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World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we're gonna need roads

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Trying to explain the story to friends returning to the game and I realize just how terrible the story setup for the expansion is, I already hated them for not following up on Wrathion's warnings/vision.


Uh, the entire point of WC3 was that Orcs could overcome Mannoroths blood haze.

The books make it a point that Orcs were misled by Kil'Jaeden. Even Ner'Zhul feels disgusted when he learns the truth, it's Gul'dan who continues that work.

They aren't told what the corruption is, if they believe one orc why not Thrall or even Etrigg himself? Thrall has the Doomhammer, it should be proof enough to Orgrim that he's to be trusted. There's no reason for the Iron Horde to be enemies to our Horde.

Let's get this straight: any way you slice it, this is all just plot devices and bullshit at this point to give us a reason to re-visit the height of Orc civilization, RIGHT AFTER Alliance pretty much puts it right down. We don't get to play in an Azeroth where the Horde is downtrodden for even a second.

The actual Warcraft story of WoW hasn't been good since WotLK. Besides the fact that you get a lot of cool Arthas interactions (albeit too many if you do all the right quests) But all the ancillary Titan, Vrykul, Sons of Hodir etc characters we're interesting and had cool aesthetics.

I just don't like that the story isn't progressing. Cataclysm was resolution to WC2, MoP was just a load of What? and now WoD is just us re-doing Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.

The point of W3 is irrelevant since it's after the fact and it's story was different. The context of the demon corruption is also irrelevant since WoD's storyline is a "what if" of some sort and books don't mean much anyway.
You don't like it's fine, I don't either, but those arguments aren't proving anything. Diferent context always change things, and on top of that we don't know much.
But the time warp mumbo jumbo is trash, yes.

Also regarding the story "progression", MoP is probably the only one progressing the story since it's the only xpac focusing on Horde Vs Alliance war which is the entire point of warcraft, and not "which villain are we going to kill today?". We could kill azshara and shit it wouldn't change much.
Sargeras and the titans are probably the end game but they're just another case of a carrot attached to a stick, it's not really story.


I really don't get upset about blizzards story. As long as Metzen is there, I'm just going to assume not one consistent storyline.

I like the panda expansion, but there really isn't enough content for me to even resub. I've already beaten all the main quests, and the only thing I can't do in a timely fashion is the cloak. Hiding quest lines behind dailies is one of the most annoying features of this expo(I skipped Cata because it seemed stupid to me during wotlk, which turned out to be right.)

What they should do is have another planet instead of revisiting already created characters and story lines. I know that's a lot of work.

I am happy about a garrison but none of my old guild mates play, servers dead, and even my current guild is lackluster at best.


So even still, fine. Whatever, he re-made the old Horde into his perfect vision. Why are they agreeing to attack their future selves and/or their descendants? Etrigg was a blackrock orc not frostwolf, why would he try to fight his future self? They don't even have the demonic blood haze that clouded their minds anymore.

Maybe orcs are just racist? Without the demonic corruption, Orcs won't have greenskin. So when Thrall and the Horde come in with green skin, Grom doesn't think they're trustworthy.

I'm still trying to figure out how Garrosh brings all this engineering stuff with him. He doesn't strike me as being capable of recreating any of it.


Maybe orcs are just racist? Without the demonic corruption, Orcs won't have greenskin. So when Thrall and the Horde come in with green skin, Grom doesn't think they're trustworthy.

I'm still trying to figure out how Garrosh brings all this engineering stuff with him. He doesn't strike me as being capable of recreating any of it.

Blackfuse's blueprints, and orc engineering but yeah it's stupid.


Blackfuse's blueprints, and orc engineering but yeah it's stupid.

Goblins use blueprints? And Garrosh was able to either hide them in a body cavity the pandaren didn't check, or was able to sneak back into orgrimmar to retrieve them?

And why aren't the Draenei able to out-engineer them?


Goblins use blueprints? And Garrosh was able to either hide them in a body cavity the pandaren didn't check, or was able to sneak back into orgrimmar to retrieve them?

And why aren't the Draenei able to out-engineer them?

Because it's stupid :p
They should have went with something like garrosh enters the Tardis and chooses Blackfuse's apprentice as a companion or something.
But no he chose Zaela because hey why not she has boobs.


Modesty becomes a woman
Maybe orcs are just racist? Without the demonic corruption, Orcs won't have greenskin. So when Thrall and the Horde come in with green skin, Grom doesn't think they're trustworthy.

I'm still trying to figure out how Garrosh brings all this engineering stuff with him. He doesn't strike me as being capable of recreating any of it.

I can't tell if you're joking or not. But actually Garrosh telling them how greenskinned orcs are corrupted, himself being a Mag'har might actually be a good explanation.

Maybe not outright racism, but they wouldn't trust obviously (to them) corrupted orcs.


Unconfirmed Member

Looks good.


Do you know exactly where the spawn points? Are you alliance or horde?
Alliance, and yeah I've looked up all four. I've managed to kill Vyra at the Frozen Lake and Brunnhildar spawns. Spawn times are just so damn random it seems. And really you only have a 25% chance of even seeing the spawn when it comes up at one of the four spots.

I've been camping all day today since the servers came back up at the frozen lake spawn. Nothing so far.


Neo Member
First time subbing since MoP launch. I'm guessing the Timeless Isle is the quickest way of gearing up?

Am item level 480 or so right now.


What class do monks compare to? I was looking into subbing again just to give the class a try (dos).

I guess Druid if I had to name one, but they're really their own bag. Healing is relatively druidic, but tanking is completely different from the rest. DPS is kinda rogue-y, but with its own idiosyncrasies.


