with the router connected:
2004-11-07 16:13:14 EST: 3154 / 738
Your download speed : 3230060 bps, or 3154 kbps.
A 394.2 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 755953 bps, or 738 kbps.
with router disconnected:
2004-11-07 16:14:38 EST: 6365 / 736
Your download speed : 6518644 bps, or 6365 kbps.
A 795.7 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 754432 bps, or 736 kbps.
what the hell is going on? a router shouldnt be crippling my connection like that.
2004-11-07 16:13:14 EST: 3154 / 738
Your download speed : 3230060 bps, or 3154 kbps.
A 394.2 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 755953 bps, or 738 kbps.
with router disconnected:
2004-11-07 16:14:38 EST: 6365 / 736
Your download speed : 6518644 bps, or 6365 kbps.
A 795.7 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 754432 bps, or 736 kbps.
what the hell is going on? a router shouldnt be crippling my connection like that.