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Wow.. I think. Wireless XBL headset.




Anyone tried this? Looks freaking awesome! I hate the litte wire that irritates the hand and whatnot on its way to my head.

Oh, november release. Well maybe someone has tried it anyways. Still beats the Halo 2 headset.

Edit: Do I remember correctly or does the (new) wireless Logitech Xbox controller have headset and memory card plug holes on the reciever? That would be _awesome_ to combine with this!


testicles on a cold fall morning
Lil' Dice said:
Wouldn't a 2.4ghz headset and a 2.4ghz wireless controller screw up eachother's reception?
same spectrum, but a huge range of channels to prevent interference or cross-talk.

lil' john: WHAT?!?
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