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What Monsters from old world you want to see in Wilds?


The nicest person on this forum
We already have confirmation of Congalala thanks the armour set we saw in Dual Blades weapon video.

So what other monster from old world you want to see that never appeared in World and Rise?

For me...


Dah'ren Mohran
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We already have confirmation of Congalala thanks the armour set we saw in Dual Blades weapon video.

So what other monster from old world you want to see that never appeared in World and Rise?

For me...


Dah'ren Mohran
Dah’ren sure though I think I would prefer Jhen.
Malfestio if he has a significant rework and same for Zamtrios

Personally want Deviljho, Monoblos, Kut Ku, Basarios/Gravios, Lao Shan Lung and the BIG one Lagiacrus…Tbf I think Lagi is guaranteed, the rest they have a good opportunity to make them memorable.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Came to post Malfestio, OP beat me to it.

Brachydios and Seregios are amongsr my favs, so seeing those return would be cool.


The nicest person on this forum
vaal hazak
I was mostly asking for monsters in old world.
Dah’ren sure though I think I would prefer Jhen.
Malfestio if he has a significant rework and same for Zamtrios

Personally want Deviljho, Monoblos, Kut Ku, Basarios/Gravios, Lao Shan Lung and the BIG one Lagiacrus…Tbf I think Lagi is guaranteed, the rest they have a good opportunity to make them memorable.
For sure but I REALLY like his design and I really want to see him in new visuals.
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Gold Member
I mostly only played the PSP titles, but:
Shogun Ceanataur

Of course would love to see many monsters from World return.

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The nicest person on this forum
I don’t mind see bring back some from Monster Hunter Online like this guy.
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Lagi, they said issues with the skeleton during worlds development kept the Leviathan's out. I'm hoping that has been fixed and Lagi can return.


The nicest person on this forum
Lagi, they said issues with the skeleton during worlds development kept the Leviathan's out. I'm hoping that has been fixed and Lagi can return.
The thing is we had multiple Leviathan class monsters in Rise including new one like Almudron which was pretty big monster and yet we never got Lagi in base game or Sunbreak.


I was mostly asking for monsters in old world.

For sure but I REALLY like his design and I really want to see him in new visuals.
Just more actual ‘Bird’ Bird Wyverns would be awesome. Desert/Savannah main area is a perfect chance for a Vulture Wyvern potentially. Malfestio agreed looks cool, so to make him actually fit in there needs to be a ecology purpose, maybe there could be a Nocturnal ‘Rat’ type wyvern or something and thats its environmental interaction etc. His fight just needs to lean into his Owl basis more, be awesome if he can perch on branches etc and ambush the Hunter.


The nicest person on this forum
Just more actual ‘Bird’ Bird Wyverns would be awesome. Desert/Savannah main area is a perfect chance for a Vulture Wyvern potentially. Malfestio agreed looks cool, so to make him actually fit in there needs to be a ecology purpose, maybe there could be a Nocturnal ‘Rat’ type wyvern or something and thats its environmental interaction etc. His fight just needs to lean into his Owl basis more, be awesome if he can perch on branches etc and ambush the Hunter.
We also absolutely need actual strong Bird Wyverns in mainline games instead of just being weak early monsters.


We also absolutely need actual strong Bird Wyverns in mainline games instead of just being weak early monsters.
Yep, Im really surprised theres no Phoenix or Roc yet as a Apex monster. I can imagine a Bird Monster thats like Lugia from Pokemon, could literally be a Monster that dives into the sea to catch fish etc like Albatross do.
Super hyped to see whats coming.
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Just FYI confirmed Wilds has FREE swimming, its not linear, you can swim in any direction..Combat not confirmed yet though.
That awesome new Lightning Wyvern is called Raidou.
Camps can get destroyed by Monsters stopping you from fast travelling until you repair them.
Man its getting even more hype 😅


The nicest person on this forum
Just FYI confirmed Wilds has FREE swimming, its not linear, you can swim in any direction..Combat not confirmed yet though.
That awesome new Lightning Wyvern is called Raidou.
Camps can get destroyed by Monsters stopping you from fast travelling until you repair them.
Man its getting even more hype 😅
That’s actually really cool, you actually have think proper spot to set up your camp…..man wait is going be very painful.


We already have confirmation of Congalala thanks the armour set we saw in Dual Blades weapon video.

So what other monster from old world you want to see that never appeared in World and Rise?

For me...


Dah'ren Mohran
I'd be down to see some more land/sea switch creatures like Lagiacrus again from Mh3u. Maybe even Ceadeus. I miss the water fights.


If It happens - Evolved Lagiacrus that can survive on the land but most of the time its in the deep waters in the oasis of MH Wilds


Arch Risen White Fatalis
One of the characters mentions his town was destroyed by the "white fury." So.. You might be close.

I'd love to see Legiacrus return. Taking the time to add explorable underwater sections for the sheer purpose of what... gathering materials? Why develop and entire system around swimming and underwater exploration for that? It just doesn't make sense. I think there is a very good chance we will see a return to underwater combat, and I'm here for it. I'd also like to see a return of truly colossal elder dragons. Dalamadur, Jhen Mohran. I'd like to see a lot of under represented and unusual monsters return. Bring back Yama Tsukami. I think with all of the new mechanics and traversal options, his fight could be really interesting. I'd love to see Shen Gaoren return. Or interesting carapaceons in general that aren't the extremely tired Hermitaur and Ceanataur.

It was stated during Gamescom that you could follow a stream from the Windward Plains to the Scarlet Forest. The Scarlet Forests' most notable feature is a large red river running through it. Where do all rivers end up? The ocean. Food for thought.
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I don’t mind that as long as it’s not another Zorah Magdaros type colossal Elder Dragon. it just not a fun fight.
Completely agree. I think my biggest issues with Zorah Magdaros is he's SO big, and you barely "fight" him. He just lurches forward while you shoot cannons at him for 25 minutes until he gets bored and remembers that he taped Survivor earlier and leaves.

I think there's probably compelling ways to make a large monster fight interesting. I trust Capcom's ability to find that.


The nicest person on this forum
Since with got Espinas in Rise, why not we get another Frontier monster like Akura Vashimu.

This guys would be perfect monster for desert area.
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