Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


Unconfirmed Member

"Picture a modern version of a world not unlike that of Ultima VII, explored either alone or with a friend, that sees you engage adversaries in tactical turn-based combat reminiscent of the great turn-based RPGs of the past. A world that is filled to the brim with choice and consequence situations, reactive NPCs, and a considerable amount of surprises. A world that captures the feeling of playing pen and paper RPGs with our friends. Then add the new stuff..."

Thanks to kinaesthete:
The GDC just talk went up on the Vault, no account required: GDC Talk


Plans for 2.0 Version - Thanks hemtae!
From what I gleamed:
  • New enemy AI
  • More skills
  • Rebalanced economy
  • Overhaul writing with regards to story and companions
  • A multiplayer server requested by the Neverwinter Nights community


Previous and current game updates can be viewed here.


Quick overview of Divinity: Original Sin [1:44 MIN].

Detailed overview of Divinity: Original Sin.

$39.99|£29.99|€39.99|руб 599.00

DRM Free:
GOG|Larian Vault



Hi guys, I am a huge crpg fan. I've played (and love) many of them, from Fallout 1 to Baldur's Gate 2. I bought this game last week due to the posts of Sinatar and Durante. Here are my impressions:...Game is fucking awesome buy it if you have good taste in rpgs. -Sothpaw

      A prequel to Larian’s Divine Divinity, Divinity: Original Sin will see players discovering the early years of Rivellon’s history. As source hunters, you and your companion will seek out users of sourcery, a forbidden magic. Choose the class and gender for both your companions. During your journey you may meet companions and henchmen. A player can choose two to accompany them for maximum party size of four.

Character Creation overview( Australian | Bro )

Reactive world:
      In the game, reputation matters. Kill the wrong person, get caught stealing, the NPC’s will remember. Moreover, they will react accordingly. Get caught committing a murder in the city, picking pockets, or looting houses? Don’t be surprised when the guards are summoned post haste.
On the other hand, do it surreptitiously, and you can be rewarded greatly; either with gold or the peace of mind knowing that NPC will never trouble you again. If a whole town has run afoul of your presence, why not get rid of them permanently? D:OS is free form, with multiple ways in which to complete quests if main NPC’s suffer from "accidents".. so if you tire of the townsfolk, eliminate them. Become the Butcher of Rivellon¹.

For a game with this amount of content and with these many interlocking systems, the level of polish is nothing short of remarkable. - Zeliard

    Multiple side quests on top of the main quests will present themselves as you forge a path in Divinity: Original Sin. A forgotten lighthouse. A daugher seeking to have her father find peace. The last survivor of a slaughtered people offering riches to murder the innocent child of those that cut down his people. Will you carry out his contract? Will you turn him in? Or are you smart enough to make a profit by playing both sides?

Interactivity & Crafting:
      Besides the NPCs, the world’s objects are very interactive. Everything not nailed down can be manipulated by your party, provided they have the requisite strength to do so. Stack or destroy boxes and barrels to reveal hidden paths and objects, or circumvent vents pumping poison into the room. Perhaps you want to liberate the NPC’s of their weapons and armor, and most importantly their gold cutlery, paintings, and other valuables?
Crafting is a major component of Divinity:Original Sin. Iron ore, Arrowheads, brooms, pixie dust, pots and pans, nails everything has it’s use. Try various combinations to see what you can create, or read texts in game that will give you hints as to what combines effectively. Not to be limited to just armor and weapons, food is also craftable. Certain talents will even reward the player for eating food instead of buying copious amounts of healing potions.

Crafting & Cooking Recipes
Crafting Dependencies

Companions & Henchmen:
      During your travels, you may find adventurers equally willing to join your cause. Be careful though, as these companions have their own allegiances and will react to your actions in the world and try to influence your choices. As they adventure with you in the world, control how they specialize and what abilities they improve.When Divinity: Original Sin launches, only two companions will be included, the rest will be introduced via free updates at a later date.

