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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Subete no aware
Fuuun Ishin Dai Shogun - 01

They finally did it. Being a virgin gives you super powers. Bravo Japan!


Funny thing about Samurai Champloo and Ghost in the Shell is, I've seen SO MUCH of them back when I was younger and they were on Adult Swim Saturday nights, yet can't remember a single thing about them. I'll have to go back through them again.
That's funny, I was the same way. I caught a lot of them on Adult Swim Action, but never watched them in their entirety. I was really happy that I did, though.

I'd say he should go with the Ghost in the Shell movies first if he hasn't watched those, at least the first one. But yeah, he'll definitely enjoy it.
They can be enjoyed separately from one other. The GITS film is seminal, but maybe a little less approachable than GITS:SAC.

Fuuun Ishin Dai Shogun - 01
They finally did it. Being a virgin gives you super powers. Bravo Japan!
That was only implied to be the case until now.


Judging by opinion, looks like I'll check out Darker than Black first. After that and maybe a few more, I'll get back to you guys on what I think. Thanks!
Fuuun Ishin 1

Holy shit this managed to outdo every other bad show this season in like the first 10 minutes. At least with the mangaka anime I didn't skip around the episode.



Ping Pong 1
I missed you Yuasa, this was good. The ping pong matches animations can look sometimes jarring, but when the real game began, it was pretty good.

I hope they would get the OP up and running pretty soon. ED was pretty lovely though.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Why, is it bad? It's on my backlog

It's kinda pretentious and preachy. It's a visual threat though, and the music is handled by Yoko Kanno. So yeah, nature is the way to go, and industy artifical crap is evil and disrupting balance of the world.


Nanana's Buried Treasure 01

This is the noitaminA show I chose to place my bets on, and I think it paid off. While I don't dabble in mystery anime too much (that my favorite anime detectives are Milky Holmes says a lot), but this one has a pleasant atmosphere. Nanana's pretty cute, and I want to see more of the Asumin-voiced detective who showed up at the end. That opening sequence, while the CGI for the traps was a bit obvious, hints at much more exciting things to come. Like the OP, and Sphere on the ED is always a good choice.


It's kinda pretentious and preachy. It's a visual threat though, and the music is handled by Yoko Kanno. So yeah, nature is the way to go, and industy artifical crap is evil and disrupting balance of the world.

Understatement of the century.

Link Man

Nanana's Buried Treasure 1

-Really like the OP song already.

-Actually, soundtrack reminds me a bit of Grandia.

-About $50 per month in rent? Holy crap.




Well, this was a lot of fun! Shot straight up to the top of my rankings for this season!


Setec Astronomer
Arjuna makes Ferngully look subtle, and its total inability to maintain a scientific basis for its claims severely undercuts its message despite touching on many actual and important issues.


Arjuna makes Ferngully look subtle, and its total inability to maintain a scientific basis for its claims severely undercuts its message despite touching on many actual and important issues.

Sorry, I can't hear you over your words.


It's kinda pretentious and preachy. It's a visual threat though, and the music is handled by Yoko Kanno. So yeah, nature is the way to go, and industy artifical crap is evil and disrupting balance of the world.

Sounds like the kind of anime to watch along with something else.

Nanana's Buried Treasure 1

-Really like the OP song already.

-Actually, soundtrack reminds me a bit of Grandia.

-About $50 per month in rent? Holy crap.


Well, this was a lot of fun! Shot straight up to the top of my rankings for this season!

This looks really good


Ping Pong The Animation Episode 1:

Ah yes, this was a curious treat to watch, although I could see many not getting into it because it is doing that Aku No Hana rotoscoping thing that looks really ugly at times. Anyway, it is really refreshing to watch a sports anime that is not also a shonen show and thus keeps things to a low roar and this makes me interested in watching ping-pong, no small feat. Yes, I think this is already a highlight of this season.

Neo C.

Currently watching the first few episodes of Attack on Titan.
I can't comment much except Mikasa is マワイフ!


Subete no aware
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka - 01

So this seems to be this season's Kiniro Mosaic or Non Non Biyori. Bunch of girls hanging out and doing various hijinks. This time, it seems to be all coffee based, so it's an anime made for Tested.com's own Will Smith.




If nothing else, cajun will probably love this. lol


Ping Pong 1

Yuasa! As Shard said above, it's nice watching a sports show that's not shonen. It allows things to feel a bit more grounded, and I don't think we'll be seeing any super magical powers and such. Art during the match near the end was nice. Felt really dynamic and stylish. Don't know much about the characters so far, but they seem solid. I was surprised by how likable China ended up being since he was introduced as kind of an asshole.


Arjuna makes Ferngully look subtle, and its total inability to maintain a scientific basis for its claims severely undercuts its message despite touching on many actual and important issues.

