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Your thoughts about the UFO Phenomenon

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UFO is a legitimate phenomenon and in opposition to all the popular belief, it is not related to extraterrestrials or flying saucers.

Well, I'd like to hear from you guys some opinions and serious explanations about UFOs, with links to great articles if possible.

I want to believe but until now I didn't see any cientific evidence that corroborates the existence of unknown energy and dimensions, ETs or alien implants.


I'll get us started:



There's so, so, so much that can be and has had been said about this subject and maybe I'll feel like expanding upon it later, but from all of the stuff of read/heard/seen/etc. I'm going to say that I believe in it. I'm not fanatical about it, though, and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I see nothing patently harmful in believing it and what evidence we *do* have leads me to think its real in at least some capacity.

As with anything that's supernatural, anyone trying to prove a phenomenon's existence is caught between a rock and a hard place. The things we seek out are supposed to be so far over our heads that you *can't* really do scientific experiments based upon them. Sure, you say, we have no concrete, hard evidence (and even that can be debated to some degree), but then again, exactly how do YOU propose we get a UFO down here with the consent of whoever might be driving it and ask them kindly if we can inspect their craft?


Sure, you say, we have no concrete, hard evidence (and even that can be debated to some degree)
Hey, do tell.

I remember a story of several parallel and unidentified lights being seen in the sky. I suspected it was nothing to get excited about. That was until they interviewed Joe Marie Bob of Pantucket, Ohio and he sure sounded convinced something was afoot!


Well, there are scant pieces of alleged physical evidence floating around. Things like some small implants removed by doctors or the more famous "artifacts" from Roswell like the I-bar emblazoned with alien writing or, perhaps the most well-known piece, the light-weight piece of metal which, no matter how much you squeezed/pressed/scrunched it up it would *always* return to its original, perfect form. The I-bar and metal stories have come straight from people involved with the Roswell incident and some have claimed to haver personally handled the material. The implant stories come when they come. Hell, you can go so far as saying crop circles and electromagnetic ratings taken at said sites could be physical evidence. Whether you want to believe these things or not is up to you, but there IS potential, physical, hard evidence out there. However, the fact that still little is known about any of these things certainly make them harder to believe, but once again we come back to the fact that we're trying to research things that we have no real basis for in the first place. There's nowhere you can *start* when researching UFOs, so you have to try and put together the various pieces into a solid foundation first, before getting into the real hard research and testing. But when the scientific community gives you such a hard time that you can barely even begin to lay that foundation it isn't easy to get credibility in the first place.

Extraterrestrial or not, there's definitely SOMETHING going on here....even if its people hallucinating and making stuff up, then we need to research the reasons why our brains are producing these specific kinds of experiences so that we aren't plagued by them anymore.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I have to think that many sightings are simply military technology that we have never seen before. In the invasion of Nicaragua (s0), the locals reported seeing weapons and uniforms that had never been seen and only now the military is displaying as future soldier "cyber-uniforms." I used to believe in UFOs, but at this point I would think something concrete would have come out by now. The media is way too ratings hungry not to have caught something on tape or revealed something to the public.


Extraterrestrial or not, there's definitely SOMETHING going on here....even if its people hallucinating and making stuff up, then we need to research the reasons why our brains are producing these specific kinds of experiences so that we aren't plagued by them anymore.
Actually, scientists have. Theories are very similar to some proposed for those susceptible to hypnosis. In fact, there is a very strong correlation between people who have reported being abducted or having seen UFOs, and how suggestible they are when being "hypnotized". Often known as fantasy-prone people; they are also more capable of immersing themselves in fantasy novels and whatnot. It is not, however, any sort of illness or even necessarily a lack of intelligence. There's a spectrum, like with anything else. Some people will find themselves further right (for instance) and closer to fantasy, whereas other people may be far left, tightly bounded to reality.


