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Yuji Naka Interview [GC 05]



"Thank you very much to agree to receive us here all today and to have travelled of to meet us also far! Our first question relates to Sonic: why try to develop a new perception of the character with this Sonic Shadow?

Yuji Naka: The must be of Shadow is that we want to add something to his gameplay. In the traditional plays of action, there are many aspects as the possibility of carrying a weapon or objects which we want to bring to the Sonic universe. It was also necessary for that to find the way most suitable to do it: one often asked me to offer this possibility to Sonic, and I think that the character of Shadow allows us to do it. I wanted to also propose a character who can like the audience of the play: I think that Shadow is the character more adapted for the type of action which we want to propose.

Is this the only difference between Shadow and Sonic?

The principal difference between the two is the fact that Shadow can in fact of seizing itself of a weapon or an object, a thing that Sonic could not make.

Is Project Rub here a true success in Europe, for which reasons according to you?

I explain that for several reasons: first of all it is thanks to the play in him even, we wanted to create a title which uses all the capacities offered of Nintendo DS, thanks to that we can explore new concepts, it is what we did with Project Rub and that functioned well. It is a fresh play for all the players, moreover the second episode arrives soon and you will be able to see many news ideas.

Which kind of new functionalities do you speak?

Among until you can wait in the play, one finds initially a species of relation triangular. There is a troisière nobody implied in the play. Add to that a multijoueurs mode which enables you to play with other people. Moreover, we had the feeling not to have been able to put enough things in the first play!

About which kind of play multijoueurs do speak you for Project Rub ?

By multijoueurs, relating to Project Rub, I speak because of using the same DS from one player to another. You play, and pass to the following player. It is really amusing, especially if you play in couple: play with your girl friend, or allure a girl while playing together. I will be charmed if couples were formed thanks to this play!

Sega always was very near to Nintendo ; be you interested by the capacities of the Revolution?

Of course that we are interested by the capacities of the new console of Nintendo, however for the moment I cannot say some more, it will still be necessary to wait to know some more!

Did Sega work with Nintendo in the past on plays like F-Zero, you always work with Nintendo on some of their licenses?

There is currently nothing in preparation, but if there were for Nintendo a reason for which a play should be developed by Sega, one would consider the project with attention! A play as F-Zero is really a play that Nintendo could have developed itself.
When it is a question of developing a play of the Mario type, or something like Project Rub, Nintendo does not interfere with its own plays insofar as that the assistance to increase the bookshop of their machine.

Which is the vision which Sega of the video game has, now?

The future of the video game rests on a mixture of graphics, audio, and touch. One can hope that one day a console will not be dependent on a TV: the touch could then play a great part in this evolution of the gaming.

A few times ago, Satoru Iwata indicated that it would wish that Smash Brothers be one of the first Revolution plays. One about the inclusion of Sonic like playable character in this play, is this intended to speak true and possible?

I was unaware of that Nintendo prepared a Bros Smash for Revolution. In the past, when the preceding Bros Smash was developed, if the timing had been better, Sonic could have formed part of it. But Nintendo came to see us too late and we did not have time to answer their request. Currently, there is not such a project.

In E3, we a video of Sonic on consoles Next Generation, can you could see say some to us more?

First of all, it should be known that it acts only of one technical demonstration which turned for the occasion and which does not have anything to have with what will be Sonic in the future. Currently, we reflect much on this subject for the development of Sonic on console new generation. You will know some soon more.

What you of the deadline between two generations of consoles think: can you spoke one lifespan 10 years for each machine, the next-gen arrive there?

It is a question which only Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo can answer. I would prefer one longer lifespan of course to bring more plays.

Among all the projects on which you worked, which would you like to propose with rising generation?

All depends on what the players want. I am very implied in my projects like Shadow, Project Rub 2 or other projects which we will reveal with the TGS, then I did not really think of that.

Next consoles will they still make it possible to develop identical plays for the three machines?

I do not know yet how will be the machines of next generation in each manufacturer, but ideally, I would like to bring the same plays on each machine.

