insane to think about 17 years later. In June of 1998, Undertaker threw Mankind off a fucking cage and through a table. This would become possibly the most replayed moment in wrestling history, and Mick Foley would instantly become a fan favorite, despite not fitting the traditional physical mold of a top level pro wrestler. His crowd reactions were second to only one man
A large part of Austins success was thanks to the diabolical Mr. McMahon, the greatest villain in pro wrestling history and the ultimate foil to Stone Cold. In November of 1998, McMahon and his stable, The Corporation, had managed to recruit the next biggest wrestler on the roster after Foley and Austin: The Rock. Thanks to McMahon, Mankind was screwed out of the title in his match against The Rock at Survivor Series 1998, and the Peoples Champ became the Corporate Champ. The Corporation would continue to run roughshod over the WWF; Rock would use the influence of the boss and goons like Big Bossman and Ken Shamrock to keep the WWF title around his waist, often through nefarious means.
Finally, let's enter Raw, which was pre-recorded and going up against a live Nitro. About an hour into the show, Mankind had a match against Triple H. Winner would get a spot in the 1999 Royal Rumble but the guest referee would be Shane McMahon, a member of The Corporation. Predictably, Triple H would win the match thanks to an extremely fast count by Shane. Mankind was once again SCREWED by The Corporation. Enraged, Foley would take Shane hostage in the middle of the ring. Stretching Shane and threatening to break his shoulder, Vince is forced to book a championship match between Foley and The Rock. No disqualification. To even up the odds against Vinces Corporation stable, who would stand ringside in the Rocks corner, Mankind managed to recruit the most over stable in the WWF, D-Generation X, led by Triple H, the fourth most over performer on the roster, and the New Age Outlaws, the biggest tag team at the time. For once, the playing field was even. A WWF title match, on Raw, between the two biggest stars in the company besides Stone Cold Steve Austin, who was conspicuously absent for the entire show.
The two would have a great match, as expected from these two pros. About 10 minutes into the match, Mankind would lock in his finishing move, the Mandible Claw with Mr. Socko. However, Ken Shamrock would break the submission with a chair shot to Foleys back. Billy Gunn would run in and get Shamrock out of the ring, as they battled onto the floor.
Crowd is losing its shit. Michael Cole, with Jim Ross in his ear, is selling this like its the greatest thing that has ever happened on planet Earth. Heel Jerry Lawler is in prime form, disgusted that FOLEY of all people is the new world champion. Vinces facials are incredible. Not him! Anyone but him! Austin throws his baseball cap at that son bitch. YOU TRASH. Vince is PISSED. You son of a bitch! Rock sells like he doesnt know where he is, unable to even walk without the assistance of The Corporation. Austin walks out, flipping the double bird, and allows Mankind to have his moment.
This is the ultimate payoff for an underdog character. Nothing in wrestling would come close until 15 years later, when Daniel Bryan would win the title at Wrestlemania 30. The crowd wanted nothing more than Mankind getting his revenge against Vince, Rock and The Corporation. And, as always, seeing Austin be a bad ass, raise some hell, beat the shit out of someone and make Mr. McMahon look foolish. They got it, and judging by their reaction, they loved it!
As mentioned, Nitro was live going up against a taped Raw. Nitro would often give away the results of taped Raws on air in an attempt to keep viewers on Nitro, and this night would be the most famous and well remembered example of this. That's gonna put some butts in the seats. Well it did. Foley was gonna win the title? Nitro viewers werent turned off by that! Most of them turned over to USA to see how the events unfolded, and were delighted by the greatest segment in TV wrestling history. Meanwhile, Nitro ended with the fingerpoke of doom, arguably the WORST moment in TV wrestling history.
So, to sum things up:
1. You have the payoff to a hot storyline that dates back months between the current champion and the underdog #1 contender that got screwed by said champion.
2. A show long storyline that would establish the title match halfway through the show, and put in stipulations that would almost certainly result in a clean finish.
3. A match between the second and third biggest stars in the company, with the biggest heel and his faction on the outside of the ring, along with the most over babyface faction in the company on the other side. Finally, the biggest star in wrestling would get involved at the end.
5. This moment killed WCW. That night, Raw did a 5.7 rating and Nitro did a 4.9. Wrestling ruled the world that night, but it was all downhill from there for WCW, and just over two years later they would be bought by Vince McMahon.
Sorry Mr. Meltzer, the Bryan retirement was great, but Im not sure if the main event of the January 4th, 1999 Raw will ever be topped.
Watch the entire 15 minute segment here. Coincidentally, Stone Cold recently presented a scientific breakdown of the entire main event that night, providing an awesome insight into the behind the scenes of such a segment and the psychology involved with what I believe it ultimately the greatest segment in TV wrestling history. Watch that here, it's fantastic.
What does GAF think? Do you agree that Bryans retirement speech was the greatest moment in TV wrestling history? What is your greatest/favorite TV wrestling moment?

I thought it was the best segment in the history of television wrestling is how respected wrestling journalist and living, breathing wrestling encyclopedia Dave Meltzer described last nights Daniel Bryan Retirement Speech. Meltzer has literally seen it all, so for him of all people to describe the segment in that way, it must have been really special. And it was. For anyone who missed it, you can watch the full segment here.
However, as emotional and memorable as last night's speech was, I personally would have to disagree with the Meltz. While I would rank it as the #1 retirement speech in wrestling history (above such legendary company such as Ric Flair, Edge, and Shawn Michaels losing his smile), and probably somewhere in the top 5 moments in TV wrestling history, for the GREATEST moment, wed have to go back to January 4th, 1999.

