Voost Kain

So some people here are likely wondering what does the Foldable phone revolution (being worked on by Microsoft, Samsung, HTC, and likely others) has to do with the gaming industry? Why do you say that consoles may be pushed back?
Well it's simple, one of the biggest issues in the smartphone industry was not only a lack of significant innovation, but stalling technical innovations. From the power of the chips, to memory, up to the battery capacity. The Smartphone industry had been stuck in limbo for years with marginal improvements or even taking steps back for some newer products to make compromises.

Windows Continuum was expected to break this drought, but Windows Phones collapse made that impossible. But now with foldable phones there will be massive changes to the smartphone and gaming industry even by force, with foldable phones:
- The amount of power needed for seamless single-screen to table transition, multi-tasking, and full Table feature sets would require a significant change to how chip makers design their future products. We would have Phones that are able to keep up with home consoles and only fall slightly behind. Since Phones already have ways to display on TV screens and other monitors, this would be a very serious opponent to Xbox and Playstation.
- In order to handle such increase in power and multi-tasking, the industry wold have to finally introduce new designs and improvements to how batteries are created and utilized. Battery has been one of the major areas that have been stuck in limbo with very little improvements. Once the battery technology evolves, we will be having safer batteries and longer lasting batteries.
- We are already seeing Smartphone makers including their own app stores alongside the Playstore. This could be a way to grab exclusive content once the foldable phone revolution takes off. Which may happen quicker than expected
- From 1 and 2, Consoles will have fierce competition. Foldable Phones will have integrated online, Netflix, several of the same apps the Xbox and PS systems have, while also being portable with long battery life, and foldable into a tablet that can be used as a mini-tv screen with a stand. Allowing comfort use of your android compatible gamepads. At home, you can also throw your games/movies on your TV, all with one device.
- At a certain point consoles will be considered archaic. With the Foladable phones having great power, multi-tasking, features, and portability. They also have a cheaper dev environment even with AAA games, devs and pubs will run to the exclusive stores from smartphone manufacturers making top end games without having to lose as much money as they would developing on home consoles, leaving only name brand IPS being the only reason to own a game console.
However there's the rumored Surface Phone and the HTC Phone, the former with a 5.5 inch screen with a 7-8 inch tablet, a sleeker design than the fold, a Surface pen, and even greater internals. HTC is rumored to have partnered with Intel, and is aiming for an 8 inch table with a 8 inch screen, aiming for a thin design and new battery strategies.
We are already quickly heading the the future where consoles are replaced by all in one devices that can do the same but more. Within 3 years I see sleek high quality bendable displays, optimization allowing great picture when thrown on a TV screen, 12+ hour battery life with decent use, and other big changes. The Next Xbox and PlayStation may be the last consoles after all.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this subject.