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NPD Sales Results for April 2014 [Up2: XB1/360 hardware, PS4 #1/XB1 #2 best selling]

No they won't, the new consoles have already established a 12 million userbase. Sony wont be cutting the price anytime soon, no matter how serious you are.

Not to mention that you can't really say anything based on one month. Especially as this month was really barren with new releases.


I'm firmly back in the 'console gaming is doomed' camp.. and not only because of the XB1 numbers. Its going to be a long summer with likely bad to middling sales all around I believe.


Not Banned from OT
Why would they?
Sales are super promising for both consoles and attach rates. Hasn't been enough data yet to predict any rapidly declining sales curves.

This thread is so hyperbolic and biased I'm not sure I can participate this month heh

Attach rates are terrible compared to last generation. Read the OP 100% increase of consoles and only 40% increase in software sales. That is quite a drop off from those who spend the most hard core gamers.
does this apply in general? Look at iphone software its like ios android and yes windows exists but its at 3% according to recent results ... kind of like the wii u :S

The phone market isn't a good example since there are so many android / windows phones. Samsung, HTC, Motorolla, Google, Sony, etc. All have flagship android phones that sell well and get annual releases.
Attach rates are terrible compared to last generation. Read the OP 100% increase of consoles and only 40% increase in software sales. That is quite a drop off from those who spend the most hard core gamers.

Could it be because- and maybe I'm just totally fucking bonkers here- people have less money to spend on software when they just bought new hardware?


This is essentially what I've been forecasting since I joined the board in 2009. I don't make many predictions, but this one was already visible back in the early days of Gen 7. The trends back then are the trends today, just increasingly severe. Audience is either stagnant or mildly contracting; costs continue to go up. That pattern has been visible for nearly a decade and has not abated in any meaningful way.

Yeah, it's just so crystal clear now this may be where we're heading, some sort of huge industry contraction period where AAA games may be extremely rare. $500 million for Destiny? Come on! How can they ever make back that investment? Microtransactions on what type of buttons your uniforms have? The expectations game is now exploding to dizzying heights, and unless the market can prove it is there to catch these insane companies as they fall, it is looking like they are all fine with rushing off that cliff.

There's a thread that was made a few years ago about all the companies that have closed last generation. It was breathtakingly sad. SO many companies, so much talent... gone. It's even worse now, the rate of closures. I was working on an updated version of the list and could not believe how severe it is now. People need to really start paying attention to the trend lines, because we're heading into a dark period in the industry. I know this sounds dire, like some nutty apocalyptic hobo, but I feel the evidence is now starting strongly to go down this road.

4DS needs to come out in 2015. It needs to be cheap. It needs to be sleek and slim. It needs to be designed as an always-connected device. It needs to have a totally revamped store with tons of F2P and lifestyle content.

People who say that Nintendo can hang on for 2 years are delusional. The entire business is at risk in the west.

Absolutely. This continues to be the biggest story that is being overshadowed by Wii U's immense failure. Gaming dedicated handhelds are also in serious trouble. Japan alone could not prop up the entire industry. Nintendo's next handheld is likely to become a Pokemon and Monster Hunter system in the future at the rate this is going.
What sells to the major segment in gaming, call it casual or whatever you like is CoD, GTA, AC, Fifa, NBA and Madden, plus Lego and other kid´s games.

Yes, this games run much better on current gen consoles, but some of us are having a hard time justifying buying them, what do you think this major segment believes? I think they are fine playing this games on last gen hardware. Current gen needs to get games where either the graphical difference is easily noticeable or a major gaming experience (new or old franchise) that is not possible on last gen hardware. When this happens then I can see the current gen systems picking up. There is just so much you can sell based on hardware promise, the games that use it in never seen before ways need to release and fast, hopefully E3 is around the corner.


Last generation was not very good for third party publishers, just to make that clear. The best you might say is "treading water."
It's why I'm left wondering if the industry (or at least AAA publishers) dug their own grave (and possibly the graves of everyone else, intentionally or not) by keeping up with this budget arms race. If the audience were growing proportionately to the budgets if not FASTER then it'd absolutely have been the right thing, but as is it looks like they're going to be backed into a corner where they have systems that are more successful than those seen two decades ago, yet have a harder time making money out of them.

Nevermind that the surge of games like Minecraft really make me think there's some untapped audiences, though the problem is HOW to tap them. I guess it's like the AAA publishers are drilling deeper and deeper for oil or other precious resources while Notch just accidentally stumbled upon said resources and is making mad bank for it.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Why would they?
Sales are super promising for both consoles and attach rates. Hasn't been enough data yet to predict any rapidly declining sales curves.

This thread is so hyperbolic and biased I'm not sure I can participate this month heh

Not even Donkey Kong follow-up sales? ;)
Five of the six major studios in Hollywood are subsidiaries of relatively healthy corporate conglomerates. They're capable of weathering bombs at the box office. Sony Pictures Entertainment is the one major studio with a corporate parent in dodgy shape. Activision, Bethesda, EA, Take-Two and Ubisoft all lack this safety net. It'll be interesting to see if a contracting console market forces some of the publishers to merge or look to be acquired.
Attach rates are terrible compared to last generation. Read the OP 100% increase of consoles and only 40% increase in software sales. That is quite a drop off from those who spend the most hard core gamers.