Back when the show was airing, there was a seemingly erudite gentleman called Dave Baranyi on the newsgroup rec.arts.anime.misc who used to get VHS tapes shipped to him from a friend in Japan who was some kind of biomedical engineer. He was a big fan of the show, and claimed that the science in the latter parts of the series was pretty accurate.

As I've said before, my love of Arjuna (which isn't ironic, although I haven't watched the series in many years) has very little to do with its hamfisted cultist environmentalism. It has some nostalgia attached to it undoubtedly - it was the very first fansub I ever watched, staying up in the middle of the night to use WinMX when my family was asleep - but it had ravishing production values for 2001 (poor CG mecha aside), good performances from the lead seiyuu (we won't talk about Cindy!), and some really interesting ideas and themes.

(embarrasing teenage anime fan confession time - I used "Resonance of the Earth", the track that plays in episode 1 when Juna transforms, as music to psyche me up before my A levels...)

Perhaps it's a very naive attitude that I would no longer have 13 years later, but I've never found the "because it's easier" or "words" episodes that get so much of a pasting here to be that ridiculous. The "words" episode is probably my favourite of the whole series, in fact.

I'm never going to defend Before Birth, though (apart from the ending with that gorgeous music when Juna's on the train and
Tokio's premature ejaculation
), or learning from the mountain. Or even the ultimate reveal which makes no sense. There are limits even to my mad fanboyism :p

(I wonder whatever happened to Dave Baranyi? I vaguely remember him discovering fansubs but that was about the time that Usenet ceased to be massively relevant as a discussion forum for me.)
Ping Pong 1

Wow what a treat. Just like with Flowers of Evil and Kemonozume, the artstyle in this is rotoscope-looking and 'ugly' in the sense that it's realistic to a degree but still cartoony. Seems like they don't have an OP animation yet as it was just rehashing scenes from the episode throughout the song. It has character, that's the most I can say right now. Apparently Smiles will be the main character, which makes sense since the show was focusing on him throughout the episode. I thought Peko was good but god damn
he got destroyed by the chinese student. And it looks like the chinese guy realizes that Smiles is damn good but holding back due to lack of interest. So if he recognizes him and he defeated Peko that badly, Smiles' true skill must be amazing

In other words I cannot wait until the next episode. That was brilliant. I'm usually character driven when it comes to my shows, but just like with Tatami Galaxy this might be watched more on the artistic side to it.

Ping Pong The Animation Episode 1:

Ah yes, this was a curious treat to watch, although I could see many not getting into it because it is doing that Aku No Hana rotoscoping thing that looks really ugly at times. Anyway, it is really refreshing to watch a sports anime that is not also a shonen show and thus keeps things to a low roar and this makes me interested in watching ping-pong, no small feat. Yes, I think this is already a highlight of this season.

You should be watching Baby Steps. The first episode made me read the manga and I already caught up with it. It's amazing and also isn't shonen about tennis. It's pretty straightforward. It made me interested in Tennis, and I never gave a crap about tennis. And unlike this, at least so far, the characters are likable. Especially the main character, relatable as shit since he's this studious geek who gets into tennis on a whim and uses his brains and study methods to get better at it.


RIP Anime Mirai. Too good for Japan's tax dollars!

Saw the announcement about this a couple of days ago. Maybe the Ministry of Culture finally did an audit and review of anime they've funded in the recent years, and they watched Blood-C The Last Dark. That would certainly motivate them to suspend all future funding for the industry! :p :p

JAniCA has said that they will continue supporting the young animator training program and Anime Mirai initiative though. There probably won't be one for next year since it's too late to look for funding elsewhere and start any sort of production this year, but I don't think it's dead for good. They just need private sector funding and for it to make business sense. We'll see.


At the same time that I'm interested in this idea of a Ping Pong show that isn't shounen, I can only imagine the hype that would be a shounen ping pong match.


Subete no aware
Saw the announcement about this a couple of days ago. Maybe the Ministry of Culture finally did an audit and review of anime they've funded in the recent years, and they watched Blood-C The Last Dark. That would certainly motivate them to suspend all future funding for the industry! :p :p

JAniCA has said that they will continue supporting the young animator training program and Anime Mirai initiative though. There probably won't be one for next year since it's too late to look for funding elsewhere and start any sort of production this year, but I don't think it's dead for good. They just need private sector funding and for it to make business sense. We'll see.
If quality mattered, then the Canadian government would have gotten out of funding bad American TV shows ages ago. lol
Is This Order A Rabutt? 1

Not-Azunyan becomes Not-Azusagi
This is way lewder than the average Manga Time Kirara adaptation! Or maybe I'm forgetting just how lewd they are since Yuyushiki had some impressive butt-service and Kiniro Mosaic had Shino being a sexual deviant. Anyway, the setting to this is is pretty nice even if these girls are going to be doing the same things they'd do usually, I laughed a good number of times and it's plenty adorable so I'll be sticking with this.