Since was Sonic Heroes, the series developed on all the supports, it will be the same on consoles news generation?

For the moment that was not decided yet. Afflicted but per hour that it is, I cannot speak about our projects on consoles news generation, you will know some more in Tokyo Game Show.

PSO on Dreamcast has some share revolutionized RPG Online on console, how PSO Universe will be different?

Phantasy Star Online was always different, on several levels. Environment Phantasy Star is new, we try to bring the maximum for the fans, which they seek like greater environments and a bottom of play even richer, there is still many things to discover on Phantasy Star Universe.

As is a creator, the play online, it the future according to you? What that offer to you?

At Sega, we are interested much in the play on line, especially with the arrival of the new technollogies that becomes very interesting, the fact of being able to develop new universes and new concepts thanks to this mode which really interests me, we are not limited any more and it is a true innovation in the world of the video games.

We make a point of thanking Yuji Naka to have granted to us a little their invaluable time to carry out this interview. "

Translate from french by babelfish


Bad Art ™
A l'E3, nous avons pu voir une vidéo de Sonic sur consoles Next Generation, pouvez-vous nous en dire plus ?

Tout d'abord, il faut savoir qu'il s'agit uniquement d'une démo technique qui tournait pour l'occasion et qui n'a rien avoir avec ce que sera Sonic dans le futur. Actuellement, nous réfléchissons beaucoup à ce sujet pour le développement de Sonic sur console nouvelle génération. Vous en saurez bientôt plus

better translation

At E3, we saw a next gen sonic video can you tell us more about it ?

First, you have to know it was a demo done for the occasion and it has no bearing on Sonic's futur. At the present time, we are thinking a lot about sonic on next-gen console. You'll know about it soon.
Ixtense said:
Among all the projects on which you worked, which would you like to propose with rising generation?

All depends on what the players want. I am very implied in my projects like Shadow, Project Rub 2 or other projects which we will reveal with the TGS, then I did not really think of that.

What you say?

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
So.... no Sonic in the next Smash? Or, Nintendo just hasnt asked yet?



John Harker said:
So.... no Sonic in the next Smash? Or, Nintendo just hasnt asked yet?

Yuji doesn't know that smash bross for nintendo revolution was in developement


Urrgh, this pain I am feeling needs unleashing!

Does Naka even know what he is doing anymore? "Lol someone asked me to put guns in a sonic game once, but sonic probably wouldnt use guns so I figured lets use his clone instead; shadow".

I'm going to wait for TGS, and hope to fuck we see a next gen Sonic. as if I am presented with Dreamcast graphics and reused models again, it's gon' rain blood.
Luckett_X said:
Urrgh, this pain I am feeling needs unleashing!

Does Naka even know what he is doing anymore? "Lol someone asked me to put guns in a sonic game once, but sonic probably wouldnt use guns so I figured lets use his clone instead; shadow".

I'm going to wait for TGS, and hope to fuck we see a next gen Sonic. as if I am presented with Dreamcast graphics and reused models again, it's gon' rain blood.

this interview was taken from nintendo power, according to jeuxfrance.com


being watched
I bet Naka gets fed up with people asking for NiGHTS 2. Pity more Japanese developers don't tell it as it is Itagaki style or lose their rag.

Gamerod: "So please Mr Naka. What chance of a Nights-san new play?"

(edges closer)

Ixtense said:
In the past, when the preceding Bros Smash was developed, if the timing had been better, Sonic could have formed part of it. But Nintendo came to see us too late and we did not have time to answer their request.

Once again, for those who mocked, Sonic _WAS_ going to be in Smash Bros Melee. He's not, but Nintendo made plans and held talks with Sega about it.

I remember when the first news of that leaked out, but nothing showed up in-game, people then acted like you were insane for bringing it up, "OMFG HAHA NO THAT'S EGM U WANT MEGAMAN TOO I BET!!" There was already an interview stating what happened clearly, but I'm glad that he's brought it up again.


I have made this interview and then, when I have asked Naka on the sega booth about a new Nights, he said that he can't talk about this for the moment.
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