This is an instant classic good or bad.
from russell on dvdvr boards who typed it out.
from russell on dvdvr boards who typed it out.
Stacy : "Now let's bring out the remaining five diva contestant winners !"
* girls enter
Stacy : "Tonight, we're gonna narrow it down to the final four. Who will it be ? Will it be Joy, Amy, Carmella, Maria, or Christi ?" And the eliminated Diva is...Maria."
*crowd boos*
* Maria hugs everyone but Carmella, to whom she flips the bird."
Stacy: "Now we're not gonna waste any time here tonight. One of the most important skills for being a WWE diva is the ability to speak in front of a live audience. And as we've seen before you guys don't always get along..but we're gonna have a little contest we like to call "Diss the Diva". So just because you haven't gotten along before we're gonna have a referree come out just to make sure there's no unneccesary roughness. Now you each will have 30 seconds and you must diss each one of the fellow, Joy - your 30 seconds starts now !"
*cue 30 second clock in corner of the screen*
Joy: (to Amy) "Hmmm (squeezes Amy's bikini clad breasts) a little too firm for my tastes"
Joy: (toChristi) "Christi, hunny you like to spank it ..I think you need to learn how to get a good spanking. (playfully slaps at Christi's buttocks) Yeah ! That's right ! Whoooo !"
Joy: (To Carmella) "Carmella, you talk a lot of shit but you've got a gap so wide you could drive a truck right through there babay. Anything else to say ? Noooo. Carmella has nothing, she's weak and little. She doesn't even want to be a diva, you guys... (feigns a slap as Carmella pulls back) ..yeah, that's what I thought. "
Stacy: Alright. Alright, Amy, lets see what you got."
Amy: (To Joy) "Joy, you need to learn how to lick a pie"
Amy: (to Christi) "Christi, you need to SETTLE your ass down."
Amy: (to Carmella) "Whore, you don't have any respect for the WWE. You don't know shit about wrestling. Having a cock in your mouth has nothing to do with wrestling..biatch."
Stacy: "Whoooa...kay. Alright, Carmella, here's your chance to fight back"
Carmella: (To Amy) "I thought you weren't jealous of me, Amy. You didn' didn't want to be me, right ?
Amy : (miming stinky breath) "You have bad breath"
Carmella: "Alright, alright.. you didn't want to be me ? Who tried out for Playboy, Amy ? And they laughed ! They laughed."
Carmella: (to Joy) "And, Joy, what a great role model you are, mom. What a great role model."
Joy: (Joy thrusts out her ass and begins to gyrate frantically)
Carmella: "Talk shit on Tv...(becomes aware of frantic gyration) yeah..shake that fat ass ! Shake. That. Fat. Ass. Shake your fat ass."
Carmella: (To Christi) "Christi, I hope you win, honey. That's all I have to say. If I don't win this contest, I hope you win..that's all I got to say."
Stacy: "Okay, Christi..lets see what you got."
Christi: "Didn't your mothers tell you not to mess with fire ? It's hot..and I will burn you."
Christi: (To Joy) "Joy, is this (shakes breasts mockingly) the only thing you can do ?"
Christi: (To Amy) "Amy, it looks like you've been sucking on something (indecipherable) because those lips look like a (indecipherable)."
Christi: (To Carmella) "And, Carmella, you're a cum sucking gutter slut. You guys, I may come down on all of you !" (performs emphatic split and then pounds canvas to punctuate this achievement.)
Stacy: "I like your flexibility"