Like they say, truth is stranger than fiction. I don't know if UFO's as in aliens are real or if it's something else, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was aliens or some crazy gov't expriments, etc.


I used to believe in it hardcore, and used to have some wacky time travel theory and everything. Now I just think it's bullshit. Cameras catch everything these days. UFOs could never go near metropolitan areas and not get filmed with good quality. The lack of hard evidence is damning. You can run the gag for 40 years or so, but sooner or later, it's gonna get old. Crop circles died a lot faster than UFOs, despite Art Bell's best efforts. PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
Crop circles died a lot faster than UFOs, despite Art Bell's best efforts. PEACE.
Are you doubting the guy? Next thing you'll be telling us you don't belief in the maverick vampire-hunting Catholic priest the Vatican doesn't really approve of. ;)


The galaxy is too huge and infinite to not believe in them in my opinion. The way people look and sound when they tell those stories, I just can't believe they make that stuff up. Sure there's lots of frauds, but some of the stuff sounds so genuine. Like the story of Betty and Barney Hill, I don't see why they would have any reason to make up a story like that, plus that Starmap she made that turned out to be very similar to a real star system was amazing. I'm past the point of questioning their existence, I'm much, much, more interested in exactly how their ships and other devices work. I remember once on TLC a real scientist who claimed to have been assigned to examining a spacecraft the government recovered said they managed to start one up before and the funny thing is he said the ship appeared to make it's own gravitational force somehow. He said it made the weirdest noise he ever heard in his life and at the bottom of the ship, you could see a huge rod circling the bottom half of the ship then it levitated for about 8 seconds and stalled.

The Flatwoods monster is my favorite alien figure, what's cooler than a scout bot that shoots mysterious goo on people? :)


PS. Now scientists are saying that virtually all stars should in fact have a whole array of planets, much like our own solar system, making the possibility for extraterrestial life all the larger.


Setec Astronomer
Drexon said:
PS. Now scientists are saying that virtually all stars should in fact have a whole array of planets, much like our own solar system, making the possibility for extraterrestial life all the larger.
Life on other planets, or hell, intelligent life on other planets is a far far cry away from extraterrestrial phantom visitors to ours. :p


I don't think most people are making up their stories, but I don't believe in aliens visiting Earth, for the same reasons I no longer believe in Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. Too many years have passed with no hard evidence, only more and more urban legends with piece-meal facts & photos.

What is really going on? I don't know of course (none of us do), but if I were to guess, I'd say there are several otherwise unrelated phenomena that people (due to a pre-conceived idea of UFOs and aliens) explain as UFOs and aliens. The phenomena being equal parts top-secret technology, mentally ill people, susceptable people, weather phenomena, and all-out hoaxes.


*drowns in jizz*
Our knowledge and reach of the universe are so fucking limited. I mean our solar system could represent a molecule in a football field. Do I believe theres life outside earth? Its possible. Do we know the chance of encountering this life anywhere in the near future? No. It may just never happen.


Unconfirmed Member
Hitokage said:
Life on other planets, or hell, intelligent life on other planets is a far far cry away from extraterrestrial phantom visitors to ours. :p
quoted for truth.

Hell. I have seen a few some "UFO"s. I believe life exists (even intelligent in some cases) elsewhere in the universe. I don't, however, believe that our planet is visited by otherworldly travelers.


Still Tagged Accordingly

Looks like an controller with a built in microphone for the next generation of consoles.


I believe in life on other planets. What I don't believe in, however, is that out of all the planets in the entire universe, we've won the cosmic lottery and have been picked by the little grey dudes to be the roadside truck stop on their way to Alpha Centauri.

It'll take a flying saucer to come get me right now to believe otherwise.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Here's something I've always wondered about. Let's say there is life on other planets, intelligent life. Does anyone think that humans on Earth could be the most intelligent beings in the universe, and that any other intelligent life is still at the evolutionary equivalent of our Neanderthal period?