At the same time that I'm interested in this idea of a Ping Pong show that isn't shounen, I can only imagine the hype that would be a shounen ping pong match.

The matches are pretty hype. The manga uses a lot of stylish effects to make the matches very intense and based on this episode, the anime is probably gonna expand on them.


This Week in Puchimas

The Piyopiyo/Chiichan episodes were adorable. Also, Io's laser beam.

Inugami & Nekoyama 01

This will definitely fill my Sakura Trick spot for the season.


Is This Order A Rabutt? 1

This is way lewder than the average Manga Time Kirara adaptation! Or maybe I'm forgetting just how lewd they are since Yuyushiki had some impressive butt-service and Kiniro Mosaic had Shino being a sexual deviant. Anyway, the setting to this is is pretty nice even if these girls are going to be doing the same things they'd do usually, I laughed a good number of times and it's plenty adorable so I'll be sticking with this.

This is super lewd, wasn't expecting that. I'm ok with this.


quick camera movements, burning eyes, he hits the ball and screams


The matches are pretty hype. The manga uses a lot of stylish effects to make the matches very intense and based on this episode, the anime is probably gonna expand on them.



There's really no such thing as "shounen ping pong" simply because that would be totally laughable to anyone who actually knows anything about the sport. China has the art of table tennis down to a science. Their clone army is trained from young to be totally mindless soldiers of destruction at every school in the nation, and only the best of the best make it into the national team. Those who fail to get in are still so good that they get poached by other countries around the world and offered citizenship just to play for them. Anyone who is not a China born trained clone soldier is second rate, even talented local players in countries which have adopted China players. That's the reality of Ping Pong.


There's really no such thing as "shounen ping pong" simply because that would be totally laughable to anyone who actually knows anything about the sport. China has the art of table tennis down to a science. Their clone army is trained from young to be totally mindless soldiers of destruction at every school in the nation, and only the best of the best make it into the national team. Those who fail to get in are still so good that they get poached by other countries around the world and offered citizenship just to play for them. Anyone who is not a China born trained clone soldier is second rate, even talented local players in countries which have adopted China players. That's the reality of Ping Pong.

So "shounen ping pong" would be redundant. Got it.

This makes me want to see a Jojo spin-off about ping pong. ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA.

That would be pretty broken though.

There's really no such thing as "shounen ping pong" simply because that would be totally laughable to anyone who actually knows anything about the sport. China has the art of table tennis down to a science. Their clone army is trained from young to be totally mindless soldiers of destruction at every school in the nation, and only the best of the best make it into the national team. Those who fail to get in are still so good that they get poached by other countries around the world and offered citizenship just to play for them. Anyone who is not a China born trained clone soldier is second rate, even talented local players in countries which have adopted China players. That's the reality of Ping Pong.

That's just what a shounen villain would say trying to dissuade someone from another country trying to becoming the best!


The Light of El Cantare
Saw the announcement about this a couple of days ago. Maybe the Ministry of Culture finally did an audit and review of anime they've funded in the recent years, and they watched Blood-C The Last Dark. That would certainly motivate them to suspend all future funding for the industry! :p :p

JAniCA has said that they will continue supporting the young animator training program and Anime Mirai initiative though. There probably won't be one for next year since it's too late to look for funding elsewhere and start any sort of production this year, but I don't think it's dead for good. They just need private sector funding and for it to make business sense. We'll see.

They really should have just forced Zexcs to return the money they embezzled when they made Arve Rezzle and fund all of 2015's shorts as punishment.

In seriousness, I don't really like the idea of Anime Mirai being privately funded in the future because the added pressure to create something profitable is going to remove the creative freedom that these projects had heretofore offered and in all likelihood result in more otaku-oriented projects. It can still achieve the result of training young animators, but more on a purely technical level.

Realistically, on the other hand, I suppose that ever trying to nurture the creativity of animators was a waste of money because there's only one type of person who buys animation in Japan and you have to cater to them if you want to work in the industry. If you get chosen for Anime Mirai, it's basically your day in the sun before you get put in the grinder for the rest of your career.


Nanana's Buried Treasure Episode 1:

Alright, after a bit of a shaky start with antic from quite frankly another anime series I can see the potential in this one, the mysteries surrounding Nanana are very intriguing and it looks like this is going to open up into being a much more adventurous series then the high-school comedy antics were showing.


Subete no aware
I'm sure Japan simply has higher standards than inferior westerns scum. This has been proven by how carefully their college syllabus is selected.
SAO for life.

Ping Pong: Rebellion
Sniff sniff.


Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin - 01

This is a weirder version of Dusk Maiden, but with so much infodump and world building that it becomes almost nonsensical.

But hey, she likes Terraria, so why not?
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