DarienA said:
I love Bullitt... and I thought like you until I saw what is my new champion and I respectfully submit:
as having not just one, but two holy shit awesome kickass auto chase sequences in it.
Goddamn right...nothing touches the chase scenes in this flick. The driving techniques (the reverse e-brake turn is just insane), the intensity, the sound, and the narrow streets you can only find in old Europe kick my ass everytime I see 'em.
Having said that I plan on picking up the two disc Bullit at some point...been a while since I've seen Steve's romp through San Fran.
And Grand Prix needs a DVD release...the best racing/sports movie I've ever seen by a million miles. Don't even try and compare Le Mans to it. :lol
darscot said:
Ronin is good but you can totally tell that DeNiro is about to shit his pants during the car chase. One of the only times I can ever say his acting is bad. Steve McQueen actually did the driving so there is really no comparison. Next time you watch Ronin just look at DeNiros face it hard to stop from laughing.
He's "driving" through the narrow streets of Paris at excessive speeds...I think I'd look half-scared in that situation. Hell, I'm half-scared when I watch the ridiculous "Rendezvous" video showing a Ferrari ripping up the streets of Paris at 5 in the morning, and there's little of the traffic that's encountered in Ronin. Then again Rendezvous was 100% real, which makes a world of difference.
BTW, if you've never seen Rendezvous, do whatever is neccessary to view it (think I got mine off Kazaa)...it's simply ridiculous.