Every area I've lived in has had a county dump/landfill reasonably close, and those will take pretty much anything, although there are usually some restrictions on stuff like paint cans, batteries, etc.
However, you may have to pay to dump stuff there. They charged by the weight of the stuff you dumped where I used to live. They'd weigh the car coming in, then weigh it going out, and you'd pay for the difference in weight. It wasn't hugely expensive, but it's something to keep in mind. However, where I live now, as long as you're driving a residential vehicle you can dump stuff for free. One thing to note about that is that when a place says "residential customers" it means "residential vehicle", not "person who lives in the county". We had a bunch of stuff to haul away once, and we had rented a U-Haul pickup truck for some other purpose, so we figured we could load the stuff up with all the junk and take it down to the dump instead of trying to squeeze it into our car. Long story short, that's how we learned that a rented truck counts as a commercial vehicle, and can't go through the (free) residential area.