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WWE, please stop the Diva Search segments

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And Im not alone

According to reports from correspondents at Raw, during the last two weeks, fans in attendance have not shown great interest in Diva Segments, with many heading toward the concourse during those segment.
What are you talking about?!??!! Thos... babes.... are really... hot... and frankly I... love to see them.... Alright, so it clearly is a bad idea, but is it the worst? I don't think so. The Unertaker vs The Undertaker... The birth of Mark Henry's baby hand... David Arcet wins teh title (WCW but since they are basically the same now)... And let's not forget the some of the newer ones, the Kane story with Lita, how about Kane being a cry baby and whining about people making fun of him? And do you remember Jerry's Evil Dentist? What about them allowing Ric Flair to still have matches? And how many times does he get back body dropped??? Climbing to the top rope and getting thrown off counts too. What about Zack Gowen? The fact is wrestling has some of the worst things I've ever seen on TV, but yet I watch it all the time.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I never watch WWE, but I had a couple friends over tonight and they wanted to watch it so I watched some. They talked to the girls a bit, and from what I saw I think the redhead is the only one that seemed right for the job, the others were too wimpy looking.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me

This troll? Not that she's completely ugly but all the others left certainly make her look horrible.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Well the same could be said in comparing a good amount of the already established "divas" to the candidates. There are a couple cute ones, but being physically fit for wrestling seems to be more important than good looks. That redhead looked like she could beat up any of the other candidates.


It's just bad TV...the girls all look awkward, and it's really a waste of time. And it takes up far too much airtime and detracts from the rest of the show.
(last weeks)The segment with Kamala/Wannabe Diva's was one of the most boring and stupid segments raw has ever produced.

And they show that shit right before the 60 minute iron man match.. Talk about a crowd killer.

Just hope it ends real soon.

evil ways

That crap will keep on going for around 8 more weeks. They should've just picked the Diva the night they ran that tv special.
The sad thing is, every one of those girls could do a better job of acting than Lita. That skit with her and Kane last night wouldn't pass muster in a middle-school play.


Rabid Wolverine said:
(last weeks)The segment with Kamala/Wannabe Diva's was one of the most boring and stupid segments raw has ever produced.

Well at least it was KAMALA~! I mean seriously, how often do we get to see that?
Carmella would be my third choice, she's hot and Puerto Rican, but Joy is also hot and has a banging body.

As for Amy, she shouldn't even have to compete. When this woman comes looking for a job you don't put her in a contest. You give her a check and send her out there for evening gown matches against Stacy. :)


I missed Kamala the Ugandan Giant interacting with a bunch of skanks?

Damnit! That would've been television gold for me.

evil ways

Ronabo said:
I missed Kamala the Ugandan Giant interacting with a bunch of skanks?

Damnit! That would've been television gold for me.

The scary thing is that he doesn't look like he has aged a day since 1991, and he's still in his top, jolly, belly slapping shape.
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