Don't derail the thread with witty "add actual story!" or unreasonable stuff like "change the whole combat to one like in KH or Versus!" posts, please.
I'm curious what QoL/UI/balancing changes you guys would like to see through mods in the PC version of FFXV.
Personally I think these following simple things could be done even without that much access to the game's innards, but's let's see how expansive and elaborate the official modding tools will be.
- Audio:
- Combat [there are so many fundamental flaws with the combat that I obviously only list small things here that probably could be changed rather easily through mods]:
- QoL/UI:
- Traversal:
- Outfits:
I'm curious what QoL/UI/balancing changes you guys would like to see through mods in the PC version of FFXV.
Personally I think these following simple things could be done even without that much access to the game's innards, but's let's see how expansive and elaborate the official modding tools will be.
- Audio:
- remove menu music (sry falk) and let the current background music keep playing (if there is silence currently still let the update tick for the music system run so that the song could start playing again at the next intended periodic intervall while in the menu)
- increase play rate of background music while exploring
- no Chocobo theme when riding Chocobos and let current music play (relegate the Chocobo theme to the racing mini-game)
- remove "enemy near" alarm jingle, which unnecessarily interrupts even if you don't intend to waste time fighting low-level mobs and just want to run around
- remove crappy turbo boost sound of the off-road Regalia and the annoying laughter voice clips repeating every 2 seconds (if they haven't already been removed judging from the recently shown PC footage)
- Combat [there are so many fundamental flaws with the combat that I obviously only list small things here that probably could be changed rather easily through mods]:
- if SE doesn't plan on revamping the magic system until the PC version, e.g. to be more like the one in the multiplayer DLC, mod it so that at least the next available spell in your list is automatically placed in the respective weapon slot when the current spell was used up, so you don't have to go into the equipment menu again (the less you have to jump in and out of menus in an action-based game the better)
- change the party AI's item usage rate so they take care of reviving and healing themselves much more reliably (without equipping accessories or unlocking super expensive AP nodes to do this) and so you won't have to break the flow all the time to use items every few seconds in high-level hunts/dungeons
- remove Noctis' rubbing-his-hands animation after a battle which stops your whole movement for a few seconds and is super annoying
- remove result screen for battles that didn't even start properly because you ran away immediately or didn't even want to initiate because you were just exploring
- QoL/UI:
- enable fast-travel from the normal map menu without having to be at your car (saves redundant menu navigation of having to warp to your car first, then open the car menu, select Automatic Drive, select Map Point, move cursor to point-of-interest close to your destination, then select fast-travel)
- this is probably not as simple to mod in, but make it possible to accept several hunts at once or at least after completing one make the reward window pop up right at the spot instead of having to go back to a hunt tipster and then just iterate through the list of hunts that you "know of" by having talked with tipsters so far if that list is accessible for modders (I doubt they could just add an actual Hunt Quest main menu point where you could choose the current active from a list, but who knows what crazy dedicated modders can do.)
UPDATE: Seems they'll actually patch in an "increased hunt capacity" as shown in the TGS FFXV Universe trailer!
- add infinite renting time for Chocobos (Why the hell is it artificially limited to 7 days max in the game? There should've been the option to buy your own Chocobos for a lot of money)
- add hotkey/button combo to instantly call Chocobos so that you don't have to switch between items and the Chocobo menu every time
- add button to jump to the top or bottom of the item list in the combat item menu (e.g. L2/R2 would be free - or you know, just make Left/Right D-pad do it and instead of those use L1/R1 to switch between menu categories)
- add button (e.g. Square) to quickly use one item on all members at once instead of having to do it one by one as it is currently (open menu, select item, select character, confirm, wait a second, open menu again, rinse and repeat 4 times)
- change the button to pick up items so you don't accidentally jump instead all the time, lol (there was even an article on Kotaku about it, haha)
- Traversal:
- make the default car's manual driving actually free too like the off-road car's manual mode (though I assume it won't be as polished as with the off-road car because the lower height of the normal car and thus more possibly accidental collision with small shrubs and the terrain that could make driving super annoying, I guess)
- add infinite sprinting for Noctis (I know there is an accessory and an outfit doing that, but still)
- add infinite sprinting for Chocobos
- Outfits:
- add the Kingsglaive Garb for Noctis too
- add original Versus outfits for Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio (NOT FOR NOCTIS!)