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"Where is My Change!!"

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Console Market Analyst
I pray that you can survive the "Welcome to" assault you're about to endure. Have strength, brother. Amen.


Unconfirmed Member
if you read the encoded information you will see it is a scene from the low budget movie "Livin tha Life" rather than an actual surveilance video. :eek: ;)


Console Market Analyst
Felidae_Khrall said:
careful, linking to consumption could get you banned.

Oh? I linked to a (relatively tame) clip, not the website. I wouldn't link to anything with porn ads.
Goreomedy said:
Oh? I linked to a (relatively tame) clip, not the website. I wouldn't link to anything with porn ads.

It's the actual linking to the site. I've had threads deleted because i showed an innocent pic, on a website where there was porn/smut.
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