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Who Here Has the Run Lola Run DVD?

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So after waiting forever, I finally got a copy of the film on DVD (it was on sale at a local video store). I loved the movie ever since I saw it at the theaters a long whiles ago and was eager to see it again after all these years. But then I noticed something..

This only happens in the first few minutes or so, but it seems the subtitling appears way before the associated dialogue is spoken. It's minor I guess, but it's still annoying. I heard that this was a symptom of the early presses; is anyone else aware of this?

This is a film I'd like to hold on to for repeat viewing, and I have a chance to get it exchanged. Was the problem rectified later on? Is that a special edition coming down the pipeline by chance?


Got the DVD a few years ago so I dont really remember much about timing errors in the subs, but I love the movie!


I snagged the DVD a few years ago, didn't have, or at least, notice this problem. Sorry mate, can you exchange it?


My mom has this dvd. She loves the movie.

She also has any WWF dvd featuring HBK, kind of like ZombieSupastar. :p
Wow, I was expecting at least one dickhead comment about me bitching too much, so thanks for all the responses.

And I was sorta expecting at least one person to say that they're familiar with the problem. I do have a chance to part with the disc to some beneficial manner... guess I could just get the movie again later on and hopefully get a better copy.


video stores usually get the first run of a title, so you likely got one of the defective copies. if you picked it up at Best Buy or wherever, you should be fine.
TheAdamantShot said:
Wow, I was expecting at least one dickhead comment about me bitching too much, so thanks for all the responses.

And I was sorta expecting at least one person to say that they're familiar with the problem. I do have a chance to part with the disc to some beneficial manner... guess I could just get the movie again later on and hopefully get a better copy.

Stop bitching so much, and just deal with it! ;)
Actually, just go find a working copy (I've never noticed any sub issues on mine), and then go pick up Shadow of Destiny for the PS2 - its the closest game to the RLR experience I can think of.
I actually have two different versions of the movie, the Candian and the Amerian versions.

I don't remember any subtitle errors on either. I'd check (been meaning to watch it again anyway) but a friend of mine has my US version. Maybe I'll get it back on the weekend.


Okay, definitely a huge gap between the subtitles and the actual dialogue in the first 4 minutes of the movie, before the credits proper begin. The subtitles are early by as much as 5 seconds or so. It's quite ridiculous. Guess I never noticed it because I've only watched it in German with the English subtitles on.. and I don't know much if any German.
Why not just go rent it from another video store and see if the same thing happens?

(And yes, it's a great movie, I have the DVD, and no I've never noticed any problems, but then I can't speak German so how could I tell if the subtitles were coming to quick?)


Watch the first few minutes again. For example, the cop in the middle of street traffic will say something "like the ball is round, yadda yadda, the rest is theory"

But the subtitle will be present 5 seconds before he utters those words. And they will disappear before he says them.
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