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Why does my college email address' outgoing mail not work at home?

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I go to Pitt, and whenever I was at school connected to the Pitt network, I could use Outlook to send and receive mail. Whenever I come home though, only the incoming mail will work with Outlook (well, now Mail, as I'm now a Mac user).

Is there anyway to get my outgoing mail to work, or am I forever stuck having to log into the web-based portal if I want to send an email?


Because most mail servers do not allow relaying. In other words, you need to be on the Pitt's domain or another approved domain to be able to send mail through their server. It's their way of verifying that you are authorized to do so, otherwise any joe blow across the world could use their server to relay loads of spam. (You don't have to have an email account to send mail, you only need one to receive mail.) If you want to send mail at home, change your smtp server to your local domain's/isp's smtp server (if available).
I don't know. What do you mean?

Right now I have my outgoing mail server as "smtp.pitt.edu." It worked fine at college but not now. Adelphia is my ISP at home, do I have to do it through them?
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