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whats the deal between NBC and Adult Swim?

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StoOgE said:
one of the bookends before birdman was a slam on NBC.. whats the deal?

Adult swim 18-34 ratings and some other demos regularly beat the NBC late night lineup including Jay leno.


First tragedy, then farce.
Ripclawe said:
Adult swim 18-34 ratings and some other demos regularly beat the NBC late night lineup including Jay leno.

wow, thats impressive... since that is the big group that advertisers want.
Any episode that includes the voice of Space Ghost making fun of standard and practices is a good episode of ATHF. Loved the expletive-filled ending.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Man I want to buy the ATHF DVDs, but they're like 30+ bucks and they only have like 15 episodes on them, and each episode is like 15 minutes long. What a rip.


Badabing said:
Man I want to buy the ATHF DVDs, but they're like 30+ bucks and they only have like 15 episodes on them, and each episode is like 15 minutes long. What a rip.

Deep Discount DVD is your new best friend.
They slammed FOX last night too. Go Adult Swim!!!!

Something about how they still can't believe how Fox aired Family Guy last Wednesday. They remember telling Fox they should put Family guy back on the air years ago. The response they got was "never gonna happen". Then they said, "Apparently NEVER was last Wednesday". GO Adult Swim!


Hehe, Adult Swim revives the Family Guy, and FOX starts whorig it again. Fucking scum. They're gonna do the same thing with Futurama, you watch. And I hope AS keeps owning the networks in that demographic. I watch every night. Way better than those lame-ass late-night shows. PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
Hehe, Adult Swim revives the Family Guy, and FOX starts whorig it again. Fucking scum. They're gonna do the same thing with Futurama, you watch. And I hope AS keeps owning the networks in that demographic. I watch every night. Way better than those lame-ass late-night shows. PEACE.

I agree. I spent most of my weeked going through volume two of the ATHF sets and I just find it amazing that these guys have figured it out. I just can't watch the networks anymore. They flooded themselves with talk shows and reality TV and new sitcoms are generally lame. I've watched a lot of NBC recently, but that was because of the Olympics, not for their other programing.

Most of my TV viewing is coming from Comedy Central, Cartoon Network, and HBO. I can live without the rest of the shit.


Queen of Denmark
Sometimes, the knowledge that AS is going to be on that night gets me through the day; even if it's just a weekday and I'm just seeing a Family Guy and Futurama that I've already seen 90 times, it's better than most other crap on television.

Venture Bros. sucks, though. Bring back Home Movies!
Badabing said:
Man I want to buy the ATHF DVDs, but they're like 30+ bucks and they only have like 15 episodes on them, and each episode is like 15 minutes long. What a rip.

I just bought season 2 at Suncoast for $21. Seemed like a good deal to me, and since I don't have a TV I need something to watch when I'm feeling lazy.


Badabing said:
Man I want to buy the ATHF DVDs, but they're like 30+ bucks and they only have like 15 episodes on them, and each episode is like 15 minutes long. What a rip.

That's why I just taped them all when they were airing reruns. When they come out with some real season volumes, I'll be willing to buy them.


what does "ATHF " stand for what kind of show is it?
ATHF=Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

A wad of hamburger meat, a milkshake, and a pack of fries all hang out and get into mischief. Hilarity ensues.

You really gotta watch it to understand.
Pimpwerx said:
Hehe, Adult Swim revives the Family Guy, and FOX starts whorig it again. Fucking scum. They're gonna do the same thing with Futurama, you watch. And I hope AS keeps owning the networks in that demographic. I watch every night. Way better than those lame-ass late-night shows. PEACE.

AS' crack on FOX last night was just hilarious and my favorite part of the segments. I don't care if FOX owns the rights, but they sure as hell don't deserve these new episodes in my book, and I'll be quite disappointed if AS doesn't get them within a decent timeframe. Infact, I still can't help but chuckle (this was especially hilarious during FOX's airing of Road to Rhode Island Wednesday night), when I hear Stewie plead to FOX to keep to show alive until it's syndicated.

Then again, I found it utterly hilarious that AS airs Road to Europe out of nowhere since FOX aired it. They've skipped that episode ever since the first showing I believe, and they really weren't nonchalant about the current airing.
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