40% increase in physical software sales.

Digital was not an option at the start of last gen, and NPD does not track it.
I'm pretty sure games on tablets look a lot better than PS2 games, not to mention they run at a supremely higher resolution.

Well the thing is they aren't making games of scale on tablets at this time. So while yes we get ports of PS2 games, we are not seeing anything near the scale of that era's games or even prior being developed for it. Even Square Enix can't make a FF game for tablets that's a fraction of a SNES game.

Congrats tablets, you have achieved graphics better than PS2 in the 2010's and supposedly will exceed the PS4 in 2020, doesn't mean much if it can't play the latest version of Call of Duty or GTA or whatever IP is hot on consoles, until it can play console games at parity it is nothing but a tablet maker bullet point. To say hey look at this game that would be nothing more than a vertical slice on any other platform, but it is gorgeous. Infinity Blade anyone? Who needs consoles?

Is that the future some people want or are they just that pessimistic?



A supply constrained console and a console that itself was selling terribly. No doubt the PS4 and XBOne had a good start, but the current situation is much different.

Super-obvious-point-to-be-made- MS are focusing on LTD figures in PR to cover up the XBOnes terrible performance this month. Nothing is wrong there amirite?
Absolutely, I think the core market is stagnant, not contracting rapidly. The problem is, again, that's this is not the whole market. You cannot exclude the casuals, because they became an integral part of the console market in the late PS2 and Wii eras. They must be included in analysis for that analysis to be meaningful to me when discussing the health of the console market.
I think it's worthwhile to look at the market in segments.
I think those customers are still an integral part of the holistic video gaming market.
I don't think I would consider those customers to still be an integral part of the console market. So in that regard, I agree the market is certainly not as healthy as it was when that market was an integral part of it. That was an unprecedented boom time.
But I don't know if from that one necessarily infers that the market is unhealthy.

I think the late-PS2 era "casuals" are not necessarily entirely synonymous with the Wii era "casuals" and it will take a while to see whether the former have vacated the space, as these consumers would normally form the later part of the adoption curve.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Attach rates are terrible compared to last generation. Read the OP 100% increase of consoles and only 40% increase in software sales. That is quite a drop off from those who spend the most hard core gamers.

That's because previous gen dropped like a damn rock. Everyone's fiscals suffered. Software down is not good yea but new console owners are looking content hungry


Anybody else think that this generation is only going to be 5 years long?

I mean obviously the systems will be supported for longer, but that we will see new systems after 5 years. I think that tech is advancing too quickly and these systems will become outdated quicker in our eyes than last generation.

I think it could easily end up being just 5 years, 6 at the most. By December 1st, 2019, all of the NEXT generation consoles will have launched in North America. Whatever Microsoft has in mind for a 4th Xbox and the PS5.
By the end of 2019, Nintendo's next console would have already been on the market for at least 2 full years, perhaps even 3 (depends if it comes out in 2016 or 2017).

In other words, all next-gen consoles will be out before January 1, 2020.


That's because previous gen dropped like a damn rock. Everyone's fiscals suffered. Software down is not good yea but new console owners are looking content hungry
I wonder if part of it is the nature of the systems not being particularly easy to reduce to casual late adopter status, and by proxy that audience got caught up by the likes of tablets and perhaps even computers instead. Do we have some recent figures on how sales divided up based on platform for major AAA games like Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite? Would be interesting if there was an unusually high number on PC, as a weaker PC can possibly easily run them and there are Steam/Amazon/whoever sales.

It means out of all Wii U, Xbox 1, and PS4 versions of games .. Infamous sold the most. Titanfall X1 bombed picking up by 360 sales.

Yeah, that's just next gen numbers. Meaning Titanfall sold a lot more on the 360 than XB1 in April.

according to IGN, yes.

Thanks, guys.

Really impressed with how much 360 sales still dominate the charts in the US.


4DS needs to come out in 2015. It needs to be cheap. It needs to be sleek and slim. It needs to be designed as an always-connected device. It needs to have a totally revamped store with tons of F2P and lifestyle content.

People who say that Nintendo can hang on for 2 years are delusional. The entire business is at risk in the west.
Going back a ways (this is a fast moving thread).

I just don't see how Nintendo can make a compelling handheld post-iPhone.

I agree: it has to be cheap. And it needs to be really soon.

But are the kids really going to want a device they can't Instagram/Whatsapp/Facebook/Tweet their friends on? How cheap can it be and still provide enough connectivity, and flexibility for whatever is cool in 2016?

Can Nintendo even make F2P work at their scale? I'm really down on Nintendo's prospects.
I think it will do OKsales wise, but do nothing to sell systems

I think it may move systems especially if sony knocked it out of the park at E3. Would make a nice one two punch. There are a lot of people that got exposed to that game late last year with Game of the Year nods, but maybe didn't want to buy a PS3 just to play it. A PS4 with a future of more games to play it may be just the ticket.
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