I've always wondered this because science-fiction often depicts intelligent life from other planets as being more intelligent than humans. Hasn't anyone ever considered it could be the other way around?


As other people have mentioned, I believe that there is likely life elsewhere in the universe, but strongly doubt that they are capable of travelling across solar systems or galaxies, not to mention that they would choose us. If there could possibly be life THAT intelligent, there must be a wealth of other inhabited planets to choose from - probably many more interesting than ours.
Scrow said:
Here's something I've always wondered about. Let's say there is life on other planets, intelligent life. Does anyone think that humans on Earth could be the most intelligent beings in the universe, and that any other intelligent life is still at the evolutionary equivalent of our Neanderthal period?
We could be, sure.

Though I think it would take a planet practically identical to ours (which is possible) to breed the same evolution. How straight-forward is our universe? Would alien life still consist of the same fundamentals? Just distinguished by circumstance? Or would it be like nothing we've imagined? I know scientists have suggested potential life aside from carbon-based, but would such an alien type be radically different or still something we could easily perceive and define?

When we talk about 'intelligent' aliens, is there any reason to think that they would be anything like us? If they're extremely advanced on their evolutionary scale, I would think it could be very possible that they would be intelligent in a way that we might not even be able to comprehend.

Think of it this way - monkeys were [probably] at one point the most intelligent species on the planet. Their brains are not capable of so many things that we take for granted. So wouldn't it be entirely possible for another species to be so different or advanced that our intelligence couldn't even come close to understanding what they do? Put two ways, intelligence could either be evolved (monkey --> human) or completely different (one alien to another).
I've always wondered this because science-fiction often depicts intelligent life from other planets as being more intelligent than humans. Hasn't anyone ever considered it could be the other way around?
Absolutely. It's just that aliens would, as far as we're concerned, have to be more intelligent in order to visit us. Star Wars is one exception where you have a congregation of planets and all sorts of dumb, alien species.

Btw, were solar systems ever acknowledged in Star Wars? Was there anything to suggest that all the planets were either home to one star or were there many different systems?

I shouldn't make posts like these just before going to bed. 3 am. Christ.


What about all that stuff from Area 51: Rob. Lazar, anti-gravity, recovered UFO's, etc. Is there any deeper investigation about this subject?


Unconfirmed Member
Scrow said:
Here's something I've always wondered about. Let's say there is life on other planets, intelligent life. Does anyone think that humans on Earth could be the most intelligent beings in the universe, and that any other intelligent life is still at the evolutionary equivalent of our Neanderthal period?

I've always wondered this because science-fiction often depicts intelligent life from other planets as being more intelligent than humans. Hasn't anyone ever considered it could be the other way around?

If the species is capable of interstellar travel then they necessarily have to be more intelligent than us. We have only traveled to our moon, and unless the intelligent life travels from Mars (it wouldn't) then we would have to assume that they where not only more intelligent but had taken on a "world view" where-in travel outside of their solar system is necessary generally for survival.

That is why sci-fi depicts them that way, except when they don't, like Aliens etc, and those are not "intelligent," though they are smart.

When discussing possible life outside our planet the definition of Intelligent necessarily changes to be defined as those that can send and receive interstellar communications, something we have only been capable of for slightly over a century (with the use of radio in 1895) so we ourselves are not all that intelligent.

Now as for being the most intelligent species in the universe. Earth is approx. 4.5 billion years old. With the Milky Way being approx. 11-13 billion years old, and our universe up to 15 Billion. If we assume ours to be a standard path of evolution (4.5 billion from planet birth to intelligence) then there has been several opportunities for such prospective life to have multi billion year head start on us in evolution. But then you would have to consider whether those civilizations died off by now, either by war or the death of their star.

We have no estimation on a species' life expectancy after achieving intelligence, since we are our only source of information, and we certainly have penchant for blowing ourselves up ;). So it is possible that we are the current most intelligent beings in the universe, but if other life exists, then I suspect we are not now, and certainly doubt we ever were.


