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Why no Parasite Eve sequel this gen?


I thought although not A titles, the Parasite Eve series was pretty decent. I'm surprised the series never got a PS2 sequel. Did it not sell well enough? Also what happened to Dream Factory after Ehrgeiz..did they make another game?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Was Parasite Eve 2 good? How well did the series sell anyway?

I only played Parasite Eve 1...never did finish it but I thought it was pretty fun. I'd rather have a sequel to Einhander or Vagrant Story though


I liked PE2 as much as the first. I thought that kind of game really would have worked on any of the systems this gen. I would like a Ehrgeiz or VS (or Tobal) sequel more too though.


well not really...yet
kpop100 said:
I thought although not A titles, the Parasite Eve series was pretty decent. I'm surprised the series never got a PS2 sequel. Did it not sell well enough? Also what happened to Dream Factory after Ehrgeiz..did they make another game?
Dream Factory just released Crimson tears for PS2
PE2 was good, it just didn't really seem like a follow up to PE1 outside of it starring Aya. PE was really popular (selling over a million units in Japan) yet they seemed to try to throw it into the survival horror genre for some reason.

It's soundtrack also wasn't as good as the original. The best song on the sequels OST is Gentle Rays, which almost makes up for the rest of the lacking soundtracks. Its really good. But PE1 really needs a follow up with Shimomura doing the music again.


IMO parasite eve 2 is laughably bad. the first one had a pretty dumb story but carried it off well thanks to panache... the second one... jesus. fucking. christ. the opening hour was great and then it turned into a brain-dead RE style adventure with no gameplay balance. the end game is laughably bad in most respects.

and the soundtrack. jesus.

but i still don't understand why the series is dead; they were both pretty popular, both here and in japan. square kind of screwed up for a while in this gen, though. there was that really, really dry period for the first year or two of PS2, with only a few mediocre titles (and FFX, which made it all better for awhile.)

i mean, musashi gets a sequel, and not this? their marketing department must be dumber than we think it is.
I think Musashi got the greenlight before PE because a PE sequel would cost alot of money to make unlike Musashi. PE had production values on the level of FF while Musashi wasn't even close. The FF Movie is probably still have an affect on them so I can understand them not doing too many really high production value games like they did last gen.
ferricide said:
their marketing department must be dumber than we think it is.

You really think so?

Enix licensed titles that could be relied upon for steady fanbase sales haven't appeared (namely the game arts catalog). The blinders on Square's side have been up for awhile (the racing game, The Bouncer, Unlimited SaGa). Hell, this is the company that has been trying to gear up massive fan support by releasing new FF7 content on anything but the console that would guarantee them some of the biggest sales this generation.

It's not as if Square hasn't had some successes lately, but sometimes I think they want to look too far outside the box.
I actually liked part 2 as much as part 1, although that was due to the smoother gameplay and many improvements such as running through doors in battle. I also liked the magic system better in 2, although that may just be since it is a little more original than 1's spells. The tank controls were, however, unecessary.

I would definitely like to see a new game in the series that more resembles part 1 but with the speed and fun gameplay of part 2, as part 2 was pretty much a survival horror game with just enough Parasite Eve thrown in for me to like it. They also tried too hard to play up Aya's looks in part 2, especially with the completely unnecessary shower scene.

I missed the real locations that were in part 1. I have always wanted to see the Tyrannasaurus Rex in the Museum of Natural History (my family had books from a visit there from before my birth) and Parasite Eve not only let me see the museum and the Tyrannasaurus, but it let me kill it again (still have not been to New York).


I'd like to see a PE3 with more elements taken from the first as well, even though I didn't mind PE2 as much as some. Still the music from the first as well as the atmosphere would be sweet done up PS2 style.


I absolutely adored the first game, probably in part because I'm a sucker for GC movies and the first part had those in abundance. Those movies were just soooo cool and really set the tone for the game. It was just an awesome exprience and I don't think a game ever sucked me in like the first Parasite Eve.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Because there isn't a Final, or a Dragon in the title...


Unconfirmed Member
Diomedeskun said:
I missed the real locations that were in part 1. I have always wanted to see the Tyrannasaurus Rex in the Museum of Natural History (my family had books from a visit there from before my birth) and Parasite Eve not only let me see the museum and the Tyrannasaurus, but it let me kill it again (still have not been to New York).
There weren't real locations in PE2? That's lame. That was what made in the first game, IMO. It was just so COOL playing through Central Park and the Museum of Natural History.

