I was just swapping the contents of my Konami games around a few days ago. Some boxes are really beat up, while others are in mint shape, and I felt like putting my more valued games in the better boxes and a couple I want to get rid of in the ragged ones.
In the process of cross-checking the market value of these games as I was doing it, I couldn't help but be at least a little amused that Hyperstone Heist -- a decent but unimpressive (imo) entry of a decent but unimpressive beat-em-up series whose value is derived almost entirely from its license rather than its gameplay (imo) -- fetches some decent bank, while ACME All-Stars, a front-runner among my favorite sports games of all-time, can be had in mint CIB condition for a mere $15. People just don't know.
I've sort of been brainstorming ideas for some kind of communal Let's Play thread that would highlight one retro game per week or so, each accompanied by a fairly lengthy write-up and a twitch.tv livestream, with broad forum participation encouraged. I want to do one for the entire Super Mario series first (I'm finally close to getting my RGB NES, and I've just recently acquired the last couple of major games in that series that I've yet to play, so I think a straight-up Mario marathon would be the best way to knock out all of that in one fell swoop), but the Sega Genesis in general would certainly be the next thing I'd want to do after that, as the Genesis is the retro system for which I have the most robust library and also the largest backlog of games I still want to play through.
I dunno if I could pull it off, as I'm an incredibly boring LPer myself, but I think it would certainly be a nice change of pace from the SalesAGE, pixel-counting, console wars slop that dominates the Gaming forum these days. (And it'd probably just be shuffled off to Community anyway.)