      If you find the banter or judgement of the companions tiresome, or they simply do not interest you. Larian has also provided a multitude of henchmen, mercenaries who will fight for you without heed of personal goals or morality. Unlike the companions, D:OS will launch with a full retinue of henchmen available.

(Click on the GIF for a detailed WebM of Henchmen sample choices)

Voice Acting:
      While not originally planned, Larian Studios has decided to help implement voice acting in the game. Therefore, the general world conversations and banter between the companions and NPC’s will be voiced. They also have multiple voice options for the main companions. The below link is for their previous game Divinity: Dragon Commander. Larian has confirmed that the same studio and some of the actors and actresses will also work on Original Sin:

Actors & Actresses.


I've just tried coop with my girlfriend and it's really solid. Combat feels fun with so many interactions, you can even hit your friend by accident or escape from combat and leave him alone... - Valygar

      You are not alone, if you don't want to be. D:OS includes a full drop in/drop out co-op experience so you can adventure throughout Rivellon with your friends or with strangers. Either command your friends character or build your own by joining at the character creation screen. But just because you are in the same game does not mean you are restricted to following each other. Walk to the ends of the world on your own, or fully participate in each other’s experience. Disagree with your companion or co-op partner? Larian has implemented an adversarial mini-game to help resolve conflicts over what action your party should take throughout the game. Use your charm abilities, reasoning; or if you want to be blunt, intimidation to help stack the challenge in your favor.

      Have a Mac? Larian has made the PC and Mac versions cross compatible so you can play with friends that use different types of computers.

4 Player Co-Op:
      The main game officially supports two players. A modder has released a mod that allows up to four people to play together:

Simply 4 Player


      Divinity: Original Sin is a turn-based isometric RPG. The use of skills, equipment, weapons, spells and even the environment are necessary to proceed further into the game. Unlike some other RPGs, Divinity: Original Sin is a classless game. Be it the ability to turn invisible as an assassin, and sneak up to your enemies to deliver a lethal backstab. Or, manipulate the four elements often to exploit inherent weaknesses. Or, create your own opportunities. Summon a oil slick under your enemies and they will become slowed. Then ignite the oil with a fireball to watch them burn. If that is too indirect, knock down your enemies with a swift charge, then use a talent that increases your damage against fallen enemies. Teleport your enemies beside you to open them up to a backstab. Freeze your enemies before you charge them. The combinations are only limited by your imagination. This class flexibility extends outside combat. Learn to lockpick, teleport others, pick pockets, or talk to animals. Your choices will influence how quests are completed and where you can go.

(Click on the GIF for a detailed WebM)

New to cRPG's:
      If that seems too daunting at the start, the game also offers editable starting builds for players who don’t want to deal with the systems early on. When a new level is gained, take your time reading the textual prompts that explain what each ability, talent, or skill does and how much it impacts the type of character you want to create. Also, don't worry about upgrading your characters all at once, upgrade them gradually as you see fit.

Stole from a cat, which proceeded to electrocute us in a pool of our blood. The blood on the ground from our battle was used as a catalyst to electrocute us.
- Sykotik


Can be found at the end of this post.



    Larian has come up with a compromise for the Original Sin soundtrack as Kirill is ill. Fifty of the compositions will be original pieces designed for D:OS. At the same time, they have remastered an additional fifty unreleased songs previously written by Kirill for other titles in the Divinity universe. Thirty previously released songs have also been remastered for inclusion in Divinity: Original Sin.

Divinity: Original Sin soundtrack sample:
Memories of the Future
Something for Kickstarter Backers.

Older Catalog:
War And Peace
Warring Winds And Crimson Tides


The guide can now be found in the following post.


Editor Announcement trailer featuring Cow Simulator 2014.

       Divinity: Original Sin will also come with a powerful game editor, which will ship after the main game. The editor is the same one used by the developer to make D:OS, with an included tutorial to help players understand how to create in D:OS. One of the interesting features will be a preview function (which is demonstrated in the newest editor footage below) that will allow everyone to drop character in immediately to test out what they have built. More advanced modders will be able to change the singleplayer campaign or even build their own campaign, complete with different protagonist choices.

