From Dusk till Dawn
Starts off as an intense crime thriller, with the signature trademark dialogue of Quentin Tarantino, and morphs into an absurd gorefest where the anti-heroes of the story turns into a pack of bad ass vampire killers.
It's the greatest mid-twist of a movie I can think of, and one you can never guess coming due to the excellent direction of Robert Rodriguez.
From the brilliant opening, when the Gecko brothers square off with a liquor store owner, turning it into "Benny's world of Blood" instead of being "low profile",to somber moments in the motor home where Seth gets personal with Harvey Keitels character about his faith in God, From Dusk till Dawn let's its characters grow and breathe before unleashing hell in a sudden turn of events.
It's also a star making performance from George Clooney. Seth Gecko is one person you don't wanna fuck with, he carries a lot of respect but underneath the hard exterior there lives a man with a gentle heart.
"I'm a bastard but not a fucking bastard", sums up his character perfectly.
The insane mayhem that takes place in the Titty Twister, is carefully staged and even when the Gecko's and their entourage shows up it takes a while before the vampire action kicks in. It's every gore lover's dream, with well done practical effects and animatronics in action, before CGI fucked up the entire industry.
From Dusk till Dawn is a true classic and in my opinion the ultimate vampire flick, as it combines two genres I love and masterfully combines them without feeling forced. It got memorable characters, an insane premise that delivers on the action on multiple levels, terrific soundtrack and so many classic quotes that it could fill up an entire lexicon.