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Yearly in search of "Action Cats" post. :)

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I've been trying for a LOOOOONG, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time to find the "Action Cats" SNL skit in mpeg avi etc.. format.

Anyone out there know where I can find it? Can't find any newsgroups or bit torrent sites with it. I'm even considering giving away a small prize as a token of my complete and undying appreciation..

FYI- It is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.... I need it. :_(
If anyone can find the clip of Debby Downer that aired on this year's show hosted by Lindsay Lohan, I will give you a tag of your choice. I've looked everywhere and can't find it.
Mike Works said:
Good God, first that one guy finds those dinosaurs attack action cards for me, now this. The forum rocks today!

What do you want your tag to be?

Oh and find that dude with the stupid avatar's request too if possible. THE MOD COMMANDS IT!

lol. like your reflecting text is sOOooo much better. :p

thanks for trying jason. the quest continues...
Mike Works said:
dinosaurs attack action cards

... hmmm, this sounds cool. I wanna see. And yes, I was going crazy trying to find that Action Cats clip online (for that post on Jurassic Park 4) and was unsuccessful. :(
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