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wtf? what can i do about getting ripped off on ebay?

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so, i ordered something off ebay a few weeks ago. long story short ebay banned the dudes account and took down all his listings because he was a fradulent seller (they sent me an email and everything detailing this). luckily (i thought) i paid with paypal and i would be covered to receive my money back. so, i email paypal about it and they email me and say "we're looking into it, give us 10 days". then today i get this:

After careful review, we have concluded our investigation into the Buyer
Complaint described below.

Complaint Details

Transaction Date: *******
Transaction Amount: ******* USD
Case Number: *************
Seller's Name: **********
Seller's Email: *****************

We have determined that the seller is at fault in this matter but regret to
inform you that we were unable to recover any funds from the seller's
account. As stated in the PayPal User Agreement, recovery of funds
associated with a Buyer Complaint cannot be guaranteed.

wtf?? why do i even bother using paypal if anyone can just rip me off and paypal won't/can't do shit about it?

i wonder what my other options are. could i contact my bank/credit card company and tell them about the situation, or contact ebay? the amount is over $200 so you'd think ebay would do something about it... but what are your experiences with stuff like this? will ebay refund you or what? man i wish paypal would give me this dude/chicks personal info so i could go bash their fucking head in with a baseball bat


I am usually very paranoid when it comes to places like ebay/half.com. I have only ever bought from people with a very long list of high ratings. I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune. Would you think if you purchased directly from your credit/debit card that you would have gotten your money back? I don't know much about stuff like this but am interested.
Did you pay with a credit card? It's no problem then. You can just do a charge back. Just call the credit card company and tell them what happened. If it's just a check card or if you did a direct transfer, you're FUTA.


Drunky McMurder
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i paid through paypal, which is connected to my bank acct

Paypal is absolutely fucking worthless. They lost that class action suit for good reason.

evil ways

I've been ripped off on ebay only once and after the 90 days Ebay makes you wait and all the forms and complaints, I got jack and shit, not my item or my money back.

All Ebay said was that I should "Try to resolve the issue with the seller as politely as possible".

It was only $13 but it still pissed me off.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I was scammed on a $500 eBay laptop purchase earlier this year, and Paypal got me my money back after about two weeks, so they aren't completely worthless. For that amount of money, I'm definitely glad that I spent a little extra to get the buyer's insurance (which, from your post, it isn't clear if you opted for or not).
just as a follow up, check out what happened:

"You recently attempted to transfer funds from your bank account to your
PayPal account.

Your bank has declined the funds transfer.

We were unable to cover your payment to ************* with
funds from your PayPal balance. While this transaction had already been
flagged as unauthorized, our external processor could not be prevented from
completing the representment process. Your Back-up Funding Source will not
be charged to make up the funds. This could mean that your PayPal account
balance will go negative, but this is merely an interim accounting step
that will be corrected when we have completed our review of this


the money was already put back into my bank account :D so, even though joke ass paypal couldn't get my money back (apparently), my bank took care of business after i contacted them about it. suck it down bitch who tried to rip me off!
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