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White Bread, Yourself, and Your Body.

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Fans of white bread, hear this: it increases your risk of type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the illness, new research shows.
Also, "A high GI diet may also require the pancreas to produce a lot of insulin to deal with the high blood glucose levels, and this may exhaust the cells that produce insulin, and contribute to development of type 2 diabetes," Hodge added.
"White bread was the food most strongly related to diabetes incidence," they write in the November issue of the journal Diabetes Care.

It tastes like crap. Eat whole-grain.



Hail to the KING baby
I don't eat bread, period!

This is the only substantial source of carbs I have:


It has super-slow acting carbs and fiber, so each crisp is about 5g carbs.

Of course, I have type 1 (insulin dependent/juvenile/not caused by McDonald's and white bread) diabetes, and I'm now on a really strict diet where I have zero fast acting carbs (no sugar, no fruit, no potatoes, no carrots, etc., ever) and around 30g a day. It's improved my blood sugar control so much over the Medical Community-Approved Starchfest most doctors would put me on it's ridiculous.


AstroLad said:
I don't eat bread, period!

This is the only substantial source of carbs I have:


It has super-slow acting carbs and fiber, so each crisp is about 5g carbs.

Of course, I have type 1 (insulin dependent/juvenile/not caused by McDonald's and white bread) diabetes, and I'm now on a really strict diet where I have zero fast acting carbs (no sugar, no fruit, no potatoes, no carrots, etc., ever) and around 30g a day. It's improved my blood sugar control so much over the Medical Community-Approved Starchfest most doctors would put me on it's ridiculous.

Why not eat fruit? I would just like to know...im curious.


Chili Con Carnage!
Now i have to stop eating bread too? wtf.

fucking medical community, why cant one person just do a study to tell us what we SHOULD eat instead of all this bollocks.


Hail to the KING baby
DaddyZ said:
Why not eat fruit? I would just like to know...im curious.

Sugar. There's a really long theory to it, but basically when you're type 1, you have ZERO insulin, so anything I eat has to be timed w/ insulin to avoid big jumps in blood sugar (which, over time, lead to the effects everyone's heard about), the only problem is that even the fastest-acting insulin, which begins acting after about 15 minutes, doesn't act all at once, so when you have as much sugar as is in an apple you can either take more than you need to take care of the after-eating (postprandial) increase and risk pretty low blood sugar (very low if you've eaten a lot of fast-acting sugar) or take the right amount, but deal with a slightly high blood sugar for a few hours until the insulin is finally done acting. Basically there's no right way to do it, you're always going to have some errors in there. Also, you're taking in these fast-acting sugars (granted, they're not processed at least) and you have no real way to know how much you're taking in so even what should be a simple ratio calculation is made perilous.

Yet there is still this issue w/ even labeled foods. Did you know FDA regulations allow a 20% margin of error in labeling? Do you have any idea what this means for a type 1 diabetic? I don't even think most type 1 diabetics are aware of this and it's another reason that diabetics need to avoid any substantial amount of carbs, b/c 20% of 4g is 1g, a negligible error but 20% of 60g (less than a Subway sub) is 12g and makes a much bigger impact, up or down . And when you take all of this into account, it's no surprise that even today most doctors basically just assume diabetics are going to have complications of some sort requiring eye surgery, dialysis, and other frightening things within 20-30 years at best. They literally don't even try to get people to have normal blood sugars all the time. One of the reasons is b/c they know that's impossible under their current dietary recommendations of 100g+ and they're afraid to advocate something "radical" like a modestly low-carb diet (30g/day) even though nearly all their support for why low carb diets are "dangerous" is being shot down all the time, and such a diet is so beneficial to a diabetic in particular that I think their actions border on the criminally negligent, but dogma is dogma, especially in the medical profession.