Opening the editor and Main story mod will spoil the game! Do not open the editor/Main mod if you would like to finish the game without spoilers! Do not save when the main mod is opened. This can break the game and data/levels!
Editor Guides:

Step by Step Guide:

Shaping a Terrain
Building your first house
Setting up the AI Grid
Painting Instances
Placing Items and Prefabs
Changing Atmospheres
Triggering Atmospheres

Scripting Guide:

Scripting a Quest: Part 1
Scripting a Quest: Part 2
Scripting Combat
Scripting Databases: Part 1
Scripting Databases: Part 2
Basic Dialog Setup


Composite video guide
Written guide.

Access Cow Simulator 2014:
i. Click on this link.
ii. Log into Steam.
iii. Scroll down and click the green button marked "Subscribe" to start the download.

Editor Footage:
Video A

Old footage:
Video A
Video B
Video C


I think one thing that should also be mentioned (and applauded) is that this is by far the most technically accomplished of all the recent (and upcoming available on EA) CRPGs (eg. Shadowrun / M&MX / Blackguards / Wasteland 2). It's graphically superior to all of them while also performing consistently well. Larian clearly have some real programmers and know exactly what they are doing with their own engine. -Durante



Unconfirmed Member

General tips:

  • Remember, the game is classless, so you are not locked into one or two specific types of gameplay if you do not wish. If you are afraid of regret later into the game, know that you can respect your characters. Just note that you will have to find the ability books to learn new abilities.
  • The first companions you can recruit are a two handed knight and an air & water mage. You can also recruit multiple types of henchmen if they do not seem appealing. You may wish to keep this in mind when choosing your starting builds.
  • For upgrading, each new level requires "n" points. e.g. Level 2 requires 2 points, Level 3 requires 3 points, etc.

Mechanical tips:

Unlock 360° camera:
  1. Open the options menu.
  2. Click on Game.
  3. Scroll down and click the box next to "Unlock rotation".
Game Saves: D:OS uses a rolling quicksave & autosave feature, so after the alotted amount of each is reached, the game will start to recycle the save slots. To increase or decrease each amount:
  1. Open the options menu.
  2. Click on Game
  3. Scroll down and adjust the sliders to change the numbers to your preference.
General talent and ability guide:

  • Blacksmith: A very useful ability that will improve your weapons and equipment. If high enough, you can ensure that your party overpowers all the enemies they face. You will invariably find at least one piece of equipment that grants Blacksmith +1, and the talent Scientist will give an additional +1 so only invest one point if you wish during the character creation.
  • Crafting: Crafting is a especially useful talent for Rangers, as special type arrows make the Ranger a formidable component of your party. For everyone else, crafting allows the user to create otherwise unobtainable items or improve found an purchased equipment in unique ways later in the game.
  • Loremaster: Do not invest points into Loremaster early in the game. You will find many rings, necklaces, bracers, boots, and hats that will give you points in the ability. The Mage preset character build comes with a point in Loremaster, so you may want to change that before starting your adventure.
  • Pickpocket: The only useful 'thief' type skill. Distract a merchant with one party member and use your thief to take what you need!
  • Sneaking & Lockpick: Are not really useful. You can distract a guard or merchant by having your partner start a conversation. Or simply move the worlds objects to disrupt their line of vision. Magic and Physical attacks can bash locked doors and chests. If it is a special chest, there is usually a key located nearby. Blacksmith can repair any damage to weapons and there is no downside to using magic based attacks.

  • Pet Pal trait: On top of opening unique quests conversing with animals may open new avenues to solve quests. Outside of that, some animals will offer advice, warnings related to enemies in the area, or some humorous dialogue.
  • Scientist: Adds +1 to both Crafting and Blacksmith. A potent talent for later in game, and something your designated Crafter/blacksmith should invest in.



