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WWE News: Kurt to become HHH?!?!

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From 411:
Kurt Angle has been telling people backstage that he wants to become an unbeatable heel and lead a stable of heels upon his return. His feeling is that Smackdown needs its own version of what Triple H is to RAW. Some have become upset with Angle for the ways he has brought up this new idea.
In a way I do and don't like this because Kurt actually has talent, and if he wants a group of heels he could get Rene Dupree. But do we really need another HHH?

evil ways

At least Kurt Angle has talent both in-ring and promo wise, unlike HHH, so I say yes to this idea, unless his stable is made up of 90% talentless hosses.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Well, the idea worked well with Team Angle for a brief second. I am in favor of anything to shake things up on Smackdown. The only thing is who would Angle and his stable fued with?


Thing with unbeatable heels is that eventually when it's time for someone to beat him, they go "oh he isn't paid his dues / over enough to beat me" and stop the push for whatever wrestler.


LakeEarth said:
Thing with unbeatable heels is that eventually when it's time for someone to beat him, they go "oh he isn't paid his dues / over enough to beat me" and stop the push for whatever wrestler.

I don't think Angle will be a bitch about it unless they try to have someone beat him that is clearly not ready like they have tried a couple of times before. This is a good idea and would give Smackdown a heel group to at least give direction to the show. As for those whining about it, There is NO ONE on that smackdown roster who has any claim to be on the same level as Angle to be upset about nothing. You take Angle away and Smackdown is a rookie show.


True. When the top heel at the moment is Bradshaw, having Angle as Smackdown's HHH can't be that bad. Angle's wrestling ability is up there with the best of all-time. You can't say the same for HHH right now. Getting Angle out of the GM role and making him the top heel would be a big improvement for Smackdown in my book.


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The real question is who would end up in his faction. Luther Reigns is probably a definite. Other than him, I'd like to see any of the following:

Mark Jindrak - Now that he's lost Teddy Long, he needs something new. His whole "Reflection of Perfection" arrogant act would fit in pretty well with Angle.

Billy Kidman and Paul London - Neither one is really a proven heel wrestler but there's no one better to learn from than Angle. Plus, having the tag champs in the stable would give it immediate credibility.

These are really the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. Best case scenario, they bring someone new up and give him the rub by pairing him with Angle.
I'm not so sure that a dominant heel faction in the same vein as Evolution is what's best for the SmackDown brand. Obviously, SmackDown has different needs than Raw in that the roster is mostly full of younger stars that need to be established. Concentrating booking efforts around one group probably wouldn't fulfill that. Only a few names would really benefit. And, anyway, at this point in his career, Angle should be putting people over more so than dominating full-time workers. After all, he won't be able to carry the show into the future. He probably realizes this more than anyone, so I think that this rumor is stretching the truth to say the least.
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