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X-Box - James Bond:Everything Or Nothing


I have had this game since day one when it was released... I played it maybe tens minutes when I first bought it. I gave it to a buddy for him to play when he first bought the X-Box...

Anyways, I threw it in last night and this game is really beautiful on a 27" Sony HDTV... I love the all-around feel of the game. I like the 3rd. person perspective and graphics are incredible... the 2nd. or 3rd. level has you chasing a train in a car... GREAT!

I am now on that train and had to quit because I was tired...

This game is sweet, I am glad I did not return it for credit on another game... must beat this game now... BEAUTIFUL...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I hate the menu system and the way the game progresses, but the actual gameplay was suprisingly solid, fun, and full of variety.

Did you encounter the resolution problem? If 1080i is enabled in your XBOX dash, the on foot portions of the game and the menu system will only display in 480i (while the vehicle sections will display in 480p). From what I've read, it is simply a glitch and requires you to disable 1080i for this game. If you have 1080i enabled, I'd recommend turning it off...as you probably would be viewing half the game in 480i otherwise...


I would say this game is worth the $49.99 I paid for it... I have 480i and 1080i set on the X-Box but really have not noticed any weird issues... I will check tonight...
I played and beat the PS2 version.

I the game was kinda good. On the PS2 there were some minor frame rate problems and stuff. The game also got repetitive in the later stages.

But there are some really awesome levels; like the Highway chase etc.



Street Fighter IV World Champion
CO-OP mode is truly awesome. Me and jetjevons were up till 4am one night playing the bastard.
The part with the train chase is some of the worst game design I've ever encountered. The entire sequence is full of forced hits where by the player has to try to do is reach the train with about 25% health to actually complete the mission. Great idea but horrid execution.

The controls in the game are a fucking joke too. Most of the time you have to hold two buttons down to get bond to do anything.


Console Market Analyst
One of the best games of the year. Fuck EA for not giving us a sequel, and instead throwing everything into Rogue Agent.

Bah! Bah I say.
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