Madden '25 PS4 Season 2 CCM Thread: Now with 75% less Madden talk!


Man, I was really looking forward to MK8. Guess that's just more time for DotA.

[edit]My first purchase was 40% off with Gamers Club. Are they still doing that?


If yall wanna see what a mass grave looks like...stay tuned to the Watch Dogs PC performance thread tomorrow lul

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Man you guys are nuts I was like wtf when I saw a bunch of you on Dota right now.

I might pick up watch dawgs now after seeing some ps4 footage. Looks fun. I'll get it on ps4 so I have he option to trade it back in if me no likey.


Gamestop selling Watch Dogs at midnight, hmmm

Guy in the watch dogs thread (he may get banned who knows lol) said it took him 30 hours to beat it with no side missions and it gave him a 30% completion.


I think Best Buy is doing one as well, but I'll just wait till after work tomorrow to pick mine up. Won't be able to play for more than 30 minutes anyway.


Gamestop selling Watch Dogs at midnight, hmmm

Guy in the watch dogs thread (he may get banned who knows lol) said it took him 30 hours to beat it with no side missions and it gave him a 30% completion.
Probably counts all the mini games I have little to no care for. Some probably alright, some just looked really out there.
I've had it pre-ordered as my launch title and just never bothered to switch since it got pushed back. They said I could pick up at midnight at GS, but I don't care about any game that much. I'll grab it Tuesday.


Probably counts all the mini games I have little to no care for. Some probably alright, some just looked really out there.
I've had it pre-ordered as my launch title and just never bothered to switch since it got pushed back. They said I could pick up at midnight at GS, but I don't care about any game that much. I'll grab it Tuesday.

Well I work some weird hours so midnight is nothing for me. GameStop is giving $10 off a year of PS+ with purchase of Watch Dogs btw if you need more time.


Target is running a little bit better promo. You can get 25 dollars off a PS Plus subscription card if you buy it with Watch Dogs.

I might go do that even though my plus sub goes through like 2019 anyway. Thank you triple trade in value for Madden as Watch Dogs is almost free.


Target is running a little bit better promo. You can get 25 dollars off a PS Plus subscription card if you buy it with Watch Dogs.

I might go do that even though my plus sub goes through like 2019 anyway. Thank you triple trade in value for Madden as Watch Dogs is almost free.

I would go there, but paying for Watch Dogs with credit I still have left over from when I left gamestop years ago lol


4k is the real deal bros. I'm playing through BF4 SP and its insane. Running it at ultra settings with no AA and I'm getting 80+ fps. Acer just announced their 4k gsync monitor ..that'll be interesting.

I'm about to get dat work on watch dogs though with 3 GB VRAM :l


I'm getting mad at Asus for not having their 1440P GSync monitor out. Heck they haven't released their 1080P GSync monitor and that should have been out months ago.





Thought we were going to get reckd, so I only chose PL in order to prevent another split push possibility....but they let me free farm and i just rushed radiance and it was gg from there.


I can't believe you did it. As CB would say, that is completely cray.

Well, it wouldn't have been possible without the great company of maddengaf. I'd like to thank mastershake, rors, tiger rag, eznark, livewire, bigat, ferny, gravestorm, brent, cb, phoenix, and of course splat. Even though there were a few bad apples when we had to rely on randoms, I had a great time!

Edit: Oh and of course, I can't thank enough all my loyal viewers who tuned in to watch our 24 hour dota extravaganza!
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