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Wireless Networking Woes

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We are having some major probs here, hope someone can shed some light.

Admitedly, we are using a lot of devices in our household. We have between us, 3 ipads, 3 iphones, 1 blackberry, a PC, a Mac, and a PS3. These are all connected to a D-Link router on Virgin Media, and all have crazy fast download speeds. So far so good.

Yesterday I added 1 more PC, also wirelessly. The second it connects, all hell breaks lose. Randomly some of the other devices will lose connection, speeds plummet for everything that can actually stay connected, and the PC itself has shamefully low speeds about 25% of what the others typically get.

Now I should mention the PC is situated in the furthest corner of the house, and does have quite bad wi-fi signal compared to most of the other devices. Typically 50 - 60 percent signal strength.

The obvious solution seems to be buy a signal extender and get that up to 100, but I thought I'd ask in here first if that would definitely fix the prob. The part that seems bizarre is how all the other devices start acting up the second this one connects. Even if it's receiving poor signal, that shouldn't really affect anything else on the network, should it?

Have tried changing wireless channel already. Have also been using automatic IP assignments and am pretty sure there are no conflicts there.
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