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Woman pretends to be a student at three different high schools in Boston


happy season 4 GIF


Weird. I wonder if it was indeed nefarious, or if she was trying to write some paper or a book or something? You young'ins will have no idea what I am talking about, the film Fast Times at Ridgemont High was based on a book written by an author who was a 22yo posing as a high-school senior for their research.


10 years ago when I was still studying, my flatmate was an exchange student from germany, we became good friends and almost every day did sports or attended some event together, but we went to different schools. So sometimes if my school ended before his and we had plans to go somewhere, I would just go to his university and attend the final lecture in his class and everyone thought I was just another exchange student. Sometimes I even answered the teachers questions if I knew something.


Maybe she just wanted the nostalgic experience? As long as she didnt hurt anyone I dont see what they can charge her with?


I’m a little conflicted on what is appropriate punishment for this one. They’re definitely needs to be something in order to prevent Leonardo DiCaprio from doing the same thing.
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