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WWE 90s Legend Sid Eudy has passed away at 63


Gold Member
Shocked Sid Vicious GIF by WWE

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To counter that horrific gif above, here's a video that's much more fun that Sid was involved with: The Shockmaster!

RIP. Had a great look and intensity. I believe Jim Cornette had some good stories about Sid back in the day.


Saw him live a few times over the decades and man, he could really move, and had a killer look. I'll never forget him power bombing Brian Pillman on the back of his neck on TV as payback for Pillman chatting shit to him before the match. Brutal. Rip Sid. You were amazing.
12 year old me got his autograph at a Hebner's patio furniture shop a few miles away from my home. I was quite intimidated by him! He was super chill, though. I'd heard about the fight he had with Arn Anderson in a hotel that involved Arn getting stabbed the F out of with a pair of scissors.
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