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What's the worst thing a game store employee told you?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Hmm... a few years ago, late 2001, early 2002, when I first got my PS2... went to Babbages (now GameStop) to look for some games. I saw Rez... I didn't know much about this game, aside from it being on Dreamcast and having a trance soundtrack (which was the reason my interest was piqued for this game). So I was looking at it, one of the guys came over to "help" me... I asked him if he heard anything about this game... and he said "I've played it, it's a waste of money. Don't bother."... so I didn't...

Picked up the Dreamcast import a few months ago, and all I can say is I'm soooooo pissed I listened to that guy. It's like one of my favorite games, now...
Usually it's just attempts to convince me that games are coming to systems I don't currently own in hopes of me buying it. I don't know if this is store or fanboy motivated. Things like Perfect Dark coming to PS2, which I was told after MS bought Rare from Nintendo. Impossible by any stretch of the imagination.


That time that the guy had like 100 copies of Gran Turismo 2 on top of his little glass display case, and he said I couldn't buy one. But it was *how* he said it... it ended with me calling him a bunch of names and being dragged out of the store.


Queen of Denmark
- That Pokemon Stadium would soon be on PSOne
- That DOA Volleyball would hit the PS2 later that year
- Nintendo is going out of business/not making systems anymore/teaming up with (Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Atari)

And those are just three off the top of my head.
Employees back home have always been really cool to me. I was such a frequent customer between mid '99 and '02 that they all knew me kinda well. I even hung out with some of them to play Halo. One manager would save me launch-rare items and gave me a few of the cardboard cutouts. Another manager even put up some of his money to cover part of my bill went I went on a spree; I guess he knew a hooked consumer when he saw one.

I think about the only time I've felt was just recently when I pre-paid for Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection. The guy twice pitched those damn Nuby gamepads to me. I felt like "Do I need a fucking ASM T-shirt?"

Actually that's a good idea. I wish I'd had one a long time ago that said "No Damn Strategy Guides."


Dumbest thing I ever heard..hmm. I cant recall anything really dumb. The guys at my EB are really cool, although they get pissed off when I hang around their store for hours a time and convince people to buy Xbox or PS2 instead of GC.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
djtiesto said:
Hmm... a few years ago, late 2001, early 2002, when I first got my PS2... went to Babbages (now GameStop) to look for some games. I saw Rez... I didn't know much about this game, aside from it being on Dreamcast and having a trance soundtrack (which was the reason my interest was piqued for this game). So I was looking at it, one of the guys came over to "help" me... I asked him if he heard anything about this game... and he said "I've played it, it's a waste of money. Don't bother."... so I didn't...

Picked up the Dreamcast import a few months ago, and all I can say is I'm soooooo pissed I listened to that guy. It's like one of my favorite games, now...

So the guy's review was as succinct as "it's a waste of money" and you believed him? Come on man, he's working retail, how intelligent could he have been to begin with? :D


When I was picking up fable, the EB dude told some kid's parents that there was a PS2 recall, and that's why no one has any in stock..
"Who the hell plays Dreamcast?" When I raided their DC bin for a 3for2 deal a year for so ago.

I've never been back to that Gamestop. Hassled too much to join that stupid club and I've gotten the stupid shrinkwrapped = new bullshit pulled on me, and guy refused to sell it to me at used price.


Since I make a concerted effort not to talk to them unless absolutely necessary. What I don't like is that there seems to be some kind of rule that all EB managers need to be dicks to kids.


At the time of DC launch, a manager at Babbages told me & my friends who were shopping that Virtua Fighter 3 was a lame button masher and Power Stone was much better fighter.
I almost jumped over the counter after hearing that crap... :lol
"We can't sell you Resident Evil."

Motherfucker...I had been reading about that game for months. Fortunately I got it that day after scowering the city, but that was dissapointing.


The Nintendo Wavebird is two times more expensive than the BigBen wireless controller. That would be in that shop 100 Euro for Wavebird and 50 Euro for the BigBen controller. Later I bought my controller at Amazon.de for 39.99 Euro -_-


dorikyasu said:
At the time of DC launch, a manager at Babbages told me & my friends who were shopping that Virtua Fighter 3 was a lame button masher and Power Stone was much better fighter.
I almost jumped over the counter after hearing that crap... :lol

The truth hurts sometimes. It really really does.


It was a little while ago, I called Gamestop before going in to see if they've gotten Katamari Damacy yet, the kid said, "Not yet, maybe fedex will bring it later."


April 2001 after I thought the PS2 frenzy had died down, I decided to try to buy one on a whim. After work(which means 8:30am) i went from midtown manhattan to the ass-end of Brooklyn to the EB at Kings Plaza.