I liked PE, though I never did play the sequel. It sounded like it changed too much from the original to me, so I never picked it up. If they made a current gen sequel that was closer to the first game's style, though, I would probably pick it up.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I played the hell out of the first game, loved the soundtrack, loved the story, and loved the setting... putting it in NY just made it feel more "real" to me.

I own the second game, I've never played it... hell i don't think I've ever even put it in my PSOne.


I liked the first game so much that i played through it numerous times. I even did the Chrysler building, as repetitive as it is. I really wonder what the hell happened with part 2. I got a tremendous "what the fuck" when I first saw it. I've played all the way to the end, but the game freezes right at the conversation before you fight the last boss.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

Sorry, I didn't really have anything worthwhile to contribute other than that...


kpop100 said:
Also what happened to Dream Factory after Ehrgeiz..did they make another game?
-Tobal No.1 (PlayStation) 1996 (Square/SCEA)
-Tobal 2 (PlayStation) 1997 (Square)
-Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (System 12) 1998 (Namco)
-Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (PlayStation) 1998 (Square)
-The Bouncer (PlayStation 2) 2000 (Square)
-UFC Tapout (XBox) 2002 (Crave/Capcom)
-Kakuto Chojin (XBox) 2003 (Microsoft)
-UFC Tapout 2 (XBox) 2003 (Crave/Capcom)
-PRIDE GP 2003 (PlayStation 2) 2003 (Capcom)
-Crimson Tears (PlayStation 2) 2004 (Spike/Capcom)


jarrod said:
-Tobal No.1 (PlayStation) 1996 (Square/SCEA)
-Tobal 2 (PlayStation) 1997 (Square)
-Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (System 12) 1998 (Namco)
-Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring (PlayStation) 1998 (Square)
-The Bouncer (PlayStation 2) 2000 (Square)
-UFC Tapout (XBox) 2002 (Crave/Capcom)
-Kakuto Chojin (XBox) 2003 (Microsoft)
-UFC Tapout 2 (XBox) 2003 (Crave/Capcom)
-PRIDE GP 2003 (PlayStation 2) 2003 (Capcom)
-Crimson Tears (PlayStation 2) 2004 (Spike/Capcom)

Yeah The Bouncer I just forgot about. I didn't know they did UFC games, then again I don't have an Xbox..were they any good? I heard Crimson Tears sucks.
ferricide said:
i mean, musashi gets a sequel, and not this? their marketing department must be dumber than we think it is.
Could also be due to the fact that Square doesn't completely own the rights to the PE name. It was based on a book, remember. I sort of doubt that's the case, but it's one of the problems Kingdom Hearts can/probably does run into at times.


I played a couple hours of PE 2 just a little while ago. I picked this game up new a couple of years ago when EB was cleaning out their PS1 stuff. I liked what I played but I never completed it. I liked the first one as well and did finish it, which is why I picked up the second.

Crimson tears does not suck contrary to popular belief. I am playing through it now and actually quite like it. It is not the best game ever but for what it is it is fun. The combat is pretty good, and the characters are cool. That said if you aren't into leveling characters or dungeon hacking don't go near this because thats all it is.
The first Parasite Eve was meant as a showcase for Square LA, which is now defunct of course. PE2 was developed by a completely different team (basically the Einhander team). The sales were high enough to justify making a sequel if they wanted, but not high enough for the business guys to pressure them into making one, and I think there just isn't any will to make one among Square producers/directors, they've simply lost interest. The original director, Tokita, has moved on to other projects (he's producing the new Musashi actually), Sakaguchi who originated the PE project is busy with his new studio, and there's not really anyone left to push the PE series.


Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
The first Parasite Eve was meant as a showcase for Square LA, which is now defunct of course. .

It is?? I thought the ppl there are working on FFXIs?

With the exception of Driving Emotion, Squarenix needs to make lots of sequels for all their other games, period. Even the Bouncer with Nomura involved. They are not prolific enough this gen!


jiggle said:
It is?? I thought the ppl there are working on FFXIs?
I thought that was Square Enix Division 3? Can someone lay out all the SE divisions again and exactly what they're working on?


jarrod said:
I'd rather get Tobal 3 actually.
No. :(

As fun as I think Crimson Tears is, I just don't think DF could ever top Tobal 3. So what's the point then? Thanks to the artstyle and game design choices made in the Tobal games, they're still highly playable.

