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Why did no one tell me about Infectious Grooves?

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So, I'm scouring a few forums, for no real reason, I hadn't had any new music to listen to in awhile, and somebody recommends Infectious Grooves. NICE. Good mix of funk and rock, Rob Trujillo (now of Metallica) is murdering basslines on this CD.

If you're a fan of RHCP's older stuff (like I am) and want more music in that vein, definitely give them a shot.




Yeah, I had a couple Infectious Grooves albums when I was in my three-month "Suicidal Tendencies is really good SHIT, man!" phase, which was a subset of my embarrassing heavy metal phase.

Trujillo's bass lines are pretty damn amazing, but the songs are absolute shit. Infectious Grooves, if memory serves, came about near the end of the heavy metal heyday, when people were trying to cross metal with other genres like funk and hip-hop. (About that last crossover -- about half of the Judgment Day soundtrack is decent stuff.) It was interesting idea, but it quickly died off.


I assume you're already aware of The Poets Of Rhythm? I seem to remember you commenting on that group some time ago...
I am, actually. I was asking for more funk at one point, and you recommended me Poets of Rhythm, but since, I forgot the RHYTHM part of their name, and all I could remember was poets of "something".

Thanks for jogging the memory :p

Ill Saint

You into Fishbone or jane's Addiction Tre? Chili Peppers kindred spirit from their early days. if not, might be worth a listen.


I actually did mention Infectious Grooves a few days ago in IRC when their cover of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" came up in my playlist. :p


Some good Bumblefoot songs:

What I Knew
Swatting Flies
Brooklyn Steakhouse
Chair Ass

The band is led by Ron Thal, who is a sick, sick, SICK guitarist. But the focus is still on songwriting for the most part, and the rhythm section is featured very prominently. Also check out Thal's "I Can't Play the Blues," a hilarious parody of guitar shredders.


that judgement day (awesome movie) soundtrack did have some great fusion tracks...that was the album which sorta introduced me to rap/rock stuff, and i started taking a more active interest in rap from that point on. before that i was just into classic rock, alternative and metal. too bad most of the latter rap/rock artists were just reaaaaaallly bad.


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>>>Why did no one tell me about Infectious Grooves? <<<

I don't know how you could have missed them. They got a lot of play on rock radio in the early '90s.
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