  • Far-out man: A good starting talent that will be a great boon throughout the entire game.
Late game:
  • Glass Cannon: When it becomes available later in the game, it's benefits greatly outweigh the negative aspects and allow multiple spells to be cast in a single turn.

When choosing a magic specialization, remember to use two whose powers compliment each other, such as fire & earth or air & water. Each school will eventually get a summon, crowd control, and direct damage spells. But some schools will excel in one aspect more than the rest. Everyone can use magic as long as they have a single point in the specific school.

  • Witchcraft is a primarily buff and debuff school, and doesn't start you off with a decent set of skills. It becomes very useful as you progress later in the game. It maybe better to add a point into the ability list later in the game, rather than invest in it prematurely.
Oath of Desecration is the first witchcraft spell you should endeavor to lean and should be cast on the party melee characters.
  • Pyrokinetic (Fire) offers some of the more useful early and late game direct damage spells. It combines well with earth type spells and poison spells used by enemies you will face in the first few hours.
  • Geomancer (Earth) has the only summon creature along with the only crowd control spell (Midnight Oil) available at the start of the game. It combines well with fire spells, and some spells will give a poison area affect. Additionally, it is the only school that offers two types of summoned creatures.
  • Aerotheurge (Air) has the two teleport spells later in the game, which are a very effective way to control enemies and has uses outside of combat. It also offers lightning spells that can combine with water or clouds made of steam.
  • Hydrosophist (Water) gives access to healing spells. Additionally ice and water spells can be used to, put out flames, clear poisoned areas, or set up a combination attack with lightening.

Between a one handed and two handed warrior, the latter is the best choice.


  • Leech: is the most important talent for a Melee character to have.
  • Bully: The 50% damage increase is a great buff and combines well with many warrior abilites that cause knockdown.
  • Opportunist: Good talents, that allows damage to be dealt during enemy turns.
  • Thick Skin: A great talent if you are interested in boosting the damage resistance of your warrior.
Late game:
  • Weather the Storm: Elemental Resistances above 100% cause elemental damage to heal the player.
  • Battering Ram: A good starting skill and one of the most useful melee attacks.
  • Crushing Fist: A bit less useful than Battering Ram, as it only affects a single enemy.
  • Dust Devil: A great skill for damaging multiple enemies at the same time.
Late game:
  • Flurry: A skill that should be invested in as soon as possible as it combines well with the buffs to eliminate most enemies in a single attack when combined with talents Bully and abilities such as Oath of Desecration.


  • Tactical Retreat: Allows the player to reposition for tactical advantage or escape harm.
  • Ricochet: Allows the player to attack multiple targets and combines well with the Bully talent.
Late game:
  • Mute: A good skill to invest in to negate enemy casters both early and later in the game.
  • Minor Charm: Turn an enemy into an ally for a few turns.
  • Arrow Spray: Shoot arrows in a arc. A rare skill to come by.

  • Bully: As with melee characters, it is very useful to Rangers and combines will with Ricochet and Arrow Spray.


Crafting & Cooking Recipes
Alternate List of Recipes

Crafting Dependencies



King Crab Inn
Main Marketplace
Legion Headquarters (Location of Aureus and Arhu)
Esmeralda's shop
Blacksmith Forge
Harbour Warehouse
Cook's house (The Quartermaster is upstairs)
Abandoned House

Ability & Equipment vendors:

Air (Aerotheurge) and Water (Hydrosophist) abilities:Map.
Cylia the Enchantress, in the Northwest area of the marketplace.
Fire (Pyrokinetic) and Earth (Geomancer) abilities:Map.
Arhu, Second floor of the Legion Headquarters.
Witchcraft and Scoundrel abilities:Map.
Shereth, a vendor located in a room on the second floor of the King Crab Inn.
Ranger (Expert Marksman) skills: Map.
Fletcher, a vendor (female) in the south west area of the marketplace.
Man-at-Arms abilities:Map.
Aureus, located on the first floor of the Legion Headquarters.
Melee Weapons & Armor:Map.
Quartermaster located in the second level of the Cook's house.


