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X-men completed, closing thoughts.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Played the entire thing through in co-operative and we finally polished off the endboss last night.

+Best co-operative based dungeon hack in recent years on consoles. Easilly bests the competition.

+ Wide range of Dynasty Warriors-esque dial-a-combo sequences making melee a far more diverse affair than most similar games. Launchers, fists of fury, stun attacks, all represented with simple sequence chains.

+ MASSIVE DESTRUCTION! Walls, chairs, tables, beds, etc... all fall to the wrath of the Xmen. It's very soothing to have storm shred an entire room apart with a shot of chain lightning, or have Logan annhilate a grunt with a single swipe from his claws. You really feel powerful in this game.

+ Lots of character variety, though several powers are mostly copied from mutant to mutant, each Xmen is expressed extremely well in the context of combat.

+ Long frickin quest! Though my friend admitted he could have easilly kept playing another 25 hours past the closing(amazing he got so hooked into this considering the last game he had ever cared to touch was Goldeneye 4-player back in college), I was personnally getting quite ansty to just polish it off long before we hit that number.

+ 720p and surround sound well implemented.

-VERY few boss encounters. Quite often these long dungeons end on an anticlimactic note, with such a diverse cast of villains in the X-men universe, it's a shame you rarely face any of them.

-Game gets obscenely simple. Though interesting early on how cautious you must approach certain fights because of the possibility of getting stomped(and a small cap on carried potions), by the halfway mark, X-men are way too overpowered and through to the endgame you tend to fear nothing.

-No access to danger room missions from title screen.(After beating game, you cannot access ANYTHING from the final save point, making all of those special danger room missions you find in the final dungeon completely moot if you didn't backtrack to a save spot previous to the endgame that offers access to the bonus missions.) HUGE OVERSIGHT here!

-Game is redundant. Though combat is satisfying as is the process of leveling up, it still doesn't change the fact that you rarely visit unique locations or fight foes tyhat are all that varied or interesting. The sequel needs more purpose to utilizing different X-men in a smattering of missions.

-On that note, you could argue that some X-men felt extremely underpowered compared to others(Jubilee vs. Storm...no contest), but the challenge dropped off so big in the second half, that we were experimenting with all sorts of underutilized fighters and still had a simple time of things.

-CPU AI sux Rarely activate mutant powers, they fall into holes like boobs, and generally just don't feel helpful.

-Oh I must mention the extremely dull soundtrack as well as the boring post-mission scavenger hunts through X-mansion looking for conversations. It's easy to be patient with this stuff in single player, but to endure this stuff in co-op really killed the momentum.

Musashi Wins!

Great take. You hit on so many things I'm not sure what to add.

I hope the sequel is more and online. And it was a very, very pleasing gift to old fans of the comic so despite the flaws it was one of the best games I played with this year.
Since they already put Nightcrawler into the first game, all I can hope for in the sequel is one of those little Bamf guys from his mini-series.

God, I'm such a nerd.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Oh and did anyone figure out where the Juggernaut flashback was?(We never got to play it)

And also, who is the final X-men to be unlocked? When we beat the game, one slot was still available. I'm guessing Havoc, but when would you ever get to take advantage of him?

We were both dissapointed we couldn't see multipleman in action. He sounds hilarious.


Juggernaut flashback is after the 2nd mission, you talk to beast for it. XD Just check the objectives when it says updated.

The absolute best comic book adaptation ever. And i loved those early 90's arcade games too (Avengers & X-Men). They really, really nailed it.

I would love to see this same engine (w/updated graphics :D) used for the fantastic four, the Avengers (can you imagine that character list w/ like 150 characters ), and the Defenders.

Of course, the sequel should have the New Mutants, X-Force, Excalibur, Alpha Flight, & the Hellfire Club.

It's funny that the RPG turned out to be the best way to make these characters really translate well. DC should do something similar.


Brandon F said:
And also, who is the final X-men to be unlocked? When we beat the game, one slot was still available. I'm guessing Havoc, but when would you ever get to take advantage of him?

Not sure if this is the answer you're looking for, but I've heard this is what the other slot is reserved for:

You can use Xavier on the 'Astral Plane' missions.
sonycowboy said:

The absolute best comic book adaptation ever. And i loved those early 90's arcade games too (Avengers & X-Men). They really, really nailed it.

I would love to see this same engine (w/updated graphics :D) used for the fantastic four, the Avengers (can you imagine that character list w/ like 150 characters ), and the Defenders.

Of course, the sequel should have the New Mutants, X-Force, Excalibur, Alpha Flight, & the Hellfire Club.

It's funny that the RPG turned out to be the best way to make these characters really translate well. DC should do something similar.

This entire post is pure genius.


I thought it was a highly addictive game, and apparently I wasn't the only one. I've had to play through the game with I think like 4-5 different groups. On two consoles, so it's a pretty addictive game, I mean I have yet to get bored.

The only issue I really see is that most people really get comfortable with the earlier characters so that when you get newer and sometimes weaker characters, you don't tend to play with them as often. I mean I went through most of the game with Iceman, the rest of the team was usually Wolverine with Rouge/Collosus, Storm/Cyclops.
My big complaint is that there is no new game+ when you defeat the game. I want to use Psylocke and Colossus at the beginning of the game, not play through and find everything again...

I like the one branching scene though, where you choose Cyclops or Wolverine in the return to the Weapon X facility. I haven't seen Wolverine's yet, but the Cyclops encounter is VERY good.


-Oh I must mention the extremely dull soundtrack as well as the boring post-mission scavenger hunts through X-mansion looking for conversations. It's easy to be patient with this stuff in single player, but to endure this stuff in co-op really killed the momentum.

