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What is your favorite time of day?

Best time of day?

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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Not gonna lie, I'm a Night Owl, without question. I'm always so energized, happier, and generally perform better at every task at night.

At first, I thought it was just this sense of freedom. You know, the fact that city streets are empty when you drive, or how there can be no one on the sidewalk when I go for a jog, but when I visited Las Vegas, where the stores were still open and there were still large crowds of people, I was generally still happy and at peace. :)

Every once and awhile, I'm totally guilty of swapping to a full nocturnal schedule. Sleep all day, up all night -- I love it.



No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
We’re all talking on a video game forum in the year of our lord 2024.

Obviously the answer is night. We’re degenerates.


Noon, only because that means work is almost over, otherwise I would be picking Night. If I had it my way, id enjoy nights to its fullest, fall asleep late, like 12AM, maybe 1AM, and then wake up later in the morning, and do it all over again, but I don't have that luxury. I could maybe get away with it on my 3 days off every week, but its hard to go back/forth, so it's noon for me.,

Waking up @ 4AM for work, everything after noon becomes easier and easier as everyone is wanting to leave so I don't get radio calls as much from my coworkers needing assistance, its actually really great, stores are open so you can get stuff done and have the entire day free.

Good thing is, 4th of July week coming up, we got Thursday off and we don't work Fridays, going to use PTO for Wednesday, so I might try the night option, its the best, kids gone to sleep, watching movies, playing games, surfing the web, playing with my toys, its pretty chill.
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Gold Member
Morning. I set my alarm to get up early and have the whole day

Sleeping in is never an option because of my cunt of a upstairs neighbor. I even dream about him.


I'm definitely more energized in the mornings (after a good night's rest mind you) as an early start makes you get more done in the day and just feel better. However, this entirely depends on your schedule and even to this day I'll pull all nighters.... Even if I wake up at 5 or 6am I'll still likely be up past 12am... Though I admit after removing caffeine out of my life the early starts are much harder.
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Late night gaming is peak.

Nothing feels lamer than 'early to bed, early to rise' but I got to admit the times when I did keep that kind of schedule, all my life metrics improved. Doesn't mean I have to like it.


Not gonna lie, I'm a Night Owl, without question. I'm always so energized, happier, and generally perform better at every task at night.

At first, I thought it was just this sense of freedom. You know, the fact that city streets are empty when you drive, or how there can be no one on the sidewalk when I go for a jog, but when I visited Las Vegas, where the stores were still open and there were still large crowds of people, I was generally still happy and at peace. :)

Every once and awhile, I'm totally guilty of swapping to a full nocturnal schedule. Sleep all day, up all night -- I love it.

I'm just like u OP. But being a single folk, sometimes I can feel the loneliness crept in when shops are starting to close
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