If we go by string theory, the type of civilization that could reach us would be a type 3 civilization with control over all 10 dimensions and the technology to manipulate energy on a universal scale. this type of a civilization wouldnt be detected by us w/ our cameras and satellites.
in comparison, we are a type 0 civilization that is just beginning to harness energy on a planetary scale and becoming type 1.
for more information check out michio kaku's site, he has a wonderful article about civilizations, and also check out string theory.


Unconfirmed Member
nitewulf said:
If we go by string theory, the type of civilization that could reach us would be a type 3 civilization with control over all 10 dimensions and the technology to manipulate energy on a universal scale. this type of a civilization wouldnt be detected by us w/ our cameras and satellites.
in comparison, we are a type 0 civilization that is just beginning to harness energy on a planetary scale and becoming type 1.
for more information check out michio kaku's site, he has a wonderful article about civilizations, and also check out string theory.

Is the string theory stuff tacked onto older definitions of type 3 civilizations? ie. capturing all available solar energy etc. Because those definitions are older than modern ideas on string theory.

Seth C

Scrow said:
Here's something I've always wondered about. Let's say there is life on other planets, intelligent life. Does anyone think that humans on Earth could be the most intelligent beings in the universe, and that any other intelligent life is still at the evolutionary equivalent of our Neanderthal period?

I've always wondered this because science-fiction often depicts intelligent life from other planets as being more intelligent than humans. Hasn't anyone ever considered it could be the other way around?

Well, where does the Milky Way sit in the universe as a whole? That would be the probable best guess on that. If we're near the outter edge of the universe then we would likely be some of the most intelligent life. I think.
The real UFO phenomenon...

Roswell town meeting:

Citizen: This town is in the dumps! No one comes here, most people are leaving, and we're almost all broke.

Mayor: We will, uh, claim that aliens crashed here and get the story it published everywhere.

Citizen: Brilliant idea!

...and 50 years since that day Roswell is still going strong.
Pimpwerx said:
Cameras catch everything these days. UFOs could never go near metropolitan areas and not get filmed with good quality.
*shrugs* The World Trade Center towers were the biggest buildings in a city of ~10 million people, and the only video of the first plane hitting is from firemen in a training exercise.

I have, though, been wondering what the effect will be on UFO research as home A/V equipment becomes better. Will unidentified objects become easier to identify? Will they seem even more bizarre? Or will we just see even smaller mysterious things at the same sizes we already do?

Scrow said:
Here's something I've always wondered about. Let's say there is life on other planets, intelligent life. Does anyone think that humans on Earth could be the most intelligent beings in the universe, and that any other intelligent life is still at the evolutionary equivalent of our Neanderthal period?

I've always wondered this because science-fiction often depicts intelligent life from other planets as being more intelligent than humans. Hasn't anyone ever considered it could be the other way around?
Yeah. I believe the usual counterargument is "That's got a mind-numbingly low possibility of being the case.", but that's not really a satisfying answer since some species has to be first.

Socreges said:
As other people have mentioned, I believe that there is likely life elsewhere in the universe, but strongly doubt that they are capable of travelling across solar systems or galaxies, not to mention that they would choose us. If there could possibly be life THAT intelligent, there must be a wealth of other inhabited planets to choose from - probably many more interesting than ours.
There are many interesting places on Earth, but some of us still haunt Cornfield, Indiana.

Doing a quick Google search, ufoevidence.org looks to be full of cool information I'll be reading up on. Articles about physical evidence, mass sightings, major cases, and so on.

The undeniable reality is that there are a substantial number of
multi-sensor UFO cases backed by thousands of credible
witnesses. In the physical domain there are many photos, videos,
radar tracking, satellite sensor reports, landing traces
including depressions and anomalous residual radiation,
electromagnetic interference, and confirmed physiological
effects. Personal observations have been made both day and
night, often under excellent visibility with some at close
range. Included are reports from multiple independent witnesses
to the same event. Psychological testing of some observers has
confirmed their mentally competence. Why is none of this
considered evidence?

