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Woman left with 'uniboob' after botched surgery leaves her breasts joined together

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A 40 year old woman has gone public with her 'botched' breast enhancement operation in a bid to warn other women about the dangers of using an unqualified plastic surgeons.

Dinora Rodriguez, from Los Angeles, California, was left with a 'uniboob' after her breasts were conjoined by skin.

She also had a nip-tuck operation on her eyelids that has meant she is unable to close them.

Mrs Rodriguez is featured in a new advertising campaign being mounted by the American Board of Plastic Surgery in an attempt to warn people about the dangers of using unqualified surgeons.

The ASPS want to warn people considering surgery to be on their guard against what they call 'white coat deception'.

A spokesman for the ABPS explained: 'Just because they have a white coat doesn't mean they are qualified to perform plastic surgery.'

Mrs Rodriguez said she discovered this the hard way after visiting a doctor to have her breast implants replaced.

Her surgeon had cut across the two separate 'pockets' that normally hold breast tissue which meant the implants were able to touch in the middle creating the look of a single breast, or 'uniboob'.

The female surgeon also cut through nerves and muscle, leaving her with shooting pains in her ribs.

Mrs Rodriguez revealed that the surgeon also carried out corrective surgery on her eyes - even though she did not request any.

The operation has left her unable to close her eyes and surgeons said no corrective surgery will be able to repair the damage.

Mrs Rodriguez must take medication for the rest of her life to keep her eyes moist.

She said: 'It was a terrible experience waking up from surgery and seeing that this had happened.

'I didn't know to check my doctor's qualifications and I regret it.'

A new surgeon, Dr Steven Teitelbaum, has since carried out corrective surgery on Mrs Rodriguez's breasts.

She was able to pay for the new operation with a settlement after suing her previous surgeon for malpractice.

An advert featuring Mrs Rodriguez was unveiled at the annual conference of the ABPS in Denver, Colorado.

The group hope it will warn women and men to check on the credentials of their doctors before going ahead with operations.

It is currently legal in 48 states for doctors who are not certified by the board of plastic surgeons to practice cosmetic and plastic surgery.

Malcolm Z Roth, ASPS President, explained: 'Patients are getting injured, some are dying during procedures performed by non-board-certified plastic surgeons.

'We want patients to understand what to ask their doctor and what to look for so that they can maximize their chance of a safe and successful procedure.

'There is a misconception among consumers that as long as a doctor is certified in a medical field that he or she is qualified to practice plastic surgery. This is absolutely wrong and it is dangerous for patients.

'If you are considering a plastic surgery procedure it is critical that your doctor is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This is the best way to be certain that he or she has completed the necessary training and meets certain standards to practice plastic surgery.'

Latest figures from the ABPS show that 1.6m procedures were carried out in 2010.

They included over 300,000 breast augmentation, 289,000 liposuction and 138,000 breast reduction.

Other procedures included 152,000 eye surgery and 145,000 Abdominoplasty.
Story here


A travesty. This kind of shit won't end until we do something about these unlicensed and unregistered surgeons and all stand together as one.


And this is why you should do a lot of research on your plastic surgeon beforehand.

Also, she'll probably get some free reconstruction surgery from a reputable surgeon out of this.

Also, I guess this rules out tittybangs?


This operation has left her with some bad mammaries.

I really wish the Daily Mail wasn't blocked at work. I need to see this boob.


Vagabundo said:
Urgh plastic surgery. Die..

Plastic surgery DOES have some uses. A classic example is some women with naturally larger breasts (or I suppose unnaturally larger breasts) develop back pain and benefit from a breast REDUCTION surgery. What needs to be reduced is most COSMETIC plastic surgery but even that has a place with burn victims, victims that were attacked by various animals, etc. It can CERTAINLY be medical. It just frequently is not.
She also had a nip-tuck operation on her eyelids that has meant she is unable to close them.

Mrs Rodriguez revealed that the surgeon also carried out corrective surgery on her eyes - even though she did not request any.
Oh wow

The operation has left her unable to close her eyes and surgeons said no corrective surgery will be able to repair the damage.
Holy shit

Mrs Rodriguez must take medication for the rest of her life to keep her eyes moist.
What. The. Fuck.

The uniboob thing is a pretty minor issue compared to what happened with her eyes IMO.

Gaborn said:
Plastic surgery DOES have some uses. A classic example is some women with naturally larger breasts (or I suppose unnaturally larger breasts) develop back pain and benefit from a breast REDUCTION surgery.
Like clipping the wings of birds.
DiipuSurotu said:

Oh wow

Holy shit

What. The. Fuck.

The uniboob thing is a pretty minor issue compared to what happened with eyes IMO.
Yea, but eyelids don't bring the readers like that uniboob!


Meus Renaissance said:
Big, round & firm. I see no issue here.

I'd like to have seen her on a trampoline before they were corrected.

Gaborn said:
Plastic surgery DOES have some uses. A classic example is some women with naturally larger breasts (or I suppose unnaturally larger breasts) develop back pain and benefit from a breast REDUCTION surgery.
Breast reduction surgery is a cruel and unusual punishment meted out by women sent from the withered bosom of Satan herself.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
DiipuSurotu said:
The uniboob thing is a pretty minor issue compared to what happened with her eyes IMO.

Yeah, this is far worse. How in the fuck can she sleep with her eyes open?


People who get this much plastic surgery scare me. Look how awful she looks in every facet besides the breasts. In fact, I think her boobs looked nice before (though I'm using the blurred pics to decide that).


Gaborn said:
Plastic surgery DOES have some uses. A classic example is some women with naturally larger breasts (or I suppose unnaturally larger breasts) develop back pain and benefit from a breast REDUCTION surgery. What needs to be reduced is most COSMETIC plastic surgery but even that has a place with burn victims, victims that were attacked by various animals, etc. It can CERTAINLY be medical. It just frequently is not.

Yeah I forgot the cosmetic. Of course reconstructing someone's face after a bad accident and the like should not die....
Oh, so this is the ABPS' new marketing push? They must really be scared of the other surgeons.

You know what would be funny? If the AACS (Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons) mounted the SAME campaign but instead informed people of the dangers of "Board Certified Plastic Surgeons". After all, of the few injuries and deaths that do happen in these procedures, most are at the hands of "board certified" Plastic Surgeons. Down here in So. Fla, a place called Strax (a cosmetic surgical factory of sorts), has a few deaths every single year. Nothing but board certified Plastic Surgeons there. Most of which were do to complications that were easily avoidable had they been more interested in patient care than income.

Oh, and btw: "board certified" means nothing. It just means they were able to sit down and pass a test once every several years. It means a general base level of working knowledge, but it neither relates to any level of skill, nor does it reflect any enhanced ability. That said, anyone performing these procedures needs to know their anatomy (duh)...and the best way for someone interested in having one of these procedures is to do their homework on their potential physician. The more *experienced* the better, in most cases. But as with anything, good hands-on training, understanding of the anatomy and skill (secondary to experience) are what is most important. And hell, if the physician doing the cosmetic surgery is an Emergency Medicine physician, it's probably even better. If anything goes wrong, a Plastic Surgeon is gonna have to call 911. And Emergency Physician, not so much.

AACS must be really cutting into ABPS members' money for them to suddenly react so colorfully.

edit: and stuff like breast augmentations and tummy tucks should be done by a plastic surgeon regardless, IMO. Or under the observation of one.
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