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White House caught red-handed modifying global warming documents

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Entire article here:

And I'm shocked - shocked! - that an administration with ties so close to the oil industry would try to skew the data to support the conclusion they've already reached. I was really hoping that all of the screeching about stuff like this was just the product of overly paranoid (and with a bunch of Texas oilmen running things, the paranoia's kinda justified) delusions.

But I guess not. It's a sad day when our environmental and energy policy is based on the word of the people who want to make money first, and the people who have our best interests at heart second (if at all.)

A White House official who once led the oil industry's fight against limits on greenhouse gases has repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that play down links between such emissions and global warming, according to internal documents.

In handwritten notes on drafts of several reports issued in 2002 and 2003, the official, Philip A. Cooney, removed or adjusted descriptions of climate research that government scientists and their supervisors, including some senior Bush administration officials, had already approved. In many cases, the changes appeared in the final reports.

The dozens of changes, while sometimes as subtle as the insertion of the phrase "significant and fundamental" before the word "uncertainties," tend to produce an air of doubt about findings that most climate experts say are robust.

Before going to the White House in 2001, he was the "climate team leader" and a lobbyist at the American Petroleum Institute, the largest trade group representing the interests of the oil industry. A lawyer with a bachelor's degree in economics, he has no scientific training.


I just don't get it. Why can the Bush administration do whatever they want and know one cares. You guys almost lynched Clinton for getting a blowjob?


LakeEarth said:
Making up evidence is FUN!
Oh, it's not making up evidence, it's just completely downplaying the existing evidence! That's A-OK



xsarien said:
Or in the case of the Bush administration, making up a lack of evidence.
But hiding evidnce is a form of making up evidence AGAINST it. And with the evidence of making up the Iraqi WMD crap I think this administration is masters of making up shit.


darscot said:
I just don't get it. Why can the Bush administration do whatever they want and know one cares. You guys almost lynched Clinton for getting a blowjob?

Because people get a rise from sexually related shenanigans whereas stuff like the above just bores the shit outta 'em. That and they're assholes.


So how many frauds are currently being perpertrated by thiis administration besides iraq and the new buisness freindly environmental policy :lol

you have to love the sheer balls of these guys.


If you've had enough then its time for us to start discussing what we can, should, and are morally obligated to do. I'm not bullshitting, if we've reached or are beyond the tolerance point we should organize and determine what we're going to do about it.


Phoenix said:
If you've had enough then its time for us to start discussing what we can, should, and are morally obligated to do. I'm not bullshitting, if we've reached or are beyond the tolerance point we should organize and determine what we're going to do about it.

What do you have in mind?


Phoenix said:
If you've had enough then its time for us to start discussing what we can, should, and are morally obligated to do. I'm not bullshitting, if we've reached or are beyond the tolerance point we should organize and determine what we're going to do about it.

I agree on that point; I've already begun contacting people and making some forays into possible courses of action. We'll see how that goes.

That said, this is actually old news. I recall reading this sometime last year, although I'm not entirely sure if it's the same documents or not, but it seems about right. And of course, let's not forget Blair's recent visit where he attempted to get Bush to allocate new funding for Africa (Nope! But let's "unveil" old funding and call it "new"!) and to push for changes to reduce global warming (Nope!).


bob_arctor said:
What do you have in mind?

Only that which is legal for us to do. Massive letter writing campaigns, protests, etc. We have access to a significant demographic here and we CAN be heard if we decide to do so.
Phoenix said:
If you've had enough then its time for us to start discussing what we can, should, and are morally obligated to do. I'm not bullshitting, if we've reached or are beyond the tolerance point we should organize and determine what we're going to do about it.

I've heard that this works quite well

...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Too bad if you went about yelling this statement the majority of Americans would peg you a treasonous nutbag.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Too bad if you went about yelling this statement the majority of Americans would peg you a treasonous nutbag.


and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Very applicable today.

For transporting us beyond seas, to be tried for pretended offenses

Holy shit, they had a Guantanamo back then too!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Hardly surprising, but extremely aggravating. I'm going to have to make sure some relatives hear about this. They won't be able to deny this bullshit.

Phoenix said:
Only that which is legal for us to do. Massive letter writing campaigns, protests, etc. We have access to a significant demographic here and we CAN be heard if we decide to do so.
Now that's an interesting proposition. An organized GAF contingent with a political goal...
xsarien said:
Or in the case of the Bush administration, making up a lack of evidence.
Nice. Remove some data here and add some "evidence" on Iraq and we still have reality in a steady state.


Phoenix said:
Only that which is legal for us to do. Massive letter writing campaigns, protests, etc. We have access to a significant demographic here and we CAN be heard if we decide to do so.

Sign me up.

I hope we still get internet access in Guantanamo.


Oh noes! The Bush administration falsified facts?!!! What are we ever going to do?

Ugg..this is getting old. It's like a bad dream. The bush administration goes out and lies to people and most people don't care. Bush could stand in the city square and start setting babies on fire and people would be more interested in the "missing white woman of the week" (TM).


ronito said:
Oh noes! The Bush administration falsified facts?!!! What are we ever going to do?

Ugg..this is getting old. It's like a bad dream. The bush administration goes out and lies to people and most people don't care. Bush could stand in the city square and start setting babies on fire and people would be more interested in the "missing white woman of the week" (TM).

I think most Americans are happy still with Bush. We can bitch all we want, but the tards we share this country with re-elected this monkey by a comfortable margin. Just get used to the idea that the majority of Americans are idiots. :(


bionic77 said:
I think most Americans are happy still with Bush. We can bitch all we want, but the tards we share this country with re-elected this monkey by a comfortable margin.