A two handed knight, she can be located in the King Crab Inn.
A Mage specializing in air & water magic, he can be found in the library above the town hall.


  • New areas in the homestead are unlocked as you progress in the game
  • You can directly send ingredients or other items to your homestead if you do not want to carry them around all the time.

Inner Chamber: Items sent to the Homestead will be placed in two chests here.
Hall of Heroes: Henchmen are recruited here and your companions can be found here if you dismiss them. There is also an anvil and Whetstone to improve weapons.

Ability Vendors are located in their respective elemental halls:
  • Each hall additionally offers empty spell books and elemental essences for sale.
Hall of Frost: Water spells & Marksmen Spells
Hall of Fire: Fire spells & Melee abilities
Hall of Earth: Earth & Witchcraft spells
Hall of Wind: Air spells & Scoundrel abilities

Hall of Secrets: Purchase locations of buried treasure and locations. Additionally, purchase books that grant the user one ability & three skill points. The books restock at level up.


nichegamer: [9.5]
GameInformer: [9]
StrategyInformer: [8.5]
Multiplayer.it: [9] (Italian)

Angry Centaur Gaming: [Buy]²

Angry Centaur Gaming: Quicklook
Kotaku: Quicklook
GameInformer: Quicklook
CraveOnline: Article

¹Be a hero if you must.
²Divinity: Original Sin is not an Action RPG. It is also not titled, Divine Divinity:Original Sin. The developer studio is Larian, not Lorien.

OT thanks:[/U] (If I missed your name, please let me know)
Toodles | Santiako |Valygar | -tetsuo- | Enduin | TrueMenace | NIN90 |Zukuu
RK9039 | foobarry81 | Sothpaw | Shahadan | Sinatar | Vanethyr | Ragona
Adnor | Lord Panda | Labadal | kafiend |Palehorse | Crazy_maniac
ZoddGutts | Santiako | Tommyhawk | mrpeabody | JLeack
Durante | LurkerPrime | Sykotik | FACE | Gnub |Aeana


I'm far from being a larian fan, I usually think they have great ideas, but poor execution.
but this might seriously be their best game to date, I was really blown away by the beta.

apart from some low budget issues like missing voice work and simple cutscenes, this is an absolutely flawless and amazing RPG.
world interaction is off the chart, the joy of the game and really impressive.

combat is among the best among round-based for me (as I usually dont really enjoy turn based as much as others).

I didnt want to play more than one hour of the early access, but I already spent 6 hours with the game because I simply couldnt stop.
if the game can hold up that quality until the end, this is a very serious GOTY contender for me.


Nice op! It's a shame that you wouldn't put the "port beg = good taste" but it makes sense why the mods didn't want that.

Btw, what button do you use to activate free camera rotate?

It's on options. Also, if you press B you get "battle camera" with free 360° camera.

V or middle mouse button. You can also edit one of the files to get full 360 camera rotation.

You don't need to edit files now :D!


the holder of the trombone
Alright cool.

Also oh snap. Didn't think of talking to someone so that I can turn away his vision cone for stealthing.

I think I'm going to love this game.


Alright cool.

Also oh snap. Didn't think of talking to someone so that I can turn away his vision cone for stealthing.

I think I'm going to love this game.

You can abuse the system with that, not only for stealing, but also for fighting...
Mini-spoilers for something that happens right in the beginning of the game:
If you decide to fight the guards right after the tutorial dungeon, when the guards are talking you can use your second PC to summon a spider, or to create an oil field, without wasting AP. I don't know if they will change this when the game is released


Tried out the beta yesterday for about an hour or so and LOVED every minute of it. Can't wait for next week.


Had the game on my watchlist ever since it was announced and finally had to bite when it was on sale on Steam.
Cant wait to try it out next week in hope of many, many hours of fun


Damn now I feel like I should have purchased it when it was a daily, just so I could get a start on it. It'll probably pop back up though.


the holder of the trombone
Damn now I feel like I should have purchased it when it was a daily, just so I could get a start on it. It'll probably pop back up though.

