For it to crumble would mean a fundamental shift in how we value time, property and individualism. You speak of this as if its some easy choice the human race can make to change our systems of how individuals work. To change an entire way of thinking for a species that's spent the last 20,000 years basically working off a system of currency will require something like a total collapse of society.
For starters, we should be on that shift. If we are really to rely on the status quo, just looking at history, the status quo has been founded on ignorance. Our situation with money assumes the idea that time is money. Time is time, and money is nothing more than a concept, though we have cognitively botched that by assuming it to be objective in what it is. Because the majority of people think something doesn't make it good or reasonable, and I feel your position is one of the majority, of the status quo. Just because the majority think very ignorantly doesn't make that ignorance wisdom.
The entire idea is a pipe dream. I've seen the idea posted here more than a few times that people shouldn't have to work, we shouldn't have money, etc. and it's ridiculous and will never happen. It's like the kind of shit a pothead would think about while he's sitting on the couch trying to contemplate paying his bills without having to getting a job.
I will agree it is a pipe dream. Like I said, we are perpetually surrounded by ignorance, especially with money, that the idea that money being removed will never happen. It should, for it gets rid of the real cancer of our modern world, but too many people are invested into it, too many people bought into the illusion that it is concrete, no different than oxygen. It is a social construct and nothing more. A solution, a middle ground, would be to present the concept of a universal baseline income, but that too will be fought against with ignorance, just like our fucking crater of health care in this cesspit of a country. But it is a reasonable middle ground; too many people cannot accept a more natural state of reality that all of the earth's resources objectively belong to all of the earth's inhabitants for we think entirely with our man-made constructs. Knowing this, you can sell that a basic living for all should be a reality. The fact poverty exists on any level should absolutely offend any motherfucker with even an iota of compassion, for there really is no sincere, honest reason it exists in 2014. It exists because of a psychological hang up on the concept of wealth and what one must do to attain it and literally nothing else. Keeping on that road will lead to disaster. Automation of technology and an increasing population will only make that tumor grow much, much faster.
Thats kinda the impression I get too. The people I hear cry out most for a society free of jobs and money are the people who seem to hate working. It could never work, people will always want things, people will always have some skills that are more needed/sought after than others. People as a whole may all be equal and bleed the same blood, but that doesnt mean our skills are equal. Some people are more valuable than others, when it comes to certain task. And some task are more valuable than others.
The key for worthwhile work is to make it work the individual would want to do for what it is, what they give into it, not what they get from doing it. Our entire culture, by emphasizing currency and saying it is a have to have, is all about what you get from what you do. This is why people do things they hate, the concept of the rat race, loathing what you do, lusting to get away from it, and dreading its return. This is what happens when you do things for money, and if you do
anything for money, and that being the first and central reason, you are absolutely absurd. You have failed to grasp basic realities on what time is, and that is the real currency in life. No need to chase nonsense, though our way of life in that regard is very nonsensical particularly in this way.
I am not making the argument that we live as hermits, but I am arguing that the basic foundation for why we work is fundamentally flawed, for many do whatever to make money, even if it is something that they don't give a shit about. People waste their time, their lives, doing things they dread in the hope that they will have time elsewhere to do what they really want. This is a foolish way of living, but this is what many people have been conned into doing; to live lives being taken apart by vultures over a concept that many people buy because we claim it's worth something. If my rejection of that absurd premise for living means I simply live a shorter life, then so be it. I would not live any other way.
Empower people, and give them the resources to prosper on a basic fundamental level, and every single one of us can live worthwhile lives. It shouldn't have to be a game of haves and have nots, we can do much better than that. For fucks sake, we can go to
MARS, how the fuck can we say that with amazement when we honestly let so many people here on earth, our home, suffer so significantly? We should be ashamed of ourselves.