What a legacy. Rest in Peace. For some fun side content still related, I believe he also did Lady Stalker which didn't get released in the west but did get a fan translation iirc. Funnily enough on the SNES as a spiritual successor. Sega was foolish to let some of these go. I did struggle to get into Time Stalkers though, I should go back one of these days.
Also a side thing, maybe related, released by Enix back in the day with seemingly same art style is Fangs: The Saga of Wolf Blood. Amazing channel btw.
The influence of the Shining series on me cannot be understated. It got me into dungeon crawlers and strategy rpgs. I'll never forget how bummed I was when I learned that Camelot was bought by Nintendo. That style was so unique, I really wish that people would try to learn and emulate some of these more unique forms to help stand out from the pack. Its just so charming. The colors back then were also much warmer which I really prefer. Literally brightens my day when I so much as remember them.