There are over 3000 cases reported by pilots, some of which
include interference with flight controls. On numerous
occasions air traffic controllers and other radar operators have
noted unexplained objects on their scopes. So too have several
astronomers and other competent scientists reported their
personal observations. Many military officials from several
countries have confirmed multi-sensor observations of UFOs. The
most senior air defense officers of Russia, Brazil, Belgium and
recently a former Chief of Naval Operations in Chile all have
stated that UFOs are real. These cases and comments are a
miniscule fraction of the total body of evidence.


Go look at the Phoenix lights. Look at the animal mutalations and strange lights seen around the time they happened. It's pretty obvious ET's have been here, and UFO's are just one of many sides of the truth. Mainstream media pollutes our society so much - its like a giant veil covering our eyes. People have been trained into some kind of Orson Wells book the way people can look at something, see its something completely out of our capabilities, and pretend it never happened. Hell the US government doesn't even ACKNOWLEDGE Area 51 exists! What kind of bull is that? It's pretty obvious we're not being told the truth on anything - and there's plenty of coverups and alien conspiracies.
Go look at the Phoenix lights. Look at the animal mutalations and strange lights seen around the time they happened. It's pretty obvious ET's have been here, and UFO's are just one of many sides of the truth. Mainstream media pollutes our society so much - its like a giant veil covering our eyes. People have been trained into some kind of Orson Wells book the way people can look at something, see its something completely out of our capabilities, and pretend it never happened. Hell the US government doesn't even ACKNOWLEDGE Area 51 exists! What kind of bull is that? It's pretty obvious we're not being told the truth on anything - and there's plenty of coverups and alien conspiracies.
Orson Welles was predominantly a radio/film guy... perhaps you meant the similar-sounding Orwell?

About how many people here have responded about extraterrestrials and such, I think it's worth repeating what bobafett said in the first post: "UFO is a legitimate phenomenon and in opposition to all the popular belief, it is not related to extraterrestrials or flying saucers."

While I find the possibility of extraterrestrials a fascinating possibility, and one that would seem to account for many strange phenomena very well... I generally think it better to not presume that's the case. When you do that, you're much more likely to get grouped in with the stereotypical UFO-seeing hick as Socreges did early in the thread: "I remember a story of several parallel and unidentified lights being seen in the sky. I suspected it was nothing to get excited about. That was until they interviewed Joe Marie Bob of Pantucket, Ohio and he sure sounded convinced something was afoot!"

It's much truer and less conversation-bombing to go with "Here's footage of a strangely shaped object zipping over the sky in bizarre ways. What is it?"


LakeEarth said:
Do I believe in life on other planets? Yes.

Have they been to Earth? Hell no...

Do I believe in life on other planets? Yes.

Have they been to Earth? Perhaps. It is our own arrogance that makes us believe that if there is intelligent life in the universe that they even want to talk to US. Earth is teeming with life of all sorts and we are still examinging the biospheres diversity. It is foollish to assume that life out there wouldn't want to 'hang out with' OTHER life on the planet aside from us. Part of the problem with the search for life equation is that it is a continuation of out old 'the universe revolves around us' psychology. The sun revolves around us, we are the center of the universe, we are the only intelligent life in the universe, if there is intelligent life out there it will communicate in a way that we can recognize, etc. It is this ego I feel that pollutes our study of potential encounters with alien species. We could right now be receiving signals from alien species ALL THE TIME, but our methodology for finding them assumes that they went the exact same route we did - TV and radio. Those two emission types are not soime universal necessity for all species - and as such we could be listening to the radio in-between radio stations. All because we still assume that life out there must have developed in a similar manner to our own.
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