Me: "Do you have any PS2s in stock?"
Employee: "No we don't"

Thankfully the manager was right there and mentioned there was one in the back that was on reserve but the reservation expired the previous day, so i lucked out. I would have been beyond pissed if after all that travelling and being dead tired, my effort would have been a waste.


Gold Member
Last night when picking up Battlefront: "The NintendoDS has two screens and that makes it twice as powerful as the PSP, so you must pre-order one right now or else you'll NEVER get one."


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
ManaByte said:
Last night when picking up Battlefront: "The NintendoDS has two screens and that makes it twice as powerful as the PSP, so you must pre-order one right now or else you'll NEVER get one."

So by his logic the old Game & Watch devices remain the most powerful handhelds on the planet! That is, until the DS arrives of course.


an (old) assistant manager at my local EB kept telling me to cancel my GT3 pre-order and wait for the xbox version. that the xbox version would make the cars in the races look exactly like the ones in the car select screen

also, when I picked up FFXI one store clerk invited me to his LS on Bismark :v
Years ago I bought a SNES cleaning kit based on the lies of a Funco Land employee. And a few times I've been told they don't have a game in stock, when it was right behind them.

Serafitia said:
It was a little while ago, I called Gamestop before going in to see if they've gotten Katamari Damacy yet, the kid said, "Not yet, maybe fedex will bring it later."

I don't know if this is a joke or not, but shipments do sometimes arrive later in the day by Fedex. I would try calling again later.


I don't think I've ever had a bad experience with game retail staff. Weird, innit?

I actually have a nodding acquaintance with the manager at the Powell Street EB in downtown San Francisco. Nice guy, if you shop there he's the one with short black hair and the big tribal tattoos down the one arm. He used to run the Tanforan Park mall location, before they shut down the mall, which is where we went most days for lunch at IGN. He knew us and the Imagine guys too, and we always used to crack him up bringing in stacks of freebie games to trade in.

Was a time when Eidos would send an entire box of nine copies of a game. So we'd keep one for the office library and trade the rest. We'd go down to the mall and dump eight copies of something like Eve of Extinction or Wave Rally on the guy, sometimes before they'd even shipped to retail.

Man, everyone must be going through hell trying to get Katamari and dealing the same kind of bullshit.

The worst for me was when I was went to get UmJammer Lammy years ago. When I had the jewel case in my hand and went to the counter, and when the counter person took it, he said really loud "What hell is this shit?" And then he asked "This is for your sister, right?" But then, he yells out for his co-worker, and once that guy is paying attention, the cashier held up the game, and then they both started laughing. Way too hard.

Either that or just last week when I called to find out if Dog's Life had arrived (which I was told was not going to come out at a certain date, but then I saw it at Best Buy, I was pissed, but I held off since I had put money down via a pre-order). Anyway, never mind that they only had one line so it took forever to get through (cuz they know customers like nothing better than hearing a busy signal) but when I finally got somebody, and they asked what game it was, it took less than a second for them to say "doesn't exist." When I told this person that he in fact was the one who had made the order, he checked again in the computer and couldn't find it. So he asked me to spell it out. He asked me to spell the word "dog."

Plus there's the time I got into a 10 minute argument regarding Starfox 64 coming out for the PSOne. There's MANY others, but those two come to mind.


FortNinety said:
The worst for me was when I was went to get UmJammer Lammy years ago. When I had the jewel case in my hand and went to the counter, and when the counter person took it, he said really loud "What hell is this shit?" And then he asked "This is for your sister, right?" But then, he yells out for his co-worker, and once that guy is paying attention, the cashier held up the game, and then they both started laughing. Way too hard.

:lol :lol :lol
FortNinety said:
The worst for me was when I was went to get UmJammer Lammy years ago. When I had the jewel case in my hand and went to the counter, and when the counter person took it, he said really loud "What hell is this shit?" And then he asked "This is for your sister, right?" But then, he yells out for his co-worker, and once that guy is paying attention, the cashier held up the game, and then they both started laughing. Way too hard.

You should've went out to the parking lot and slashed their tires.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So I'm, buying a GBA game, I can't remember which one.