Basically, my diet is not what is the ideal for a normal person, but what is ideal for a type 1 diabetic. Effects-wise it basically makes it as if I don't have diabetes (I still have to take insulin of course, though much less, and check my sugars all the time) and I can avoid all complications just like the guy who came up w/ the diet, Dr. Bernstein, who is the oldest type 1 diabetic now I believe, and the divergence from a "regular ideal" diet is less than you might think, particularly when you factor in the exercise plan. Fruits are great and very healthy, and I would eat them if I didn't have very compelling medical reasons not to because I really do enjoy them, but I am very happy w/ this plan and I'll take no bread/fruit over dialysis/blindness/amputation any day.
I don't eat white bread, but I can understand the appeal. Pillowy sweet peanut butter and jelly capsule? Yes please!!

All that said, my mother schooled me on the demons of white bread years ago (I swear she's always ahead of the nutrition/wellness curve...she was on Atkin's nuts like 1995), and I've learned to love textured, hearty grained bread as well as a lot of different low sugar/sugar-free breads. Thats as low as I'll stoop though...those carb-conscious breads taste like chewy fibrous cardboard. That just ain't right..
explodet said:
Eggs are good!
Eggs are bad!

Milk is good!
Milk is bad!

I was never a fan of white bread, personally.

I think the general consensus should be that moderation, dietary balance, and a an emphasis on natural, unprocessed/chemical free foods should lead to overall wellness.

These studies can be misleading, but less in their results and more in the way they are reported. Though a study may yeild positive results for a particular food item on a particular area of health, it's often reported in a far more general sense. For instance, while red wine may be good for anti-oxidents, the study may not cover how it can reduce absorption of minerals, since the study was specialized to monitor anti-oxident levels (as opposed to approaching the effects of wine comprehensively). But the report comes off as "wine being good", which leads people to use it in excess or improper context (this is just a hypothetical).

We need to be more responsible with how we report the results of dietary studies, and people need to be more educated about how they approach implementing the findings relative to their own diet.


i call white bread "american bread", i dont think ive ever reffered it to white bread once in my entire life.


Hail to the KING baby
Ned Flanders said:
I think the general consensus should be that moderation, dietary balance, and a an emphasis on natural, unprocessed/chemical free foods should lead to overall wellness.

These studies can be misleading, but less in their results and more in the way they are reported. Though a study may yeild positive results for a particular food item on a particular area of health, it's often reported in a far more general sense. For instance, while red wine may be good for anti-oxidents, the study may not cover how it can reduce absorption of minerals, since the study was specialized to monitor anti-oxident levels (as opposed to approaching the effects of wine comprehensively). But the report comes off as "wine being good", which leads people to use it in excess or improper context (this is just a hypothetical).

We need to be more responsible with how we report the results of dietary studies, and people need to be more educated about how they approach implementing the findings relative to their own diet.

*throws out five barrels of red wine*


GAF's Bob Woodward
I've switched over to wholewheat bread as per the Men's Health "Abs Diet", and while I don't miss regular white sliced bread, I do intensely miss french bread. Baguettes, Petit Pans..My God, it is the best tasting bread in the world, and I miss it so.


GAF's Bob Woodward
MrPing1000 said:
I wonder if actual white bread is ok, not the crap you get in the usa and in touristy places in europe. Its disgusting

Well, "proper" white bread probably at least tastes better. I hear the bread in America isn't that nice to start with anyway.

But from purely a health perspective - wholewheat bread > white bread. And it should be wholewheat - not just "wheat" bread etc.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
MrPing1000 said:
I wonder if actual white bread is ok, not the crap you get in the usa and in touristy places in europe. Its disgusting

yeah i was in the states for 3 months and the "white bread" is mank, its like yellow bread, keeps forever, full of preservitives and shit, real white bread is like french bread
Can you fix the Reuters link?

Edit: Nevermind, fixed it myself.

Me and my dad are health freaks, so I haven't been eating white bread for so many years. My mom and sister don't care though.


French bread is hot, but as for the usual sandwich bread I've switched over to Honey Wheat/Oat (not perfect, but good), but lately I've been going even further into stoneground whole wheat bread. Its actually pretty good stuff.


Hang out with Steve.
gofreak said:
I hear the bread in America isn't that nice to start with anyway.