What class do monks compare to? I was looking into subbing again just to give the class a try (dos).

Windwalker's closest comparison is probably Ret paladins actually. Similar resource system, similar FCFS/Priority hybrid rotation, but a completely different mobility and utility kit.

They're my favorite DPS spec in the game ATM.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Finished Heroic Terrace
Got 'The Fearless' title which is pretty cool. Don't see that one too often in game.

Doing HoF Monday to try to get the guild achievement


What class do monks compare to? I was looking into subbing again just to give the class a try (dos).

DPS Monks play a lot like Combat Rogues used to in previous expansions. They're good skirmishers with a cleave that you can turn on and off, but with less raid utility than other melee DPS.

Healer Monks play a bit like Operative/Scoundrel healers from SW:ToR without the stealth, if you ever played that game. Lots of HoTs and smart heals. It's clear that this spec got given a lot of love; it certainly underwent a lot of changes in the first couple of patches.

Tanking Monks are a whole different bag. Like Druids, they do high DPS and rely substantially on evasion, but that's about where the similarity ends. The active mitigation system they got is the reason why they overhauled every other tank in MoP, because it completely redefined what it means to be a tank and makes it a much more involving experience. On some encounters they've bordered on overpowered, but even with their damage nerfed they are insanely survivable if played properly.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
DPS Monks play a lot like Combat Rogues used to in previous expansions. They're good skirmishers with a cleave that you can turn on and off, but with less raid utility than other melee DPS.
IDK, I bring two buffs, and a mortal strike along with several aoe stuns


IDK, I bring two buffs, and a mortal strike along with several aoe stuns

Prolly meant raid CDs like Smoke Bomb and HTT and HotW/Tranq and Devo and such. Stuns are good in certain situations but by and large most bosses and such are immune. Raid CDs are just the hotness right now (no idea on if that will change for WoD, kinda hope so tho since there's a few specs with "a lot less" and it really shows/hurts when those CDs are by and large so common).

What class do monks compare to? I was looking into subbing again just to give the class a try (dos).

It's been said a few times but the specs are different enough so that they feel like their own job. The specialty of any of the specs is mobility with decent soloing options all around..

Brewmaster has some pretty unique tank mechanics with self absorbs and Shuffle and is extremely self-reliant, but takes some practice to get used to and is very squishy until you get the hang of it (think bear druid outside of bear form).

WW I have little experience with but it has some interesting options regarding cleaving and does decent single target as well tho nothing really memorable at this time, good or bad.

MW is the one I know the best and was a pretty big experiment by Blizzard since they lack the basic single target healing kit the other specs come with but have a significant portion of their kit focused on dealing damage while healing at a reduced healing output while doing so, and will have an entire stance devoted to DPS in WoD. They are among the best raid healers in the game (in 10s at least) but their single target healing kinda blows as a result of that whole not-standardized kit I mentioned before.

Basically I love my Monk dearly and probably wouldn't be playing right now if they hadn't introduced the class. It's not perfect or anything but damn it's fun!


Updated Talbuk models! Yes please!

I'm so sad that Alliance content looks more interesting to me so far :(

Edit: Huge spoiler
WTF Velen is dead? What, why, how. Also, wait, with WoD we've got 2 Velens now, right?
Edit: Huge spoiler
WTF Velen is dead? What, why, how. Also, wait, with WoD we've got 2 Velens now, right?
Yeah, there's two and Draenor Velen is the one who sacrifices himself. I wonder if they bring our Velen into Alternate Draenor or if it's just all Maraad from that point forward.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Only downside of playing a monk

Most of our tiers look dumb, and if you go to look for older stuff you just end up looking like a rogue or druid.
A new quest type is available: the "Bonus Objectives". When you walk around a zone, new objectives might appear randomly in your quest list. Completing the objectives will reward you with extra experience, leaving the area will drop the quest.

Nice. Sigh, I really want to go to Draenor already and explore.

There is a toggle for new character models.

Wonder if you toggle it off if other people will see the old or the new model.
The map now has navigation breadcrumbs at the top

Ehh, quest objectives make things easy enough to find. This wasn't really needed imo.

The grass now moves as your character walks through it


When asked about the beta, Ion Hazzikostas answered : SoonTM.

Shit. SoonTM means it's pretty far away then.
Most likely it's just a client-side toggle. Mixing old and new models together would look strange.

Yeah, I think so too. I don't want to see the old models mixed with the new.

Orc looks really good in this vid. Those facial expressions. And the quest he's on is called A Song of Frost and Fire. A nice nod to A Song of Ice and Fire.


And some female Dwarf gameplay:


33 pages! :D
I'm excited for the grand flood of information that is coming soon.



One of priorities and reasons why Blizz game were always successful is that they targeted being playable on a wide range of computers. WoW is already bloated as it is so toggable models make sense. That way those with better PCs can play a visually nicer game, while players with older won't have to bother with improved models being too taxing on their machines.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That would be pretty lame if true. Would just make Monks and Rogues even more similar. Becuse that's what WoW needs. Classes to be even more similar.
One of the lvl 100 talents for Rogues also got changed. Master the Basics is replaced by Venom Zest. Paralytic Poison (lvl 75 talent) is now Internal Bleeding: "Your successful Kidney Shots now also cause Internal Bleeding on the target, dealing 1026 Damage per combo point over 12 seconds".

Well, we'll know everything when the big info dump hits.


That would be pretty lame if true. Would just make Monks and Rogues even more similar. Becuse that's what WoW needs. Classes to be even more similar.

This is the way combo points should have worked for rogues in the first place. It makes no sense at this point to leave it as is since every class that has been given some version of our combo point system has an even better version.
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