They said that they only planned for one days of sales. Though steam usually does repeats on the final day I think?


Does anyone know how the kickstarter keys are working? My friend is the one that actually backed it for the 2 pack (I paid him for my half). I know they're supposed to be giving new keys for backers for the full game. Have they given any updates as to when they're going to give these keys out? Don't want to be in the lurch if they stretch it out until the 30th and having to wait for my friend to get online and send me his key.


Unconfirmed Member
So if I've never played any of the divinity games am I going to be lost?

No. Original Sin is a prequel to the main Divinity series. There are some references and characters in OS that appear in the later games, but you won't miss anything major.

It's a prequel to all of them. There's going to be a few characters from the other games and likely some references but you should be fine.

Dragon Commander technically happens prior to the rest of the Divinity series. But, due to what happens in the story and how much time has passed, none of what happens really impacts the later games.




So if I've never played any of the divinity games am I going to be lost?
Not at all. The game opens as a by-the-books murder investigation, you'll pick up all the story threads simply by asking questions around the town you've been sent to. Timeline-wise, the game is a prequel to the other Divinity stories - no prior knowledge of those games' events is required.
[Edit] ha, super late with that answer, sorry. Posting from phone whilst playing with a toddler.


My defining moment of the game:

I had a bag of flour and a cup of water. I decided to try and combine them to see if it worked. I got a piece of dough in return. Later I found a fish and decided to try and combine it with the dough. I got dough with a fish sticking out of it.

Then I ate it.

Divinity: Original Sin, game of the year.


I just bought the game on the steam sale and it's in the pre-release state. Anyone know if there is any reason to hold off playing it until next week? Is there any sense on whether or not saves will be compatible with the final release? Or are there major bugs/changes happening with the final that makes it worth holding off?


My defining moment of the game:

I had a bag of flour and a cup of water. I decided to try and combine them to see if it worked. I got a piece of dough in return. Later I found a fish and decided to try and combine it with the dough. I got dough with a fish sticking out of it.

Then I ate it.

Divinity: Original Sin, game of the year.

Lol, my favourite part so far was repairing a cooking pot and then using it as a helmet. And you can combine a branch and a nail to make a decent weapon.

Also Pet Pal is awesome.


My defining moment of the game:

I had a bag of flour and a cup of water. I decided to try and combine them to see if it worked. I got a piece of dough in return. Later I found a fish and decided to try and combine it with the dough. I got dough with a fish sticking out of it.

Then I ate it.

Divinity: Original Sin, game of the year.

So Durante, how good is the dialogue and writing that you have seen?
I haven't seen any except for the first few minutes. Want to go in unspoiled.

But Dragon Commander was their most recent game, and the writing in that is great and hilarious. Larian are rather unique in that they make solid, decently budgeted fantasy games that don't take themselves particularly seriously. I wouldn't trust them to write highly emotional drama, but not every game needs that. And the only game writer I'd trust to do that is MCA anyway :p


Well, that's pretty cool i guess.. But more importantly, can you go fishing?
Sadly you can't.
My defining moment of the game:

I had a bag of flour and a cup of water. I decided to try and combine them to see if it worked. I got a piece of dough in return. Later I found a fish and decided to try and combine it with the dough. I got dough with a fish sticking out of it.

Then I ate it.

Divinity: Original Sin, game of the year.
A typical cysealean pie!
I just bought the game on the steam sale and it's in the pre-release state. Anyone know if there is any reason to hold off playing it until next week? Is there any sense on whether or not saves will be compatible with the final release? Or are there major bugs/changes happening with the final that makes it worth holding off?
They said since the beginning of the alpha that the final release would wipe all saves. The beta just has 1/4 of the final game.
you guys gonna go co-op straight out the gate?
Solo for my first playthrough.
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