"Game Boy, huh? I don't get it. Without polygons, why bother, you know?"
A GS employee once told me that the $5 I had put down on a preorder that I never picked up was no longer good for anything because it had been over 90 days. And I never bought anything at GS again.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Tonight I'm gonna go sell my copy of Vice City back to the store and then pick up Katamari Damacy... just to rebel against the mainstream (well, also because I've got barely any money on me, and can't wait till payday to get this game)... can't wait to hear what they're gonna say ;)
djtiesto said:
Hmm... a few years ago, late 2001, early 2002, when I first got my PS2... went to Babbages (now GameStop) to look for some games. I saw Rez... I didn't know much about this game, aside from it being on Dreamcast and having a trance soundtrack (which was the reason my interest was piqued for this game). So I was looking at it, one of the guys came over to "help" me... I asked him if he heard anything about this game... and he said "I've played it, it's a waste of money. Don't bother."... so I didn't...

Picked up the Dreamcast import a few months ago, and all I can say is I'm soooooo pissed I listened to that guy. It's like one of my favorite games, now...

I've played it. It's a waste of money. Thankfully EB still had their return policy. Got a good game, one with actual gameplay: VICTORIOUS BOXERS!


Back just just before Xbox launced, the "trustworthy" employee at my local GameStop was trying to tell me how Xbox was going to bomb worse than DC. When asked why, "Because Sega's aweful at making consoles every since Genesis." But umm, isn't Xbox made by MS? "No, it's Segas follow up to DC."



I called someone to see if they had Monster Hunter in.
Now, this wasn't a game specific store, so I tried to be specific.
"Hi, I'm calling about a newly released game for playstation 2, its called 'Monster Hunter'"
She holds for a second and says
"Uh, we have Star Wars."
OmniGamer said:
April 2001 after I thought the PS2 frenzy had died down, I decided to try to buy one on a whim. After work(which means 8:30am) i went from midtown manhattan to the ass-end of Brooklyn to the EB at Kings Plaza.

Me: "Do you have any PS2s in stock?"
Employee: "No we don't"

Thankfully the manager was right there and mentioned there was one in the back that was on reserve but the reservation expired the previous day, so i lucked out. I would have been beyond pissed if after all that travelling and being dead tired, my effort would have been a waste.
holy shit, you went all the way to king's plaza just for a ps2?


So, how about we're selling warranties on individual games now at EB? $2 for a game $24.99 or less insures it for a year, $3 for games over $25. I'm kinda curious, though, what happens if the game is long since out of print? No one had an answer for me.

Just when you thought the cashier couldn't ask you any MORE fucking questions.
The other day a store employee was helpful enough to let us know that Square was about to "sign a contract" with the company "Xbox".


The Faceless Master said:
holy shit, you went all the way to king's plaza just for a ps2?

Well sort of...I wanted(needed) some time to de-stress(it's true what they say about postal workers), so i figured the train ride on the 2 to the last stop and then the bus would do me some good. Plus There's more than one videogame store in there so if not EB, maybe Software Etc. And lastly i didn't want to trek all over manhattan trying to find one(i live in brooklyn). After work, i want off that island as soon as possible.


Soul4ger said:
So, how about we're selling warranties on individual games now at EB? $2 for a game $24.99 or less insures it for a year, $3 for games over $25. I'm kinda curious, though, what happens if the game is long since out of print? No one had an answer for me.

Just when you thought the cashier couldn't ask you any MORE fucking questions.

I have a bare minimum of 4 questions I need to ask at TRU (5 technically because I embed two into one question) and it ups it to 6 if they have an item that could take our warranty. Its really getting on my nerve.

I don't know what policy EB uses but if its National Electronics Warranty, if they can't replace the item, they get the amount they paid for it. Although NEW does $2.99 for all games at TRU, so I'm guessing its different.
The indie store I normally shop at is usually pretty cool, but once they did suggest I wait for the US Dreamcast version of Shenmue II when I inquired about the PAL version.

The owner of an anime shop I rented from years ago was convinced that Pokemon games were coming to the PSone, but that guy was a bit of a loon anyway.


Drinky Crow said:
"you're not funny and you don't DESERVE to own a Gamecube"


Sorry, Drinky. I just had to say it.

My worst one was when the little bitch at Best Buy started talking to me about the PS2 and how it's going to be better than the DC because it plays DVDs as I was buying Seaman, two VMUs, Crazy Taxi, and an extra controller.


AniHawk said:
Sorry, Drinky. I just had to say it.

My worst one was when the little bitch at Best Buy started talking to me about the PS2 and how it's going to be better than the DC because it plays DVDs as I was buying Seaman, two VMUs, Crazy Taxi, and an extra controller.

Man, people were really susceptible to horrible brainwashing during the PS2/Dreamcast fiasco, weren't they? It boggles the mind, and the pants.
In 2003, an eb employee told me that Mario was coming out for PS2 in 9 months. When I told her there was no chance in hell that was true, she said that a Sony representative had come by to tell them this and left a memo that said this.
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