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What's with images in quotes?

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I don't know, but I don't like how instead of seeing images in quoted posts, you simply see the URL of the image. Is this a "feature" or a bug? A lot of time, you can't really figure out what image someone is "quoting" with the way it is right now.

Can it be fixed?



I love it. It prevents idiots from quoting entire posts with images so we don't get the same images 10x in the same goddamn page.


Defaulting to the image URL is a 'good thing.' I really hate having to scroll down 80 pagelengths of image quotes just to see :lol or LMAO.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
If people only quoted images when it was necessary, this wouldn't be needed. On the old boards though, tons of idiots would quote several images and then have a one or two word response. Made reading threads a real pain sometimes.


Console Market Analyst
I welcome the change.

You can always copy and paste the image url if you wish to repost. Or are you guys too lazy for that?
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