It was actually a vey slim margin.


xsarien said:
It was actually a vey slim margin.

Well I consider the people who don't vote to be happy with the status quo (i.e. the monkey in a suit who is our leader). Definitely a questionable assumption, but I feel it is true most of the time. If Bush really pissed off the majority of the country, Kerry would be president right now.


Tagged as I see fit
You know who the current White House administration reminds me of?

Looten Plunder of Captain Planet Fame:


Profile: He's suave, he's urbane, and he plunders the planet for profit. He rules his vast multinational empire with an iron fist, eliminating anyone or anything that stands in his way. Plunder considers ecologists to be fools with no understanding of the real world.

Plunder's favorite forms of ecological devastation include deforestation, species extinction, habitat destruction and misuse of technology. Nothing, however, is beyond his mercenary tactics and he is willing to join forces with - or try to exploit - some of the other villains to achieve his evil goals.

To carry out his evil plans, Plunder has built a huge security force led by Argos Bleak (voiced by S. Scott Bullock), a mercenary soldier who loves to get his hands dirty and executes Plunder's schemes with deadly inefficiency. Virtually a private army, the security force can destroy anything from individuals to entire governments.

The pony-tailed businessman, Looten Plunder usually dresses in chic suits and ties. His trademark trim on jacket lapels and trouser cuffs is fashioned from any number of endangered species.

Argos Bleak wears military-style outfits, such as commando pants, sleeveless vest, combat boots and a variety of attached accessories.

Plunder's latest lackies are the bumbling Pinehead Brothers, Oakey and Dokey. These two oversized lumberjacks make Hoggish Greedly's sidekick, Rigger look like an intellectual.

From: http://www.turner.com/planet/static/looten.html
2008 can't come soon enough. I could care less what happens while bush is in office for the rest of the 3 years, but my god, the trolls of this country are coming out of the god damn ground! :lol
Dan said:
Hardly surprising, but extremely aggravating. I'm going to have to make sure some relatives hear about this. They won't be able to deny this bullshit.

Now that's an interesting proposition. An organized GAF contingent with a political goal...

Could we be the seeds of the first US technocrats?


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Could we be the seeds of the first US technocrats?

I think before we become technocrats it is more likely that all of GAF ends up posing naked for US soldiers in Guantanamo.

Would that really shock anyone if the the Bush Administration labeled us all as terrorists if we started a movement against them?


VictimOfGrief said:
2008 can't come soon enough. I could care less what happens while bush is in office for the rest of the 3 years, but my god, the trolls of this country are coming out of the god damn ground! :lol

This country will be lucky to make it to 2008 at the rate Bush is going....
bishoptl said:
You idiots elected these idiots. Don't come crying to me!

Don't be so sure about that. Word is that they stole yet another election and that there will never be a fair election in the US ever again. So this is how democracies become empires!
You should see some of the video of what happened in Ohio during the 2004 election. Makes me shake my head
Ohio got fucked the hardest by this administration's policies, and is swirling near the drain of the economic sink - and like a bunch of fuckin' retards, we put dickface back in office.

There was also a lot of talk of black voters bein hassled at the polls, and otherwise discouraged from voting using their own choice. Oh yeah, and polling station shortages and other bullshit.
Dan said:
Hardly surprising, but extremely aggravating. I'm going to have to make sure some relatives hear about this. They won't be able to deny this bullshit.

Now that's an interesting proposition. An organized GAF contingent with a political goal...

Honestly, this can't be that hard to do. I am totally all for it and will help organize whatever is needed to get this moving. What we would need though is a website and a defined purpose. Once we get those 2, it will be much easier.


I'm currently looking into what our realistic options are and I will get back to you folks on Friday with a new topic.
so, you're like a lawyer-in-training or something, right?

Dan said:
Hardly surprising, but extremely aggravating. I'm going to have to make sure some relatives hear about this. They won't be able to deny this bullshit.
well, they could. I was going to send it to my Republican family members (all of them, actually. dunno how I didn't end up one of them) but then I realized they would come back at me with "It wasn't Bush's fault he was doing that, you can't blame him for someone elses mistake."
Phoenix said:
I'm currently looking into what our realistic options are and I will get back to you folks on Friday with a new topic.

Thanks. I've got your six.

This thread has got me deafening myself to Operation Mindcrime once again.


The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall
Let's tip the power balance and tear down their crown
Educate the masses, We'll burn the White House down


Unconfirmed Member
A "fair election" is a goddamned pipe dream. There's always a bias on everything people do, so what the fuck are you going to do? Maybe if the Elephants or the Asses ran a fucking candidate worth voting for, elections wouldn't be so closely contested that the asshole who runs a shiftier campaign wins. Or, you know, if people looked beyond "republican" and "democrat" and realized that there are other options, and looked to them and said "hey, waitasecond, these guys don't really give a fuck me, we should try something new..."

Oh wait, that would require thought on the part of people, and who wants to do that. You're with the homos or against 'em, am i rite?

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Remember it’s not global warming but “climate change” as the spin doctors like to call it.

I hope America gets serious about this because if the world doesn’t achieve sustainability in the next half century we are fucked.


darscot said:
I just don't get it. Why can the Bush administration do whatever they want and know one cares. You guys almost lynched Clinton for getting a blowjob?

I think most amerians were cheering Clinton on actually, or secretly. It was the republicans making a big stink about it.
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