Also, can I get a super-realistic Bushido Blade 3 with limb-cutting and steps taken to make it more like BB1 ("simulation") than BB2 (kinda stupid)?

And I like both PEs. I never did play the first one in english, though... I didn't know any japanese at all at the time, so I kinda got stuck using the same weapon throughout the game (from a certain point). Worked out to my advantage, though, since it got so upgraded I could kick any and all asses with it. PE2, while not as good as the first, is still a good survival horror game. I mean, it's not like it's Carrier or Curse.
Kobun Heat said:
Jesus, what HAPPENED to Square this gen?

Disbanded, some went to Namo, some made there own little compaines and that stupid Final Fantasy movie really hurt them. Plus I think they are begin held back by working on PS2 cause its weak, they should develop for Xbox or GC. Final Fantasy CC looks awesome!
I'd take anything at this point. Ports, remakes, sequels; doesn't matter. The original games have gotten ugly over the years, but the CG, music and character designs will always be top notch to me.


Too much dinking around on the side.

Mobile, Portable, movies, and too much whoring of the Final Fantasy name lately. Not that the Enix side has acomplished shit this generation either though (although it'd be nice to get DW5 over here), Grandia X alone is not enough to say "Good job, Enix!". Where's my goddamn Valkyrie Profile 2?

Need more bigger budgeted console side projects, akin to the 2000 rush.

I dunno though, It's not just Square-Enix that has sucked this gen, lots of, espically Japanese studios, have been pretty useless as of late.

FFXI is the best game to ever come out of Square, as far as I am concerned, and FF:CC was good fun as well. So I can't hate on them completely, although, even for Square, they're largely inconsistent lately.


I think they were really strapped for cash this generation, so until the merger with enix they have been hedging their bets with fewer titles.
It is?? I thought the ppl there are working on FFXIs?

No, FFXI was made by the team behind Xenogears and Chrono Cross. (Division 3) Square USA completely closed down in April 2002; Final Flight of the Osiris was their last project.

As for why they've been releasing fewer games lately, it's mostly because development for PS2 and other new consoles is very expensive, and the market for console games has been shrinking (hence the plans to focus more on cellphone games and other new markets). Online game development and maintenance also ties up a lot of development resources; the money and time spent on FFXI and PlayOnline so far would probably be enough for four moderately extravagant standalone PS1 productions, for example.
kpop100 said:
Did the FF movie hurt them that bad.

That's what i'm thinking. That's why you're seeing so many FF's this gen, they know they'll bring in alot of money, even small ports. So they seem to be just trying to get back on their feet so they can take risks like PE without being hurt too much.

I'd still like to see Aya in a game this gen. Maybe KH2? :)
That's what i'm thinking.

You're wrong. Square returned to profitability in 2002, the loss from the FF movie project has little direct bearing on their current situation. It's their perception of a shifting market that's behind their recent change in focus.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
No, FFXI was made by the team behind Xenogears and Chrono Cross. (Division 3) Square USA completely closed down in April 2002; Final Flight of the Osiris was their last project.

As for why they've been releasing fewer games lately, it's mostly because development for PS2 and other new consoles is very expensive, and the market for console games has been shrinking (hence the plans to focus more on cellphone games and other new markets). Online game development and maintenance also ties up a lot of development resources; the money and time spent on FFXI and PlayOnline so far would probably be enough for four moderately extravagant standalone PS1 productions, for example.

ummm Square-Enix USA is in Cali.... and didn't most of division 3 leave for Namco (monolith)


Hey Bizarro, can you give me a quick rundown of the 10 Square Enix Divisions and what each was responsible for?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
You're wrong. Square returned to profitability in 2002, the loss from the FF movie project has little direct bearing on their current situation. It's their perception of a shifting market that's behind their recent change in focus.

buhahaa the movie kiled them... it wounded them sooo badly they were almost bought... that was one of the main reasons behind the merge...get more cash
ummm Square-Enix USA is in Cali.... and didn't most of division 3 leave for Namco (monolith)

Square Enix USA is basically a renamed Square Soft/Square EA. Completely different from Square USA (the studio behind FFTSW, PE and FF9) A number of high-profile staff from Xenogears and Chrono Cross left to join Monolithsoft, but the bulk of the (large) Div. 3 team remained at Square.

The financial damage from the FFTSW losses was mostly repaired with Sony's 19% buyout in 2001. The decision to merge with Enix was made when both companies were back in good financial shape.
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