And what about the AWFUL voice acting for some of the Xmen and MANY (okay, most) of the supporting baddies? When you have Patrick Stewart on the one hand, it just makes mediocre voice acting in the same game seem even more awful. It's like they blew the whole voice budget on the Professor and then used the pennies left to cast almost everyone else. I was stunned at how crappy the overall voices were given the production values present in every other area of the game.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
WasabiKing said:
My big complaint is that there is no new game+ when you defeat the game. I want to use Psylocke and Colossus at the beginning of the game, not play through and find everything again...

Yep, my friend was REALLY steamed about not being able to continue upgrading and building his Wolverine to max in a New Game+. After 25 hours, I was ready to put it down myself, but a new difficulty and the chance to polish off all the missing Danger Room scenarios would have kept me on board for a few more hours. New costumes is all you get...blah.

I like the one branching scene though, where you choose Cyclops or Wolverine in the return to the Weapon X facility. I haven't seen Wolverine's yet, but the Cyclops encounter is VERY good.

That was a branching mission? As I recall Wolverine takes off solo when you chat with him at the X-Mansion and you were forced to use Cyclops regardless. Care to expand on this?


GameFan Alumnus
Brandon F said:
Yep, my friend was REALLY steamed about not being able to continue upgrading and building his Wolverine to max in a New Game+. After 25 hours, I was ready to put it down myself, but a new difficulty and the chance to polish off all the missing Danger Room scenarios would have kept me on board for a few more hours. New costumes is all you get...blah.

That was a branching mission? As I recall Wolverine takes off solo when you chat with him at the X-Mansion and you were forced to use Cyclops regardless. Care to expand on this?

I agree, a New Game + with increased difficulty would have been fantastic. Hopefully, something like that gets put in the sequel.

There's a Weapon X flashback where you just control Wolverine. Don't remember exactly how you get it, probably just talk to Wolverine near the motorcycle at some point in the game at the Xmansion.

I don't understand the gripes about the voice acting. I thought the voice acting was really well done across the board in this game, especially compared to other games on the market.
Brandon F said:
That was a branching mission? As I recall Wolverine takes off solo when you chat with him at the X-Mansion and you were forced to use Cyclops regardless. Care to expand on this?

ok, the way I got it was by using Alison to walk around the subbasement. In one of those instances, I got to go to the X-Jet Hanger and ran into Wolverine. Talked, moved on. Then talked to Cyclops, moved on... At some point, you activate the war room computer and you get to choose either Cyclops or Wolverine.

As for the voice acting, it wasn't as bad as what I would have expected. Sure, who wouldn't want all of the animated series folks to return, but there's only a few that I couldn't tolerate. Cree Summer doesn't fit as Alison/Magma, and it could just be because she's used in everything and anything. And Psylocke's was unexpected... Otherwise, meh, I don't care so much for it since I'm not spending my time listening to voice tracks for a action/rpg | beat 'em up.

Eggo said:
There's a Weapon X flashback where you just control Wolverine. Don't remember exactly how you get it, probably just talk to Wolverine near the motorcycle at some point in the game at the Xmansion.

Yeah, but that's entirely different from the branching instance.


Gold Member
I just picked this up for the Cube since it was cheap at Fry's (the other two versions were $50), and damn I wish I didn't wait so long. Best X-Men/comic game ever. I haven't liked a comic book game this much since the old 286 days and the GTA-style Punisher game.


I picked it up a couple days ago. The damn thing keeps glitching on me. I had to fight the toad battle 3 times already because of glitches and now I have to fight again because it went green in the x-mansion before I could save. This sucks...reminds me of CoN


Wich X-men game are you guys talking about? I'm out of the loop, havent touched games in a while 'cept WoW and ESPN 2K5.

Musashi Wins!

Rorschach said:
I picked it up a couple days ago. The damn thing keeps glitching on me. I had to fight the toad battle 3 times already because of glitches and now I have to fight again because it went green in the x-mansion before I could save. This sucks...reminds me of CoN

man, that sucks, i didn't have one glitch with this game.

everyone's talking about X-Men Legends (multi-platform).


Musashi Wins! said:
man, that sucks, i didn't have one glitch with this game.

everyone's talking about X-Men Legends (multi-platform).
Which version did you get?

On the voice acting: I think it was downright awful. I almost didn't want to switch characters to heal them or control them because I might get a horrible "ok" from storm or someone with an equally awful voice. The Magma chick I've heard in a lot of cartoons and I've always hated her voice. The only time she was good was in Batman Beyond.
Fuckin' A, I can't reproduce this branching mission, but I swear I thought you could choose between Wolverine and Cyclops. No matter... I've been playing it through again, and what kinda sucks is that everything you gathered in the previous game can be gathered again. And there's no metric that tells you if you're 100% complete or not.

I also got the green screen glitch, something the Q&A folks forgot to fix. I have the PS2 version. I hate Beast throwing the huge dining table, then 10 seconds later the screen when green. :(

Overall, great first effort. I'm looking forward to the sequel, and hopefully, they make the characters play differently. I thought 15 characters was overkill...


Malakhov said:
Wich X-men game are you guys talking about? I'm out of the loop, havent touched games in a while 'cept WoW and ESPN 2K5.

The newest one. Check IGN, or watch for the commercial on more "teenager friendly" shows. Research. I can't do all the work for you.
Sort of late to the party, but I just picked this up for GC in the TRU deal.

I'm up to the 2nd mission and loving it so far. Anyone else feel this game screams out for online play? Maybe in the sequel?


My copy just arrived in the mail today, I can't wait to start playing it. I don't know much about Ultimate X-men, how is it different from regular X-Men?

Kon Tiki

Xmen was made for RPG games. The powers fit it so perfectly. I hope this franchise (Legends) gets milked, I would love to play 20 more of these. I wanted to play another story after I beat it.
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