Huh? You make it sound as if Wonder Bread is the only kind you can get. Pretty much every supermarket in addition to selling packaged bread has a bakery as well -- we can get bread just as good as anywhere else in the world. :D


Hmm.. I like white bread, probably why I'm not shedding those extra pounds.. :X

I love whole wheat bread even more.. too bad the fiancee can't stand it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
SteveMeister said:
Huh? You make it sound as if Wonder Bread is the only kind you can get. Pretty much every supermarket in addition to selling packaged bread has a bakery as well -- we can get bread just as good as anywhere else in the world. :D

I dunno, I've just heard it said a few times that the bread wasn't the best there. But if they're bakin' baguettes, it's all good with me :)


White bread is good for grilled cheese. I like multi grain bread but can never find the kind I really like at the store.


I never listen to studies, if you follow around a decade's worth of them, you'll find out that pretty much everything has been labeled good/bad over that time period


I'm pretty sure toasting it (which I do a lot) both kills this effect as well as all of the nutrient value :p

Could be wrong though.. more than likely I am.


anything but white bread gives me liquidy poo. thanks but no thanks (though I love 7 cereal bread).
What the hell is "white bread" anyway? Almost all the bread I eat is white, and that consists of many different varieties. Is sourdough "white bread"? Potato bread? French bread? Just that generic Wonder Bread crap (which I've always heard referred to as "white bread", although I don't know why, as it's no whiter than any other bread)?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Gen.Wedge said:
What the hell is "white bread" anyway? Almost all the bread I eat is white, and that consists of many different varieties. Is sourdough "white bread"? Potato bread? French bread? Just that generic Wonder Bread crap (which I've always heard referred to as "white bread", although I don't know why, as it's no whiter than any other bread)?

All of that sounds like white bread. You can tell by the colour of it (!), or more particularly, the colour of the inside of it i.e. the inside of a loaf of bread or a baguette or whatever.
gofreak said:
All of that sounds like white bread. You can tell by the colour of it (!), or more particularly, the colour of the inside of it i.e. the inside of a loaf of bread or a baguette or whatever.
So all bread that is colored white is bad for you? Is there a reason for this? All I've ever heard is that the flour is bleached or something.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Gen.Wedge said:
So all bread that is colored white is bad for you? Is there a reason for this? All I've ever heard is that the flour is bleached or something.

Well, some white bread is worst for you than others. The packaged stuff tends to have lots of preservatives and other artificial stuff that home or bakery-baked white bread may not have.

But white as a whole isn't as good as brown. There's a lot more carbohydrate in it, or at least, the bad kind (simple carbohydrates iirc). Basically, bread baked with white flour isn't as good for you. It's a refined grain versus wholegrain (refined = bad, whole = good). The USDA recently removed white bread from its dietary recommendations too, I believe.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Chony said:
What about french bread? Is that ok? Whatever I will still eat, I already have enough disease anyways.

French bread is white bread, and thus not as good for you, but at least it tastes great :) Get it freshly baked.


I don't really have a problem with white bread (although I don't eat it). I was just always more inclined to eating wheat bread.


Anything that's made from refined white flour should be avoided big time. All the stuff like white bread (yeah mentioned here), pastries, baguettes, etc etc.

It's a shame they're so tasty and fluffy.


Do they have whole wheat french bread? Or sourdough bread? I have been to the bread store and have never seen it. My dad is a hardcore flax bread eater. That stuff is shit.


I mostly eat some soy and linseed crap my g/f got me into but you cant eat bbq snags on anything other than white bread.

Say what you want about white bread, but only a fool eats snags on bread with anything different.

Also, you guys need to take into consideration that all your basic staples like bread and milk contain far more sugar in the US than they do in other countries.


Setec Astronomer
It's clearly referring to at least the bleached super-refined-to-the-point-of-being-simple-sugar flour that's used in wonderbread type stuff, where you can easily compress a slice into a tiny cube since THERE'S NO SUBSTANCE AT ALL.

Now, Honey Wheat Berry... there's a bread.


Hitokage said:
It's clearly referring to at least the bleached super-refined-to-the-point-of-being-simple-sugar flour that's used in wonderbread type stuff, where you can easily compress a slice into a tiny cube since THERE'S NO SUBSTANCE AT ALL.

Otherwise referred to in other countries as "American bread" - Australian white bread has invisible grain and low sugar.
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