Madden '25 PS4 Season 2 CCM Thread: Now with 75% less Madden talk!



The Somnia Effect.

Mouz was up 11-0 to start, got Somnia'd and went on to lose the game in under 30 minutes.


Uplay is such a ratchet ass service . I would like to redeem the code for the game I payed for apparently that's too much to ask.
Thank God I already had Uplay for another game. Not that it matters since I'm at work until 6. But at least the game downloaded for me in 30 minutes when I got up this morning.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Thank God I already had Uplay for another game. Not that it matters since I'm at work until 6. But at least the game downloaded for me in 30 minutes when I got up this morning.

Yeah, managed to remember my login email/password last night. Signed up a long time ago, probably Far Cry 3 or AC4.


Watch Dogs is both Jim Sterling and TB approved. Have to buy it now.

I love seeing 2K football rumors pop up before every E3.


Yeah I bought on PS4 after I watched TB ranting about how poorly the PC version is optimized. Plus it didn't hurt to get another year of PS Plus from Target for half price with Watch Dogs purchase.

At least the PS4 version runs at 30FPS locked with no tearing 99 percent of the time.


I've played about 2hrs, maybe a bit more of WD. Seems pretty legit. Sure, always stuff that could have been done better, but it's by no means bad and nor does it look bad on PS4.

I like
I realize this is a ps4 thread but I just bought madden 25 for Xbox one and I cannot get the community files roster to work. I've looked everywhere but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Help me out please?!:(


I've played about 2hrs, maybe a bit more of WD. Seems pretty legit. Sure, always stuff that could have been done better, but it's by no means bad and nor does it look bad on PS4.

I like

Feel the same way. Plays well. Looks good. Liking it so far.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
The more I look at it the more watch dogs just seems like a solid rental for me. I don't have the time and patience any more for long ass games but some of the gameplay mechanics look really interesting. Now, if I can find a redbox that has PS4 games by me I'll be all set.


I realize this is a ps4 thread but I just bought madden 25 for Xbox one and I cannot get the community files roster to work. I've looked everywhere but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Help me out please?!:(

I don't know if anyone of us has the game anymore. We are in off season mode until Madden 15.
I realize this is a ps4 thread but I just bought madden 25 for Xbox one and I cannot get the community files roster to work. I've looked everywhere but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Help me out please?!:(

are you manually loading it after downloaded? i only used this feature once but i remember i had an issue with it where if i left the menu it wouldn't keep it loaded. i had to then do it again and start CCM
i bought watchdogs and wolfenstein with the best buy gamers unlocked thing. wolfenstein is pretty cool. some of the lighter guns feel like junk but the heavier ones have nice kick as it should be. also liked going through a few of the levels stealth style even though you dont have to. graphics are alright i guess. definitely looks better than last gen but it doesn't look great.

watchdogs i don't know. i only played for about an hour and i just dont get it yet. there's too much shit going on that i don't understand right now. i'm getting calls from some lady to go to a kids birthday party and then i get a notice that a crime is being committed and then i get a notice of a contract assignment and so on. graphics are like wolfenstein in that they look better than last gen for the most part but i don't think they are great. i do like the windy rain effect but overall it doesn't look that much better than GTA V but the framerate is smoother.

thumbs up best buy gamers unlocked!


Of all the mobas to get an early invite too, I got one through Steam for the Dead Island Moba. I know you all are jelly.

Edit: WTF at the Wildstar OT. I wanted to go into there for some sweet info and it was just a huge Guild Wars 2 vs WildStar battleground.


Shouldn't have the BF name on it but whatever looks dope as fuck. Visceral gonna become the treyarch of BF.

So my guess is we'll get

Battlefield Spinoff
Battlfield 5

then repeat, so a 3 year cycle like COD is on now with devs. Titanfall will be thrown in there somewhere.
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