Allow me to briefly paint a picture here. In 1999, wrestling ruled the fucking world. Between WWF and WCW, wrestling programming would regularly bring in 10 million viewers every Monday, which is insane to think about 17 years later. In June of 1998, Undertaker threw Mankind off a fucking cage and through a table. This would become possibly the most replayed moment in wrestling history, and Mick Foley would instantly become a fan favorite, despite not fitting the traditional physical mold of a top level pro wrestler. His crowd reactions were second to only one man

A large part of Austins success was thanks to the diabolical Mr. McMahon, the greatest villain in pro wrestling history and the ultimate foil to Stone Cold. In November of 1998, McMahon and his stable, The Corporation, had managed to recruit the next biggest wrestler on the roster after Foley and Austin: The Rock. Thanks to McMahon, Mankind was screwed out of the title in his match against The Rock at Survivor Series 1998, and the Peoples Champ became the Corporate Champ. The Corporation would continue to run roughshod over the WWF; Rock would use the influence of the boss and goons like Big Bossman and Ken Shamrock to keep the WWF title around his waist, often through nefarious means.
Finally, let's enter Raw, which was pre-recorded and going up against a live Nitro. About an hour into the show, Mankind had a match against Triple H. Winner would get a spot in the 1999 Royal Rumble but the guest referee would be Shane McMahon, a member of The Corporation. Predictably, Triple H would win the match thanks to an extremely fast count by Shane. Mankind was once again SCREWED by The Corporation. Enraged, Foley would take Shane hostage in the middle of the ring. Stretching Shane and threatening to break his shoulder, Vince is forced to book a championship match between Foley and The Rock. No disqualification. To even up the odds against Vinces Corporation stable, who would stand ringside in the Rocks corner, Mankind managed to recruit the most over stable in the WWF, D-Generation X, led by Triple H, the fourth most over performer on the roster, and the New Age Outlaws, the biggest tag team at the time. For once, the playing field was even. A WWF title match, on Raw, between the two biggest stars in the company besides Stone Cold Steve Austin, who was conspicuously absent for the entire show.
The two would have a great match, as expected from these two pros. About 10 minutes into the match, Mankind would lock in his finishing move, the Mandible Claw with Mr. Socko. However, Ken Shamrock would break the submission with a chair shot to Foleys back. Billy Gunn would run in and get Shamrock out of the ring, as they battled onto the floor.
Crowd is losing its shit. Michael Cole, with Jim Ross in his ear, is selling this like its the greatest thing that has ever happened on planet Earth. Heel Jerry Lawler is in prime form, disgusted that FOLEY of all people is the new world champion. Vinces facials are incredible. Not him! Anyone but him! Austin throws his baseball cap at that son bitch. YOU TRASH. Vince is PISSED. You son of a bitch! Rock sells like he doesnt know where he is, unable to even walk without the assistance of The Corporation. Austin walks out, flipping the double bird, and allows Mankind to have his moment.

This is the ultimate payoff for an underdog character. Nothing in wrestling would come close until 15 years later, when Daniel Bryan would win the title at Wrestlemania 30. The crowd wanted nothing more than Mankind getting his revenge against Vince, Rock and The Corporation. And, as always, seeing Austin be a bad ass, raise some hell, beat the shit out of someone and make Mr. McMahon look foolish. They got it, and judging by their reaction, they loved it!
As mentioned, Nitro was live going up against a taped Raw. Nitro would often give away the results of taped Raws on air in an attempt to keep viewers on Nitro, and this night would be the most famous and well remembered example of this. That's gonna put some butts in the seats. Well it did. Foley was gonna win the title? Nitro viewers werent turned off by that! Most of them turned over to USA to see how the events unfolded, and were delighted by the greatest segment in TV wrestling history. Meanwhile, Nitro ended with the fingerpoke of doom, arguably the WORST moment in TV wrestling history.
So, to sum things up:
1. You have the payoff to a hot storyline that dates back months between the current champion and the underdog #1 contender that got screwed by said champion.
2. A show long storyline that would establish the title match halfway through the show, and put in stipulations that would almost certainly result in a clean finish.
3. A match between the second and third biggest stars in the company, with the biggest heel and his faction on the outside of the ring, along with the most over babyface faction in the company on the other side. Finally, the biggest star in wrestling would get involved at the end.
5. This moment killed WCW. That night, Raw did a 5.7 rating and Nitro did a 4.9. Wrestling ruled the world that night, but it was all downhill from there for WCW, and just over two years later they would be bought by Vince McMahon.
Sorry Mr. Meltzer, the Bryan retirement was great, but Im not sure if the main event of the January 4th, 1999 Raw will ever be topped.
Watch the entire 15 minute segment here. Coincidentally, Stone Cold recently presented a scientific breakdown of the entire main event that night, providing an awesome insight into the behind the scenes of such a segment and the psychology involved with what I believe it ultimately the greatest segment in TV wrestling history. Watch that here, it's fantastic.
What does GAF think? Do you agree that Bryans retirement speech was the greatest moment in TV wrestling history? What is your greatest/favorite TV wrestling moment?