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XS Games presents: Mobile Light Force 3!

I wonder what happened to the Xbox version. It was posted on Gamestop for a while and has now vanished. Glad to see this pop up though. I'll be content with whichever version manages to get onto shelves.


XS better bring over the GC/XBox versions too. Ikargua and Metal Slug 3 both proved there's a healthy shooter market on both platforms here...


ferricide said:
is the second game as blah as the first one?
PS2 version is more "blah", even though the first game really isn't once you get into it.

Anyway, the PS2 version of this has choppy framerate. I completely gave up on it after only a few hours because of this. Can't fucking stand dodging like a pro only to have the frames stutter and kill me.


ferricide said:
is the second game as blah as the first one?
i've played the dreamcacst version, and i like it. the bullet patterns are more interesting than the first game, and the game just generally plays better.

it's not on par with gradius 5, but then, what is?



I think the second game is significantly better than the first (which I also enjoyed).

Aside from improved graphics (thanks to the second game's Naomi roots - the first game was on Taito G-Net hardware, which is essentially PS1), I agree with epmode, the bullet patterns are more interesting than the first. The import version also has limited continues (I think you earn more as you play, similar to Ikaruga) which means that you can't easily credit through the game in an hour.

I haven't played the GameCube version, but I've checked out the DC, PS2, and Xbox versions...not much difference between PS2 and Xbox, but both of those versions are slightly better than the DC version (since you have the ability to turn off the slowdown if you're feeling particularly masochistic - since the DC is the same speed as the Naomi, you can't turn off the arcade slowdown)...


I honestly didn't notice the slowdown. Even so, I played it mostly on my Xbox, so it's possible I missed it...seems odd they'd add the "remove arcade slowdown" feature if they couldn't have it maintain a steady framerate...


Argyle said:
I honestly didn't notice the slowdown. Even so, I played it mostly on my Xbox, so it's possible I missed it...seems odd they'd add the "remove arcade slowdown" feature if they couldn't have it maintain a steady framerate...
I shouldn't swear that the Xbox version is better at it, since I didn't spend much time with it yet, but I can swear that the framerate stutters ruin the PS2 version for sure.

I guess it depends on how 'hardcore' you're going to play it, though. If you don't really care about maximizing your score and beating it in one credit, I guess you'll be fine with a stuttering rate.


aku:jiki said:
Anything by Cave, G.Rev, Raizing or even Treasure themselves.
i agree about cave, but i'm not a huge raizing fan. can't comment on g.rev as i've only played 2 of their games, gradius 5 included.


epmode said:
i agree about cave, but i'm not a huge raizing fan. can't comment on g.rev as i've only played 2 of their games, gradius 5 included.
Granted, G5 does include elements of Border Down, but don't exaggerate. ;)

I wasn't a huge fan of Raizing 'til I played more of Battle Garegga recently, myself. I think theirs is about the same level as G5. Very pretty, good and fun action, but kinda shallow with no real scoring system and a very straight-forward level design.
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